Chapter 37

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(Blake's POV)

Jinn: I am Jinn, a being created by the God of Light to aid Humanity in its pursuit of knowledge. I've been graced with the ability to answer three questions every one hundred years. You're in luck, as I am still able to answer-

Ozpin: That's enough!

Everyone looked down at Oscar. So Ozpin regained control over his body.

Jinn: ...Two questions this era.

She can answer two questions? But Ozpin said that they were already used up. Jinn chuckled while looking at Ozpin.

Jinn: It's a pleasure to see you again, old man.

Ozpin: Ruby, please... Don't.

Ruby looked down at Ozpin, not knowing what to think. Ruby turned to look at Jinn.

Ruby: Jinn, what is Ozpin hiding from us?

Ozpin: NO!!!

Ozpin stood up and lunged at Ruby. But before he could reach her everything went white. I looked around and couldn't find anyone or anything.

Blake: Ruby? Weiss? Yang?

Suddenly a field of green grass appeared with a trail leading to a castle.

Blake: Where am I?

Jinn: Once upon a time, there stood a lonely tower...

Blue smoke enveloped me, covering my field of vision. The smoke faded and I'm inside the castle. I saw a blonde haired woman sitting in front of a mirror.

Jinn: ...That sheltered a lonely girl.

The woman turned around and smiled to herself.

Jinn: Named... Salem.

That's Salem?! I never thought she'd look so... Not evil. She stood up and walked over to a window, staring out of it.

Jinn: Locked away by her cruel father, Salem was a girl who desired but one thing. Freedom.

Salem stood up and walked past me.

Jinn: She lived in a time when kings and their Kingdoms were plentiful, when men and women were capable of greatness, and magic was a gift from the Gods that all could wield.

Salem lifted her hand up and colorful orbs came from her hand. I couldn't help but be a little captivated by the magical orbs.

Jinn: And yet, there she sat within her tower.

Blue smoke covered the area and when the smoke disappeared, I'm back outside of the castle.

Jinn: Until one day, a legendary hero came to brave the challenges within the tower's walls.

I saw a man walking past an army of fallen soldiers. The man held a scepter and stood proudly.

Jinn: The people of the lands knew him as Ozma.

Ozma walked forward, walking right through me.

Jinn: Unlike those who had come before, this warrior was not driven by the prize of the young maiden's hand. He fought only for righteousness, and his pure heart and courageous soul prevailed.

Ozma went inside of the castle and went into the room Salem is in. She looked at Ozma and smiled. They ran out of the castle, while fighting off people trying to stop them.

Jinn: Ozma had been ready to give his life for justice countless times, but now saw a woman worth saving it for. And Salem, to her surprise, found her freedom not in the outside world she had yearned for, but in the eyes of the man that had saved her.

Salem: So, where should we go now?

Ozma: Wherever you'd like.

Jinn: The two fell deeply in love, planned adventures around the world, and lived happily ever after.

Everything disappeared.

Jinn: Or at least that's what should have been.

I appeared in a room. Salem is kneeling in front of a bed with Ozma laying down on it. Salem grabbed Ozma's hand while crying.

Jinn: Ozma, the infallible hero of legend, fell ill. And where all the beasts and blades of the world had fallen short, a single sickness prevailed.

I actually felt bad for her. She found her love and lost him, like how I lost (Y/N).

Salem: How could the Gods let this happen?

The scene changed to a large calm spring on top of a mountain. There is a huge tree on the other side of the water and Salem walked up to the body of water, while holding Ozma's scepter.

Jinn: Salem went to the God of Light, hoping that he will bring Ozma back to life.

A golden figure appeared from the water. It's a featureless man with antlers on the top of his head.

Salem: Please... Please, bring him back to me.

God of Light: I understand your pain, but you demand of me that which I cannot make so. Life and death are part of a delicate balance.

Salem: So... You won't do it then?

God of Light: To disrupt the cycle of-

Salem: But that's not fair... That's not fair!

Her voice echoed across the area. The God of Light looked at her.

God of Light: Let. Him. Rest.

He said sternly. The scene changed again. The area changed to a dark area with dark pools of black sludge. Grimm are scattered around the area. Salem walked up to a huge area with the black sludge. A purple figure appeared with horns on its head.

Jinn: The God of Darkness. None dared to walk on his grounds, but Salem knew that and was hoping the the God of Darkness would listen to her prayers. Salem told him about her fallen love, asking the God for his help.

God of Darkness: Rise, child, and let your faith in me be rewarded.

Salem stood up. The God of Darkness raised his hand, a dark purple energy appeared from his hand and Ozma appeared in front of Salem. Ozma gasped and looked around with a terrified look in his face.

Ozma: Where am I? What is this?! Where am I?!

Salem: It's okay! Everything's going to be okay!

The God of Light suddenly appeared.

God of Light: What have you done?

He doesn't sound too happy.

God of Darkness: I have done what I please, brother. You may bask in the powers of creation, but you do not own them.

God of Light: This is not creation.

God of Darkness: Do not lecture me!

Grimm slowly started to surround the area.

God of Light: I will do what I must to maintain order.

The God of Light raised his hand and made Ozma disappear. Salem got anger and shouted at the brothers.

Salem: No! No! Bring him back! Right now!

God of Darkness: After a human bows to my feet before you, you now thinks it's a good thing to interrupt me!

God of Light: It seems that she hasn't told you the full story. She came to me first, wanting the same thing.

God of Darkness: She has? Then allow me to apologize.

The God of Light raised his hand again. The scene changed back to the spring on top of the mountain with the two brothers standing on the water and Salem standing in front of them.

God of Light: It is clear that your selfishness and arrogance has led you astray. So I have made you immortal.

Salem: Immortal?

God of Darkness: You can not die. You can not be with your beloved.

God of Light: So long as this world spins, you shall walk it's face. You must learn the importance of life and death. Only then may you rest.

Salem tried to reach at the Gods, but she was transported to an open field.

Jinn: Salem was a prisoner once again. Her fruitless attempts to reunite with Ozma eventually became nothing more than acts of spite and defiance against the Gods.

I saw Salem grab a dagger and stabbed herself with it, trying to kill herself, but she lived.

Jinn: But Salem realized something. Perhaps the Gods weren't as strong as she thought. She had lied to them, maybe they could be taken down.

The scene changed to Salem going to several kingdoms.

Jinn: Salem told people about her immortality and to prove it, allowed any knight to attempt to strike her down. All of them failed. With the kings and queens in awe, Salem said that she stole her immortality from the Gods and got an army of people, getting ready to fight the Gods.

Blue smoked covered the area again. When it went away, I'm back at the spring. Salem and the army of people got ready to fight. The two Gods appeared and looked at the army. Everyone shot magical orbs at the Gods. The God of Darkness held out his hand and all the orbs went to his hand.

God of Darkness: So the gift I gave to humanity is being used against me. Disgusting.

He smashed the orbs in his hand, causing a huge purple blast to cover the whole area. I covered my eyes, making sure I didn't go blind. I looked back and every person, other than Salem, is gone.

Salem: No... I'll be back! With an even greater army!

God of Darkness: You do not understand. There is no one left. You are all that remains of Humanity.

Salem's face went to shock.

God of Light: This planet was a beautiful experiment, but it is merely a remnant of what it once was. We will learn from this failure. I hope that you will learn from yours.

The two Gods left. Salem fell down to her knees. The scene changed to the dark land again. Salem looked down at the black sludge and jumped into it, fully submerging into it.

Jinn: Salem, after countless attempts of ending her eternal life, thought that the substance that the God of Darkness made could take away her immortality.

A white hand came out of the black sludge and Salem pulled herself out of it. Her skin and hair are now pure white and her eyes are red and black.

Jinn: She was wrong. Instead of taking away her immortality, it created a being with a desire for pure destruction.

The scene changed to a white void. Ozma and the God of Light is standing there.

Jinn: The God of Light went to Ozma, offering him a chance back to life with a goal of restoring humanity. Ozma accepted the goal and was transported to the living realm in a different body.

Blue smoke covered the white void, turning it to a village, being attacked by Grimm. Ozma's soul went into a random man and he fought the Grimm off.

Jinn: With his new mission, he traveled across the world. After awhile, he found a small cabin, with a woman people referred to as "The Witch".

Ozma is standing in front of a cabin in the middle of the woods. The door opened and revealed Salem. The two looked at each other.

Jinn: Even in different bodies, the two knew who they were looking at. They both were reunited again.

The two walked up to each other and they shared a kiss.

Ozma: What do we do now?

Salem: Whatever we like.

Time passed, showing the two now living in a castle, with four girls running around.

Jinn: They lived their lives together, starting a family together. They had four girls and one boy, the youngest out of the children.

I looked around the room and didn't see the boy anywhere. I heard a door slam open. I turned around and saw...

Blake: There's no way... Is that him?

(Y/N): Mommy! Daddy!

The young boy ran right through me and ran at Ozma and Salem. The two of them hugging him.

Salem: How was your day, my cute (Y/N)?

(Chapter 37 end)

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