Chapter 5

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(Blake's POV)

I've been here at Beacon for about a week now. Me and my team are eating lunch in the cafeteria with team JNPR.

Ruby: Hey Jaune, why do you look sad?

Everyone turned their attention to Jaune. He noticed us looking at him.

Jaune: It's nothing much. It's just Cardin.

Pyrrha: Is he bullying you?

Jaune: What? No. What would give you that idea?

Yang: He's a jerk to everyone.

Weiss: And with you being... You, you're an easy target for bullying.

Jaune: Geez, you could've worded that nicer.

Nora: Can I break his legs?!

Pyrrha put her hand on Jaune's shoulder.

Pyrrha: We can deal with him if you want.

Jaune: It's fine, really.

(Y/N): I can help you too if you want.

Everyone looked around. I can hear (Y/N)'s voice, but I don't see (Y/N) anywhere.

Jaune: Where did that voice come from?

(Y/N) appeared next to Jaune.

Ruby: Wow! How did you do that?!

(Y/N): Camouflage. Pretty amazing huh? It took my awhile to master that trick.

Camouflage... That reminds me of Ilia.

Ruby: That's so cool! Please tell me what else you can do!

(Y/N): I think what I can't do would be a shorter list.

I saw that he still has those cat ears on me. It's been a week, does he have to keep mocking me? This joke wasn't funny and it isn't getting funny.

(Y/N): Back on topic. Jaune, just ignore Cardin.

Jaune: That sounds hard to do.

(Y/N): Well- Ow!

I saw Cardin behind (Y/N). Cardin is pulling on (Y/N)'s cat ears.

Cardin: I told you guys they are real.

His team started to laugh. Yang and Nora stood up and got ready for a fight.

Nora: I don't have my weapon, but I'll still break those legs!

Cardin: Whatever. I don't know why you're friends with this Faunus trash.

He let go of (Y/N)'s ears, him and his team walked away. (Y/N) rubbed his ears.

(Y/N): That hurt.

Jaune: Are you ok?

(Y/N): I'm fine. Don't worry.

He pulled out a scroll from his pocket. He checked it and he stood up.

(Y/N): I have to go. I'll talk to you all another time.

(Y/N) ran out of the cafeteria.

Ruby: Hey. Haven't you all noticed that (Y/N) keeps those cat ears on his head?

Yang: Yeah, I noticed that too. Maybe he's a cat Faunus and just uses his semblance to hide them.

Blake: Or he's just pretending to be a Faunus.

Ren: Why would he do that? I don't see a reason.

Blake: Maybe to mock the Faunus. A lot of people do that these days.

Pyrrha: I don't think we should gossip about him. It's pretty rude to do so.

Jaune: Yeah. Plus, he could be here right now and we don't know it.

I heard the bell ring. Everyone got up and we went to our next class.

(Readers POV) (A Few Hours Later)

(Y/N): That match could've gone better.

The match between Cardin and Jaune finished. Jaune lost, pretty badly. Why did he let Cardin win. I heard the bell ring, meaning that all classes for the day is over.

Glynda: That's the last match for today. Everyone is dismissed.

I got up from my seat and walked out the room. I saw team RWBY leaving. I walked up to them.

(Y/N): Hey guys.

Ruby: Hey (Y/N).

(Y/N): Do you guys have any plans?

Yang: We are planning to go to Vale tomorrow.

(Y/N): Oh nice. Can I join?

Weiss: No.

Oh, I guess I'm not wanted.

Ruby: Weiss! Be a little nicer!

Weiss: I just don't trust a Faunus to be with us.

Wait, what? I looked at Blake. Did she not tell her team that she's a Faunus? Blake looked away from me. I think she can tell what I'm thinking.

Ruby: Don't listen to Weiss! She's just in a bad mood.

(Y/N): When is she not in a bad mood?

Weiss: What is that supposed to mean?!

Yang: You're right there, (Y/N).

She gave me a high five.

Ruby: You can come with us tomorrow if you want to.

(Y/N): Nice. Sounds like fun. I'll meet up with you four before you leave.

The four walked away. I turned around and turned a corner. I felt a fist to my gut. I spat out some saliva and held my gut, falling to one knee.

Cardin: Wow. Can't even take a hit.

(Y/N): I wasn't... Excepting it.

I took a few deep breaths. That punch took all the air out of me.

Cardin: You Faunus are all the same.

He kicked me down to the ground. I saw Cardin and his team laughing at me.

Cardin: Come on. Aren't you going to fight back?

(Y/N): I'm not going to stoop down to your level.

Cardin got mad and picked me up by my cat ears.

Cardin: You think you're better than me?!

He punched me in the face. That hurt. I thought about what to do. I don't want to get in trouble for hurting him, he might try to say I attacked first.

Cardin: Got nothing to say?

He punched me in the face again.

Cardin: You little bi-

I grew a skunk tail and released a foul smelling odor. Cardin and his team smelled it and it looks like they are about to throw up. Cardin dropped me and they ran away.

(Y/N): That worked.

I got rid of my skunk tail.

Glynda: Whats that smell?!

I heard Glynda shout from her class room.

(Y/N): I need to go.

I stood up and ran away as fast as possible. I made it to my dorm room and entered it, locking the door.

(Y/N): That was close. I almost got a weekend detention.

My scroll went off. I checked it and Ozpin is calling me. I answered it.

(Y/N): Hello?

Ozpin: Hi (Y/N). I'm getting some complaints that there is a foul odor near Glynda's class room. Do you know anything about this?

(Y/N): Ummm... Nope. Not at all.

Glynda: I know you're responsible!

I heard Glynda shout through the scroll.

Glynda: You will be severely punished for this! Do you have anything to say for yourself?!

(Y/N): ...

Glynda: ...

(Y/N): You don't have any evidence that I did it.

I hung up the call and powered the scroll off.

(Y/N): That was close. I need to go to bed.

(Chapter 5 end)

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