Chapter 50

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(Blake's POV)

I looked over at Ruby, Weiss, Nora, and Penny.

Blake: Are you sure breaking into an Atlas Command Center is a good idea?

Ruby: Of course it is. It's the only way we'll be able to get Amity Colosseum up to get back global communications.

I took a deep breath and looked out at Atlas. After Ironwood decided that we are wanted people, any one mistake can be the deciding factor of victory or defeat.

Penny: Oh!

Ruby: Penny. Is something wrong?

Penny: Something is flying towards us at a high speed.

Weiss: Is it an enemy?

Penny: I can not tell. Something is familiar about it.

I looked over to where Penny is looking. I saw something flying towards our direction. As the thing flew closer, some of it's details started to be visible. I can see that it's (Y/N)!

Blake: It's (Y/N)!

Ruby: Really?!

(Y/N) flew down and landed in front of me. He looked up at me and immediately wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

(Y/N): Blake... I'm sorry for leaving you again.

Blake: (Y/N)...

I returned the hug, tightly holding him and not wanting to let go. We eventually broke the hug.

(Y/N): I, uh, like the new look.

I felt my face heat up from his compliment. I moved my short hair slightly.

Blake: You really think so?

(Y/N): Of course I think so. I wouldn't lie to you, Blake.

Ruby: (Y/N)'s here! You can help us!

(Y/N): Eh?

(Y/N) looked over at everyone else. He froze when he saw Penny. He took a step back as a bead of sweat came from his forehead.

(Y/N): H-How are you alive? You should be dead! I saw it with my eyes!

Penny looked concerned for (Y/N).

Penny: I'm not a real girl. I'm a robot, so it's easy for me be rebuilt.

(Y/N): Something is different from before. It's like your soul is the same, yet also different.

Ruby walked up to (Y/N) and put her hand in his shoulder.

Ruby: Her father used some of his aura to rebuild her. That's probably what you're thinking of.

(Y/N) looked over at Penny with curiosity.

(Y/N): Why does she have Maiden powers?

Nora: That's a long story that you probably won't listen to, mister leave any time we see each other.

(Y/N) stayed silent and looked away from everyone.

(Y/N): Where is my father?

Weiss: Oscar? He's not with us.

(Y/N): That doesn't answer my question. Where is my father?

Blake: Please don't worry about that right now.

I walked up to (Y/N) and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Blake: Now is not the time for those kind of things. Can we just be together without having something we can't control get in the way?

(Y/N) looked at me as tears appeared in the corner of his eyes. He wiped them away and nodded his head.

(Y/N): Right. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that.

He sat down on the floor and rubbed his head. I put my hands on his shoulders. I looked back at everyone else.

Blake: You all can go ahead. I'll catch up.

Ruby: Ok, just don't get into any trouble.

Ruby, Weiss, Nora, and Penny jumped off the building we are on. I made (Y/N) look up at me.

Blake: You made me worry about, you know that?

(Y/N): Yeah, I do... Sor-

I put my hand over his mouth, making him stop talking.

Blake: Don't apologize. I just want to make sure you know what you're doing.

He nodded his head at me. I took my hand off his mouth and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

(Y/N): ...How can you be so nice to me after everything I've done?

Blake: I care about you. How can I not be nice to you? I love you.

(Y/N): Th-Thanks, I love you too.

(Y/N) stood up and looked at me.

(Y/N): Where is Oscar? I'm sure my mother is looking for him and something is looking for him.

Blake: Really? Do you know what's looking for him?

(Y/N): Yeah... I named it Hound. It's a powerful Grimm.

Blake: Oscar is with Yang, Jaune, and Ren right now. I'm sure he will be fine with them around.

(Y/N): Against that thing? I'm not quite sure who would win.

That doesn't sound great.

Blake: Then let's help him. I'm sure you know where the Hound Grimm is. Let's go stop it.

(Y/N) looked at me, with concern filling his eyes.

(Y/N): But what about mother? She won't be happy with me helping father.

Blake: So? I have some disdain for Ozpin, but he's no better than Salem. If you're going to help your mother, then it's only fair to help your father.

(Y/N) took a moment to think. After some time, he looked at me and her nodded his head.

(Y/N): Right. Let's go to him.

(Y/N) grew some wings and picked me up, flying up into the sky. I pulled out my scroll and called Ruby. She quickly answered my call.

Ruby: Blake? Where are you and (Y/N)?

Blake: We are going to help some people with a Grimm situation nearby. Just go on without us.

Ruby: ...Just don't die because of it, leader's orders!

Blake: Gotcha.

I stopped the call. I looked up at (Y/N).

Blake: Do you know where he is?

(Y/N): I still have Oscar's scent when I sniffed the Relic that Cinder had. I can easily follow it.

I nodded my head. We flew away from Atlas and flew down towards Mantle.

(Time Skip)

Me and (Y/N) are flying above the streets of Mantle. (Y/N) is looking around, searching for Oscar and everyone else.

(Y/N): He's nearby.

After some flying, me and (Y/N) saw Yang, Jaune, Ren, and Oscar on hover bikes. I saw a big dog like Grimm jump in front of them, making them stop.

(Y/N): That's Hound! Get ready!

(Y/N) dived down. We landed on the road and (Y/N) put me down on my feet. We both ran towards the Hound. It lunged towards Yang, Jaune, Ren, and Oscar, but me and (Y/N) kicked it away.

Yang, Jaune, Ren, Oscar: (Y/N)?! Blake?!

The Hound got up from being kicked it away. It looked over at (Y/N), tilting its head in curiosity.

(Y/N): Down boy. No biting my friends.

The Hound sat there, most likely not knowing what to do. Me and (Y/N) looked at everyone.

Blake: Are you all ok?

Yang: We're fine, but what are you doing here Blake?

Jaune: Yeah, same question for you (Y/N).

Oscar's body slightly glowed and he looked over at (Y/N), getting off a hover bike.

Ozpin: (Y/N). It's really you again.

I heard Ozpin's voice. He walked over at (Y/N).

(Y/N): It's been awhile, hasn't it father?

A spark of dark lightning came from (Y/N) right hand as (Y/N) started to scream in pain. He held his hand, but it slowly went pure white as an orb formed on the hand. I saw Salem appear in the orb.

Salem: (Y/N). Why are you helping him? Why are you helping that evil man that's called your father?

(Y/N): I-I'm not-

More sparks came from (Y/N)'s body, making him scream more.

Salem: Don't lie to your mother.

(Y/N): Stop! Mother please!

I felt my body froze in place hearing (Y/N)'s screams and everyone else is the same. (Y/N) looked over at me.

(Y/N): Blake! Help me!

(Y/N) quickly passed out from the pain. As he passed out, the sparks stopped and he fell down to the ground.

Salem: I'm on my way to get you, (Y/N).

The orbs went back into (Y/N)'s body. I picked (Y/N), and sighed in relief because I felt his heart beating.

Jaune: Everyone else heard that right? Salem is on her way here!

Ren: This isn't a good situation to be in.

I looked over at the Hound and it walked up to me, slowly licking (Y/N)'s face while whimpering.

Yang: Guess (Y/N) got a dog in the meantime.

I looked at (Y/N). I held him tightly. Things aren't going to be good soon. But I won't run away. I'll stay here with (Y/N)! Even if it costs my life!

(Chapter 50 end)

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