Chapter 52

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(Blake's POV)

Everyone has been driving for a while. We saw a small shed nearby and decided to stop by it.

Jaune: Finally, a place to rest.

(Y/N): It looks like Hound stopped chasing us.

Ozpin: But doesn't he track us by our scent? Surely he'll find us shortly.

(Y/N) thought about what to do and hugged everyone. A skunk tail grew on him and a foul smell appeared.

Yang: Eww! You could've at least warned us!

(Y/N): There, now Hound will lose our scent. Let's go inside the shed.

Everyone nodded and we all went inside the shed. Yang put her hand in her nose and just breathed through her mouth.

Yang: I hate you for that (Y/N).

(Y/N): Sorry...

We all sat down on the ground.

Blake: (Y/N)... Be honest with me... Are you feeling ok?

(Y/N) looked down and thought about what to say.

(Y/N): So many things are going through my mind... I honestly can't answer your question right now.

Ozpin sighed and he used his cane to poke (Y/N) on the knee, getting his attention.

Ozpin: (Y/N)... I just want to say that I'm sorry about everything you've just learned. I'm sure you're not quite sure what to think or process what you have remembered.

(Y/N): ...

His silence was deafening as everyone else decided to stay quiet. (Y/N) raised his hand and put it on Ozpin's shoulder.

(Y/N): Father... I know about all the... Horrible things you've done, but I do understand that you did them for my sake and the world's.

Ozpin: So you're not mad at me?

(Y/N): I never said that. I do have hate for you, but I'm not sure if that's from the thinking I've gotten from mother. Every horrible memory I have with you or mother, there's a good memory right after. So many mixed emotions, but I'm willing to give you one chance to prove to me that you've changed.

Ozpin smiled as a single tear came from him. He gave (Y/N) a quick hug.

Ozpin: Then I'll have to make sure to not disappoint you.

He broke the hug.

Jaune: Good to see you to made up.

I heard some footsteps from outside. I looked out a small window and saw Hound slowly walking around. It looked around, trying to find us.

Ren: Is everything-

Blake: Shh. Hound is outside.

I whispered. Everyone stayed quiet and as still as possible. After some time, Hound started to run away. I let out a sigh of relief.

Blake: It's gone.

Jaune: Phew! Good thing too, I didn't want to deal with that thing any time soon.

Yang: So, does anyone have a plan? Salem did get (Y/N), I think at least.

(Y/N): Oh, right. The other me. Father, do you have any idea?

Ozpin: I've never seen anything like that before. My best guess is that after getting all your memories unlocked, your brain and body didn't know how to process all the information at once. All the memories of being on my side and your mother's side and not knowing what side to be on, so you're body did the only thing it thought was best. Split you and your Grimm side apart. Maybe that's why you're even thinking about giving me another chance.

(Y/N) looked down at his hand. I slowly went up to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

(Y/N): Yeah... Maybe that's why...

Jaune: Well... I think we should stay here for a bit, just to rest up and think about what to do next.

Ozpin: That is a good idea.

Ozpin closed his eyes as his body lightly glowed.

Oscar: That was very weird.

Yang: Welcome back Oscar.

I let out a sigh. I can feel the air getting colder as I let out a shiver. I looked at everyone else and I can see that they're starting to get cold too. (Y/N) grew his arms long and pulled everyone close to him as he covered his body in warm fur.

(Y/N): There... That should help you all warm up.

Yang: As long as you don't fart again, then I'm fine.

Ren: This is very appreciated.

I snuggled close to (Y/N), trying to stay as warm as possible. My eyes started to feel heavy. I slowly closed my eyes as I slowly drifted off into unconsciousness.

(Readers POV)

I looked down at everyone and they are all sleeping. Man, how long were they up last night? I did start to think about the separation between me and my Grimm powers. It's just so weird.

(Y/N): I think mother won't be able to check up on me anymore...

Maybe I should get some rest too and just try not to think about it. I slowly shut my eyes while slightly bringing everyone closer to me.

(Grimm Readers POV)

I looked over at mother. She put her hand on my right cheek and slowly rubbing it.

Salem: (Y/N). I knew you'd come back to me.

I just looked at her, not saying a single word. I heard something walking behind me. I looked back and saw Hound walking towards us.

Salem: So, you failed to find them.

Mother clenched her hand, causing Hound to howl in pain. She eventually stopped and Hound fell down to the ground, letting out some small whimpers.

Salem: Come now. We don't have any time to waste.

Mother started to walk away. I watched as Hound slowly got up and walked up to me. It kept its head down, expecting me to comfort him. I just turned around, following mother. I thought back to what happened. I remember being dormant in my brain, but something caused me to awaken. What was with that other body of me?

Salem: (Y/N). I said we don't have any time to waste. Please, hurry up.

I nodded my head as I walked up to mother quicker. I shouldn't bother asking questions about the me that split off. I shouldn't be bothered with something so unimportant. The only thing that's important is helping my mother with what she wants me to help her with.

(Chapter 52 end)

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