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(Readers POV) (A Couple Months Later)

Me, mother, father, and Blake are all walking together. We all were about to bring the four Relics back together and bring back the gods. I looked over at mother and I can see the nervousness on her face. We all made it to an open field.

Ozpin: Is everyone ready?

(Y/N): I am.

Blake: So am I.

Ozpin: Salem?

She looked down at the ground.

Salem: ...I'm scared. You said that if they didn't find faith in the people, then we will all be wiped out.

(Y/N): Mother... I'm scared about that too, but there are some risks you have to be willing to take.

She looked at me. I smiled at her, which made her smile back.

Salem: You are right sweetie. Let's do it.

I brought out three of the Relics and father brought out the last one. The four Relics started to float in the air together. A bright light appeared, making everyone shield their eyes from it. I don't know what's happening, but I can feel this presence appear. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed the light has disappeared. I looked up and saw two large figures, one made out of light and the other made out of darkness.

(Y/N): It's them...

Mother, father, and Blake all looked and saw the two gods standing in front of us.

God of Light: Ozma. It would appear you have completed your task.

God of Darkness: You.

He said while looking at mother. She took a step back as a drop of sweat appeared from her forehead.

God of Darkness: It looks like you haven't aged a day since we last saw you.

Blake: So these are the Brothers?

God of Light: That is right young lady. We have been brought back to judge humanity to see if it deserves the gifts we have given it.

They looked at mother. I can tell that her heart is about to explode.

God of Light: Salem.

I stepped forward, actually managing to take a step closer to the two gods that stood in front of me.

(Y/N): Please, you two must know that she isn't the same woman you knew all those years ago. The woman known as Salem is my mother and I will be the first to say that she is now a kind and gentle soul.

God of Darkness: Oh really child? How can you be so sure of such?

(Y/N): Because I saw it first hand. I had to save her from the clutches of the Grimm that once held her captive and the first thing she did once she was freed was help me and my father help erase the Grimm that held her.

Ozpin: It is all true. Who you see is the woman that I love with all my heart.

God of Light: Hmm...

God of Darkness: How can we be so sure that she won't take what we give for granted?

Salem: ...P-Please. Spare my family their lives. If I can not prove myself as changed, then you may take my life. I would give you that if it meant that my family isn't harmed.

God of Light: The words you speak are truly from the heart, I can feel it. It seems that you really have changed your selfish ways.

God of Darkness: Hahaha! You are all lucky, or you wouldn't live enough to regret us coming back!

Blake: So humanity is spared?

God of Light: Yes child.

I started to celebrate. I jumped up in excitement.

(Y/N): We did it! We actually did it!

I quickly hugged Blake tightly. She hugged me back.

Salem: Thank you both for your mercy.

God of Light: I do believe it is time to do one thing.

The two Brothers pointed their hands at mother and father, a bright glow came from them. I saw Oscar float out of the glow as a tall figure took his place. The glow went away and I saw a man there. It was father's original form.

God of Darkness: There. We gave Ozma his original body back and took away Salem's immortality.

Oscar: Wow... Ozpin isn't a part of me anymore?

God of Light: Your soul is no longer bound to his.

Ozma: I never thought there would be a day like this.

God of Darkness: I think I'll go back and make my spring again. I do miss it.

The God of Darkness disappeared from sight.

God of Light: If you or anyone else needs guidance, then do not be afraid to seek it from me and my brother.

And with that, he disappeared too. I looked at mother and father. I was happy that they've finally been broken away of their curses.

(Y/N): We did Blake.

Blake: Yeah, we really did.

I turned towards Blake and held her hands. I brought them close to me as I looked her in her amber colored eyes.

(Y/N): I guess this is as good of a time as any. This may seem sudden, but I want to begin a family with you!

Blake's face went red as soon as I said that.

Blake: O-Oh my!

Salem: Aw, asking her just like how his father did with me.

Ozma: Salem, let's stay quiet during this.

(Y/N): Blake, you are the love of my life. I could never look at someone the same way I do with you.

Blake: I'm glad to hear that from you.

(Y/N): Is this too sudden?

Blake: It just caught me off guard. I honestly was hoping when you would ask me soon.

I felt my heart start to beat faster. I started to laugh in joy as I picked Blake up by her hips and started to spin around with her. She joined in on my laughter. After a bit, I stopped spinning and put Blake down on her feet. Mother and father walked up to us.

Salem: My little boy is finally becoming a true man.

Ozma: Blake, you have Salem's and I's gratitude for watching over our son when we couldn't.

Blake: You don't have to say it.

(Y/N): She likes it. I know she wants you to say more.

Blake: (Y/N)! Not in front of your parents!

(Y/N): Alright. Come on Oscar. We have to tell everyone the good news.

Oscar: Got it.

Me and Blake held hands as we started to walk away together.

Blake: So, where should we go now?

(Y/N): Wherever you'd like.

(A Few Years Later)

I walked into the house me and Blake call home.

(Y/N): Blake honey! I'm home!

Children: DADDY!!!

I watched as me and Blake's children ran into the room to meet me at the front door. They all jumped at me. I caught them all in my arms. Four beautiful daughters, all of them having cat ears on the top of their heads.

(Y/N): I'm glad to see you all again. How have my daughters been doing?

Children: We've been doing great!

They all said in unison. Sometimes I wonder if they all have the same brain and just separate bodies. I saw Blake walk into the room. She walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss.

Blake: Daughters, get off your father.

They pouted and jumped out of my arms. I held Blake closely and gave her a kiss.

(Y/N): Did you miss me?

Blake: Only a little. So how was your visit to your parents?

(Y/N): It was lovely. If it's alright with you, I was planning us going out for the night.

Blake: But what about the kids?

I noticed that our daughters have left the room. I started to whisper.

(Y/N): Mother and father offered to watch over them.


Our daughters immediately ran back in the room and started to run around me and Blake, getting really excited about their grandparents coming over.

(Y/N): I was hoping that they didn't hear me.

Blake: If they agreed to it, then we might as well go.

(Y/N): Good, because they kinda are already on their way.

Blake: You were going to have them travel all the way over here even if I said no?!

(Y/N): You didn't say no, so that doesn't matter.

Blake sighed and kissed me.

Blake: You're hard to get mad at, but it's not impossible.

(Y/N): Alright alright I get it. You love me.

Blake: Let's just get ready.

(Later That Night)

Me and Blake are sitting at a table in a fancy restaurant. I'm wearing a tuxedo and Blake is wearing a purple dress. We are eating our food. I don't know much about this fancy food, but as soon as Blake was told it had fish in it she wanted it.

Blake: Thank you for taking me out tonight dear.

(Y/N): Hm? Oh no problem. Anything for my wife and love.

Blake: I hope your parents are surviving with the girls. They can be a handful sometimes.

(Y/N): Trust me when I say that they are doing just fine. You really should hear my mom gush over how much she loves her granddaughters. I actually start to wonder if she loves them more than me now.

Blake: I still feel bad for burdening them with unnecessary work.

I reached over the table and put my hand over Blake's.

(Y/N): Hey, tonight's about you. Let's just focus on you for now. Ok?

Blake: Ok I will. I'll make sure to focus on you the same amount as well... Oh, (Y/N). You have a bit of food on your face.

Blake grabbed a napkin and rubbed the small bit of food off my face. I smiled at her.

(Y/N): You didn't need to do that. I don't care if I get messy.

Blake: Well I enjoy having my husband looking like a presentable gentleman.

(Y/N): Presentable? Don't you mean handsome?

Blake: Don't push it.

We shared as quick laugh and we finished our food. After a bit, I received the bill and yikes. I put the money on the table, tip included, and me and Blake left the restaurant. It was around 10 o'clock at night, so the night sky was filled with stars. Blake held my arm and rested her head on my shoulder as we walked down the street.

Blake: I love you dear.

(Y/N): I love you too my kitty cat.

Blake: (Y/N). Not out in public. Someone might hear you.

(Y/N): Do you see how late at night it is? No one is going to me call you a cute name or two.

Blake: Still... You can only call me that when we are in our bedroom.

(Y/N): Alright, only bedroom talk then.~

Blake: That's not what I meant.

After while of walking, me and Blake returned home to find mother and father sitting on the couch. Mother was pushing random buttons on the tv remote.

Salem: How do these work again? This is so complicated.

Ozma: No, Salem that button is for volume. This one is to change the channel.

Salem: This is too much to remember. You work it.

(Y/N): Ahem.

Mother and father looked over to see me and Blake standing there.

Salem: Oh, hey sweetie. Hey Blake.

Ozma: How was your date?

(Y/N): It was lovely. Went to a restaurant-

Blake: They had fish.

Salem: That sounds lovely. Me and Ozma have to go there sometime.

(Y/N): Be careful. The prices aren't cheap.

Ozma: Anything for your mother.

Salem: Oh you.

Mother and father stood up from the couch and walked over to me. They hugged me.

Salem: We should be taking our leave now. The precious ones are asleep in their beds.

Ozma: It definitely was hard to get them to stay in the beds.

(Y/N): Alright. Love you mother and father.

I hugged them back.

Blake: Thank you two again for watching the kids.

Salem: It wasn't a problem. Just call us on those scroll things if you ever need us again.

Ozma: I'll try to teach her how to use one before then.

The two left the house. Me and Blake went to our bedroom. She went into a bathroom that was connected to the room. I took my tuxedo off, leaving me in my boxers as I laid down on my bed, closing my eyes, and let out a sigh of relief.

(Y/N): Feels good to be out of that suit.

Blake: (Y/N). Don't just leave your clothes on the ground.

(Y/N): I'm sorry kitty-

I was stopped by a hand going over my mouth. I opened my eyes and saw Blake on top of me. I can see a certain look in her eyes that made me a little worried for what was going to happen next.

Blake: I want to end this night properly.

(Y/N): Are you going to do the thing where you-

She put her hand back over my mouth and shushed me.

Blake: If you stay still, you might find out.

(Y/N): You got it.

(Many, Many Year Later)

I was walking up a hill until I made it to a single tree. I sat down next to the tree and let out a sigh.

(Y/N): Man, that walk was tiring. I finally got here Blake. How have you been... That's good. It's been years ever since my mother and father last walked on this earth. I'm glad that they have finally reached peace and are together on the other side. They deserve to finally be off this planet after so long. I do miss them sometimes, but I'm happy for them... But I can't say that I don't miss you too.

I looked over and saw a tombstone that has Blake's name on it, her birthday and the day that she died.

(Y/N): Ever since you left me... It's been hard. Thank goodness our daughters were there to help me. Oh man if they weren't there for me, I would've stayed in our house forever.

I looked over and saw a nearby puddle of water. I looked at it and saw my reflection. My wrinkled skin and grey hair showing just how old I am.

(Y/N): I had a lot of time to think about all of my life and I did live almost as long as my parents did... I think it's about time I leave this world too... And be back with you...

I laid my back on the tree, seeing the sun slowly set as I can feel my heartbeat becoming slower and slower. After a bit, my heart stopped beating entirely as all I could see was white. I looked around and I'm in a white void. I can see myself.

Blake: ...There you are.

I turned around and saw Blake. I felt my heart about to explode as I ran over to her with tears in my eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and she did the same. I picked her up and started to spin her around.

(Y/N): I missed you so much honey!

Blake: I missed you too dear!

It feels so nice to hear her voice again and to touch and feel her body. I put her down on her feet as we shared a kiss. It's been too long since I felt her lips on mine. After what felt like an eternity, we separated our lips.

Blake: I'm so glad you stayed strong after my death. I couldn't bare to watch as you stayed in our room for days on end.

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm sorry to have made you worry so much. But I'm here now and that's all that matters.

Blake: That's all I've ever wanted, was for you to be by my side again. Now... Shall we enjoy our afterlives together?

(Y/N): Yes, I would enjoy that so much.

Me and Blake broke the hug as we held each other's hand, intertwining our fingers together as we started to walk forward.

(The End)

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