Episode Sixteen

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Episode Sixteen
Civil War

Character Of The Day - Corrin
(Luca Hollestelle)

After the attack on the base, the group were able to escape through one of the helicopters they had. However, it seemed someone was left behind - that's right, little ol' Arty was stuck with the attackers.

Now with seemingly no where to go and left in the dark as to what the attack was about, the group must re-group and decide what the next step is. Will the listen to the requests from the attackers, or will they decide to fight back for one of their own ...



Energy Absorption • Casey Hunt
Telepathy • Amelia Carter
Weather Control • Atticus Lee
Illusions • Kaori Abara
Telekinesis • Alex Mason
Portal Control • Nada Smith
Pyrokinesis • Samuel Thomas
Immortality • Penn Praeger
Invisibility • Jordan Jacobs
Flight • Emma Jacobs
Super Speed • Christopher Parks
Shapeshift • OPEN
Super Strength • OPEN
Forcefields • OPEN
Super Senses • Donovan Rickhard
Plant Manipulation • Corrin Levrith
Adaptability • Lucas Murtra
Water/Ice Manipulation • Amara Zunberg


Aka time to find out where all the groups members loyalties lie

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