My Characters

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Casey Hunt
Played By Ansel Elgort

Role / Power
Energy Absorption
Nervous, self conscious and closed off. Casey has never had good experiences with his powers, which has lead to him fearing them. Despite all this, Casey acts rather innocent, making him the 'cute' one of the group who the others watch over.
• If this were a gang, Casey would be the getaway driver. He's pretty skilled behind the wheel, if needed
• Teamwork. Due to his hesitance in using his power, he doesn't feel like he's much use to the team
• Combat, of any sorts, is not his strong point. He has no clue how to handle a gun and would probably lose in a fist fight
He discovered his powers at fifteen. One night, he woke to sounds in the kitchen. There were his parents, one holding a phone and the other a baseball bat. At the other side of the room, two nervous teen robbers, who didn't wait a second before shooting at them. Unlike his parents, Casey didn't seem to get hurt, but instead absorbed the energy from the bullets before releasing it in a mini explosion. Traumatised and scared of what he could become, he's vowed never to use his powers again unless truly needed
Theme Song
Crybaby by The Neighbourhood

" I know I'll fall in love with you,
And that's not what I wanna do "


Amelia Carter
Played By Lili Reinhart

Role / Power
The girl next door who's found herself doused in responsibilities. She's logical and likes to plan ahead. Despite not being the best fit for the role, she's just trying to be a decent team leader, though she's definitely not perfect.
• Hand to hand combat. Unlike most of the others, her powers can't be used to protect her, so she had to learned how to take care of herself
• Hates water, like a lot. She's found that being underwater weakens her power
• Not very empathetic. Maybe it's because she's always seen people's darkest secrets and saddest regrets all her life, but she finds it hard to feel sympathy for others
Unlike mainly of the other mutants, Amelia didn't really have a sad sob story to tell. Growing up, her parents invested a lot of money into Lia. She went to the best private school, was given the smartest tutors and had a pretty sheltered childhood. From when she was little, she always knew her power was there, but never came forward and told anyone. Eventually she moved out and grew apart from her parents, apart from business related reasons
Theme Song
All the good girls go to hell by Billie Eilish

" All the good girls go to hell,
Cause even god herself has enemies "


Atticus (Arty) Lee
Played By Joe Keery

Role / Power
Weather Control
Twenty Three
Arty uses his charm to his advantage, and it usually works in his favour. You can usually find him flirting with some girl before quickly moving onto the next. He doesn't really care for the consequences of his action and takes on a calm, chilled out demeanour
• Persuasion. He usually gets what he wants, or close to it, which can help when it comes to teamwork or any other communication tasks
• Scared of large animals like dogs, horses and bears. There's just something about them
• Hates enclosed, confined spaces, but who doesn't
Arty spent most of his childhood at his brothers house, who wasn't the best influence for him. Every couple of days, a new girl with some new drugs would come and go at his brothers expense. At eighteen, just over a year after uncovering his powers to his sibling, Arty left to find somewhere new to call home and never looked back ever since
Theme Song
Into it by Chase Atlantic

" The weather's only sunny when I'm under it,
And I haven't really changed I'm just confident "

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