Guidance of Stars - Chapter 1

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The earth was both surrounded and covered by water— in the seas, in oceans, in rivers and lakes, and living things and even in the air. It came in all shapes and sizes and states. It interwove itself into everything until it was a necessity none with live without. Maybe that's why humans call it the 'element of life'.

For today, something that was quickly passing, it came in the form of droplets. It spilled upon the earth like an overturned cup onto the floor. The drops fell like bombs, making tiny craters in the dirt and eroding away the stone. But there was peace in the minuscule chaos, the way it lay a limpid sheen onto everything.

The soft rain formed a sweet pattern upon the angel's porcelain skin, the thousands of liquid globes reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun. It was as if a filter was placed on the world around them.

Birds chirped as they flew back home to their nests. Oh, how the angel wished that they too had a place that was truly home. And a family that felt real.

Heaven was and never will be like a home. It was rather a job with shifts that never ended and co-workers that you had to tolerate for the rest of eternity.

But on earth, it was such a divine sight to the celestial being. Everything had a degree of beauty to them, even if it wasn't at first glance.

Humans. Such cruel, erratic, selfish little things that thought they have all the power. It was weird that despite being so full of sin, they were. . . bewitching. If the angel didn't know any better they would think that it was magic.

As the blues of the sky faded to black with the arrival of night, the angel got up to stretch their legs. Even after thousands of years, their eyes shined with awe—mesmerized with the world.

The rain was coming to an end as the angel walked down the desolate street, soaked to the bone yet without care.

Street lights gradually lit themselves as the night passed. The orange light illuminating its surroundings in a warm glow. Enthralled in the stars that lit the pitch of the sky, the angel didn't notice that they were out way longer than usual, the hour of nine quickly approaching.

White hair clung to the back of their neck as they aimlessly walked into the sleeping town. Earth was like a dream at times, a dream that would be in your hands but never truly yours. It was depressing at first that the reality was that they would only ever be a visitor.

Crickets leapt in the grass, stray cats came out to play, and hungry dogs began their search. Overgrown blades of green shot from the dirt, stretching to the wet pavement. Puddles filled the streets as dew clung to leaves.

Things so simple held so much beauty that the angel yearned for. Tranquillity covered the block as silence reigned when they were alone. Until they weren't.

A man with dark skin turned the corner, freezing when they made eye-contact. He had a tall and lean body clothed in fabrics whose colours were stolen from crow feathers and obsidian, and a trench coat to match. He possessed an air of sophistication while maintaining an undertone of mischief about him— two contrasting vibes merging perfectly into one.

Panic flashed in the eyes of the stranger when they made eye-contact, looking ready to run. But as quickly as the strange reaction came, it left and was replaced by a smirk and playful eyes as the man walked closer.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing walking around soaking wet like that?" He asked, his words flirtatious instead of concerned. His brown eyes shining with something the angel couldn't put a name to nor could tell if it was good or not.

"I was leaving anyway so it is nothing to your concern," The angel replied, starting to walk again. Despite being given the chance to leave, the stranger started walking with the celestial being.

"You're not going to give me your name?" The guy queried. It was common sense to not give a random person your name, especially if they were pushy about it. They had been asked this question thousands of times— in the same tone, similar occasions — yet this managed to pique their interest. Halting in their footsteps, the angel turned to face the man.

"Why don't you tell me your name?" The angel reflected. "You are a stranger after all." The man suddenly panicked as he not-so-discretely looked around.

"Uhhh Rake."

"Rake?" The angel deadpanned.


Then there was silence. 

It irked them a little, the fact that the human couldn't be honest about such a simple thing. That, or his parents didn't have the best naming skills. As much as the latter was preferred, the tense quiet said otherwise.

"So," Rake hummed, trying to quickly move on. "Are you going to tell me your name?" Heaving a sigh, the angel admitted.


"Just Charlie?" He asked.

"Just Charlie," The stranger chuckled a little at the bluntness.  

"Wow. Just when I thought you couldn't get any more perfect, you come with a name like Charlie," He hummed. 

"Is that supposed to be an insult?" Charlie's eyes narrowed. In which Rake stopped in front of them, shaking his head.

Messy curls covered his head as light shined off of the little droplets caught within it, creating a dim glow of orange.

"No, no. I couldn't insult you even if I tried. C'mon, look at you, you have it all. Pretty eyes, a nice name, a figure that someone would kill for, breathtaking eyes, and a beautiful face." Ignoring the rest of the statement, Charlie pointed out.

"You mentioned my eyes twice."

"That's because they're like a work of art," He explained.

"Blunt and bold I see," Charlie joked.

"Mama said that girls like an upfront kind of man—" His eyes flickered to Charlie. "—It works on guys too." He rested his arms behind his head as he started to walk the way a child would, kicking up water yet mindful not to hit Charlie with it. They snorted.

"Sure, because everyone will love a guy named Rake."

"And I bet that everyone loves you," Rake said with the confidence of if it was a fact. Charlie softly laughed at this.

"You're exaggerating."

"But I'm not, you're like an ageless painting come to life." Rake shook his head, his hair doing the same yet in a delayed manner. "It. . . It seems that God really does have favourites."

Charlie simply brushed off the statement, not grasping the true meaning. After that interesting introduction, the two just walked in silence, going nowhere in particular.

It was a new experience for the two of them— just peacefully strolling with someone despite it being a complete stranger. It was nice, in a way. Having to do nothing more than just walk, both finding comfort in the silence.

The sky was filled with cotton-like clouds, the spaces making way for the plethora of stars hidden behind them.

"Farewell," Charlie said at last. "I must take my leave." Once again, momentary panic flashed in the brown eyes of the other man.

"Wait-!" He caught himself. "You're probably cold, take my coat." He took his trench coat from his shoulders. Still in shock from the sudden offer, Charlie wordlessly took the piece of clothing.

Wrapped in the warm and dry coat, Charlie nodded and quickly walked into another street--- more accurate, an alley. After making sure that they weren't visible to anyone, Charlie returned to their true state.

Wings sprouted from the celestial being's back and head, pushing aside clothing and hair. White feathers blended with the colour of their hair. With the alley being so small, they had to fold close.

As Charlie's matter turned to nothing in the realm of mankind, they couldn't stop themselves from wishing that they could meet the stranger again.


Welcome to this new book, I'll try to have a better update schedule than last time so lets go! 

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