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{ T E N } : G R O U N D E D.

The drive home was a total nightmare for Jazz Brown.

"You had one assignment, Jackie! Just one! Stay in school till the semester is over but NO, you had other plans!" Mrs Eunice Brown exclaimed, slamming her hand on the steering wheel in exasperation.

Mrs Brown wasn't excited one bit about this ride.

If only the school's secretary hadn't phoned her Mom on her behalf, she wouldn't be stuck in here now.

Glued to the black leather backseat of her Mom's Porsche 911, Jazz rested her head on the window and looked out on the passing terrain in attempts to block out her Mom's shrill voice.

"Let's see what your father has to say about this! Oh, look he's calling..." Her Mom continued, answering her ringing IBM Simon.

Jazz mentally face palmed.

"Here, he wants to talk to you."

Collecting the rectangular smartphone from her momma's white hand, Jazz placed it to her ear, "Dad..." She croaked out.

"You have a lot of explaining to do young lady. How did this happen?" Unlike her mom's, her dad's voice was relatively calm.

Obviously it would be calm, he was probably sitting on a leather chair in his air-conditioned office while her Mom had to cancel her spa appointment to come pick her from Bubble Academy.

Hot tears burned her throat, "I don't... I don't know."

Maxwell Brown sighed heavily over the line, "I'll see you at home, honey, try not to get on Eunice's nerve till I can come to your rescue."

A small smile crept up her trembling lips, "Thank you."

"And what are you smiling at? Maybe I need to remind your silly self that you're in a truck load of trouble. I didn't raise you to publish disrespectful articles uncovering people's secrets to your whole school. PRIVACY is a thing, Jacqueline!" Her Mom kept at it, maintaining eye contact with her through the rearview mirror.

Her face was stern, her pointed nose glowing alongside her red lipstick.

Jazz groaned inwardly. It was back to reality and back to being called her real name.

"Mom, I've told you, it's Jazz not Jacqueline." She argued.

"I'm not calling you that stupid nickname! What do I look like? Sassy sixteen year olds in purple skirts and blazers? You don't even like Jazz music! Makes me wonder if the name is the reason you're changing. Who would have thought, the daughter I raised would secure an indefinite suspension in her final year of high school? How do you think this looks on your resumé? How are you going to get accepted into Yale with such a portfolio? Oh this girl... You're going to give me a stroke, I need a vacation." Eunice said and finally the banter simmered down, sighing, she faced the road ahead and didn't say another word.

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They were home now and it was time for proper punishment to be administered, like getting detention and an indefinite suspension wasn't already enough.

The tension in the dinning room was thick just like the crystal white walls which was a huge contrast to the black marble dinning table and black cushioned dinning chairs.

Situated at the center of the dinning table was a lit silver candlestick, and up ahead on the ceiling was a nice silver chandelier. Black flower pots lined the four corners of the room, a black wooden slab hung on the left wall and it had a set of tiny ceramic ornaments arranged on it. To the right was the living space, even more grandeur in it's silver and black interior.

Jazz sat facing her mom while her Dad sat at the head of the table on a black throne like chair. Jazz and her Dad remained silent as her Mom dished out her punishment.

"No phones, no laptops, no television, no access to anything electronic. No maids to make you breakfast or lunch, or do your laundry. Everything you want or need, you'll see to it yourself. You'll be assigned to garden duty, maybe getting dirt in your fingernails for the next few weeks will teach you a good lesson, plus you are grounded for as long as your suspension lasts. Any questions?" Eunice said, and raised a cutlery of steak to her lips.

"Can I at least have my laptop? It's basically my entire life." Jazz pleaded.

"No. That's what brought about all these nonsense in the first place isn't it?"

"But Mom–"

Eunice raised her hand and Jazz muted immediately, "You'll do as I say, Jackie. And you better find a way to make sure you're back to school before the Black is Beautiful gala. Because your Dad and I have guest to entertain and I won't want to be questioned about your juvenile escapades."

"Don't you think you're being a little too hard on her, Eunice?" Her dad finally intervened since the tension wasn't allowing him enjoy his meal.

Dabbing at her mouth with a white napkin, Eunice stood up, "I've had my fill. Plus, I'll be leaving for Hawaii first thing tomorrow morning, not trying to loose my mind because I have just one daughter. Goodnight, Maxwell."

Maxwell Brown sighed as he watched his wife exit the dinning room, leaving behind an unfinished plate of well cooked steak and coleslaw. He looked at his dejected daughter.

Jazz looked his way.

He winked.

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Back at Bubble Academy, Felicity Armstrong was living life.

Her long awaited lavender scented candle had arrived this morning and nothing felt more refreshing than listening to B2M and inhaling the heavenly scent of her candle.

Too bad Grumpy Jazz wasn't here to dance in the reverie with her. The left side of the room looked bare and lifeless, she sorta missed tormenting the journalist girl.

Rummaging through her box of eye lenses, trying to decide what eye color would go with her golden eyeshadow, she settled for her ocean blue lense and fixed it on.

Acting female head prefect Livia Solace was hosting a party and everyone wouldn't stop talking about it. Felicity wasn't really looking forward to it but in other to remain cool, she had to attend and maybe just maybe she might finally come out of her shell.

One would wonder how someone with such talented vocals could be shy enough to hide it from this world of purple they were bubbled in.

Excitement began to work her stomach and the urge to just curl up in bed and wallow the night away in vanity came on her strongly. It wasn't helping matters that her cheating ex was going to be at the party too, Diezel Kinney. Felicity almost gagged at the thought of him, to think she had once found him attractive was so absurd even talking about him embarrassed her and she had no plans of letting Gucci eyebags Jazz know about her dating history.

In truth, Diezel was sorta pretty to look at, definitely wasn't among the finest boys of Bubble but wasn't in the ugly class either. But his disreputable actions were really alarming and it kept bringing him low on the social ranking radar.

Bubble Academy was a downright crazy place, because here the most popular students were prim and proper and held authoritative positions. Being a bad kid in Bubble didn't make anyone look cool, it made them look stupid because Bubble Academy thrived on perfect decorum.

Felicity stood before her dressing mirror and adjusted her shimmering yellow and purple dress. Her curls had been combed out to a perfect fro around her chubby face. She finished off her look with a pair of black boots.

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The party was in full swing by the time Felicity arrived at the school's garden.

The night sky was pitch black with only a few stars scattered like glitter on a black board. The weather was soothing and moderately cold.

Felicity was glad her dress was long sleeved and she suspected the sky would let down a shower and probably ruin the party or maybe it was just her self esteem deflating.

White fairy lights lined the grassy fence and the heart shaped entrance. Of course it wouldn't be a Livia Solace classic without the wash of lavender and violet touches here and there.

It was a purple and silver outdoor soiree, at least that's what Livia called it. Lavenders were sprinkled everywhere on the grassy surrounding, purple ribbons and charms hung off the grassy fence. Medium sized purple disco balls hung on the six trees that occupied the garden.

Students littered the garden, some sitting on silver plastic fold chairs, some on benches, some standing and chatting.

A blend of blue, purple, red and green was glowing from the DJ stand because of the medium sized speakers that were booming a song; Bump n' Grind by R.Kelly. To the left of the DJ stand was a band. Livia was so extra. Party of the semester indeed.

Her eyes scanned the crowd. Livia and her minions behind the refreshments table which held pink punch, transparent plastic cups, popcorn and small chops. Concluding Livia was a good hostess, her eyes moved on, a few familiar faces here and there. With Jazz on suspension, Felicity realized her fate. She had no friends.

Except well–

"Miss Armstrong." A voice that made Felicity cold all over echoed behind her.

It was Diezel Kinney.

"You look good." His glowing eyes soaked her up.

Felicity gulped, playing it cool with a tight insincere smile "Thanks, you look simple."

Diezel smiled like a charismatic aristocrat.

"I've barely seen you around lately, have you been avoiding me?"

Felicity was bewildered, this boy had to be insane, not only did he cheat on her with Bonnie Black, he had ghosted her since before he went on probation.

"Felicity!" Livia exclaimed coming towards her and rescuing her from an ensuing awkward conversation. "Are you ready?"

Felicity wasn't sure she was, she nodded in affirmation though eager to leave Diezel's presence.

"Come then, we've been waiting."  Livia ushered her to the front of the crowd, where a microphone and a stand was positioned.

"She's singing?" Diezel whispered to himself, shaken to the core.

Livia did the introduction the moment everyone began to look their way, "Hi everyone, it's karaoke time!"

Students cheered.

"Please put your hands together as we welcome our very own, Felicity Armstrong!" Livia beamed.

The happy cheering of students morphed into an uncertain one on seeing the chubby black girl instead of Bubble's most popular singer; Whitney White. How this was a bad idea was all that clouded Felicity's mind. Goosebumps cloaked her almond skin as her heart raced in her chest.

"Hi," She called into the microphone nervously, "I'll be doing the song: I will always love you by Whitney Houston."

The garden was awfully silent.

With the release of a shaky breath, Felicity began soft and slow.

"If I should stay, I would only be in your way."

Accusing pairs of eyes warmed at the unexpected soothing vocal of the chubby girl. The band joined in now and the melody was heavenly, the students present soon found themselves swaying from side to side and singing along.

Random drops of rain turned into a gentle drizzle.

The drizzle felt like a paid actor because instead of ruining the party, it lifted spirits and everyone was pairing up to slow dance.

Diezel in particular was so caught up in the moment were he stood behind the crowd close to the entrance, lost in the moment.

The beat dropped and Felicity went high soprano.

"And I will always love you..."

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A/N: slow burn chapter, the bubbles needed the break, where are our spotlight kids you may ask *winks* See you in eleven.

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