C h a p t e r 2

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       The night felt like it could last forever. But finally, It had became 6 in the morning, and soon we were aloud to leave. After helping the janitor, whom I figured was named Chris, we decided to go home. My little crappy silver Pontiac Solstice lay behind a tiny red smart car and a new 2015 mustang. behind me, a white 1970 1/2 Camaro with silver pin-striping and a Purple-chrome Lamborghini sat patiently for their owners.
Vincent, who said for me to call him PurpleGuy, hopped into the Lambo and turned it on. It purred loudly and roared off into the night, heading toward where i was soon going. The shy one, Jeremy, took off in the rare Camaro, with Mike, the normal one, following close behind in the 'stang. Chris took the bus home, and i was left to get into my own.
My car was said to be reliable, but like all good things, it had to go... It didn't start up well, and for what was pretty much new, it still worked badly. When I first got it, a family owned it. They sold it to me for cheap, and when i drove it home, i figured out why.
It slowly sputtered down the direction where my house lay. After not long, it sputtered to a halt.
"No, no, no, no, NO!!! Don't do this to me!!!" And, just like that, it broke down. "Shoot!* I climbed out of the disappointment of a vehicle, and kicked it's front tire, which suddenly flew off the car. I grumbled and chased after the tire, caught it, and brought it back to the car. "How in frozen hell am I getting home?"
At that very moment, i herd the familiar growl of a strong engine from to my right. The roar died away as it was put into park. "It is just not your day, isn't it..."
I smiled at hearing his voice. I turned to his direction to see him walking briskly toward me. "I am so glad that your here, Vincent..."
"wow, piece of crap, isn't it..."
"yah..." i kicked the tire over, and smiled sheepishly at him.
"You want a ride home, Lauren?"
I looked at me car, and quickly turned back to him. "Yes please!"
I called a tow to take care of the car, and PurpleGuy left the note about my info. then, he lead me to his car and I got in. PurpleGuy spoke: "so, where do you live? anywhere you need, I will be here for you!"
"I live on 6503 Aspen Street..." I was caught off guard when he randomly gave me a high-five
"what a coincidence! I live on 6502! we are next to each other!" He then started the car and we silently strolled down the road.
I thought about it for a bit... "Wow, that is strange... hey, you keep your car in your garage?" I have never seen this car leave the area... so I was a little curious. I mean, i have seen glimpses of it, but that was it.
He patted the steering wheel as we were riding, and commented: "yah... she is my baby... and I would let nothing happen to her." He smiles and took a quick glance at me, then back to the road. Before I knew it, I was home, and I hopped out of the Lambo.
"thanks again, PurpleGuy. it was very kind of you to drop me off..."
"No problem, Lauren... any time."
Before he could drive to his own home, i thought quickly. "hey, PurpleGuy? Do you want to have breakfast with me, before you go?" I gave him a small smile of hope, in which he returned.
"That actually sounds nice, Thanks Lauren! I will walk over here after I park my car in the garage and i will be here after i get something better on."
I gave him a small wave and said goodbye to him for the moment being. I then jogged into my house to get things set up fore sunny-side-up eggs and dipping toast. I then ran quickly into my little room to get a nicer outfit on. I chose a pair of Capri pants and a white Aeropostal tee-shirt. I then turn the Music up on my i-pod and plugged it into some headphones, not that loud so I can hear when Vincent comes. Not long after i finish a plate of toast, I hear Him come in.
"Hey, Lauren! I smell toast!"
I smiled, walking up to him after i turn off my i-pod to greet him in. "I hope you like it!" He found himself a spot at my grandmother's old cherry-wood table and I layed the eggs and toast there. The only thing he seemed to eat was the toast, but he did take a bite of the eggs, which he seemed to enjoy. He broke conversation until I decided to change the subject to music. "Hey, I have this new Track on my i-pod, do you want to hear?"
PurpleGuy got very nervous quickly, he started fidgeting around with the crumbs of toast that lay on his plate. "no, but thanks anyway...."
"Vincent, what is the matter?" i said in concern.
"M-my mother... was big on music, and... something happened and..." He stopped speaking, and a silent tear rolled down his violet cheek. I walked toward him and lay my hand on his purple shirt.
"You can tell me, I won't judge you in any way, and I promise, your secret is safe with me."
He smiled at me, another tear as he recalled the moments. He then continued to speak: "My mother was always kind and caring, but she was working very hard and I couldn't see past the fact that it was to care for the family. Sometimes, I thought that she wasn't paying attention to me because of reasons that weren't true. One day... I took up piano and i wanted her to listen and teach me. I became good, but one day..." He froze in pure sadness, "She was very busy and She yelled at me for being too loud on the piano. I-I didn't take it too lightly and; and i-" PurpleGuy burst out in tears, and the only way I thought I could cheer him up is by putting the good memories in with music. Instead of hugging him, i threw my headphones on him and turned on the music.
In shock, he listened, the tears starting to cease coming down. When the song ended, he looked up to me and trust his arms around me. I was shocked at his movement, but I just smiled and hugged him back.

(Authors Note: sorry, this is a REALLY long chapter... but hey, i needed the words out!)

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