Let's break

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The wooden pen holder laid on the ground into pieces. He flinched and sat up straight hearing his mom's voice coming from another room, "Namjoon-ah, did you break something again?"

"N-no, mommy. It's from outside." words staggered in his lips while placing the broken pieces on the table with an adhesive. It'd be the fifth time he was fixing. The reading table, he'd been working on his study, clouded with sheets. He sighed.

The exam was around the corner meaning of studying heart and soul for a better grade. A dream that every youngster dreams for; a better job, settled life, and a flourishing future. Namjoon wasn't unlike than others. The only thing that made him go a little against it. Happiness, something that seemed missing here and he didn't even know why. Had he really dreamt for it? He thought for numerous times but it was left as a question with no specific answer.

His eyes unknowingly trailed to the corner of the room where the musical instrument located. Above, a shelf filled with some musical notes. When was the last time he touched those? He couldn't recall.

A long exhale escaped from his throat, Namjoon felt so empty. Trudged himself until he stopped at the corner. Only watching the object made him content.
He plopped down on the bed.

'Ecstasy, everyone desires but few can achieve. Have it follow you each day through your work.'
Their teacher told them in the last class. Namjoon heard with all ears. And it roamed in his thoughts all the time. He leaned back to get some rest for a short moment while his drowsy eyes having blurry vision. And in a minute his eyelids dropped down before he fell into his dreamland.




On a worn-out chair where he found himself resting bowing his head down. Eyes gazed down on where he could feel nothing but his own shadow.

A lump secreting inside went through his throat leaving the taste of the bitterness of tears. He concealed his eyeballs tight.

"I promised... to stay." he murmured. His soul inside was wandering like a caged bird.

'Namjoon'... Flinched, he heard calling his name as a sharp ray of light hit his eyelids.

Found himself in the tons of glasses organized in a domino pattern. Those reflections, he could feel on him, smirked at him. Indicating all those inabilities; insecurity, imperfection, clumsiness, prejudices, it glared at him.

Minutes passed by......

He stood up, his soul screamed inside. Holding himself tight, he forwarded. With the urge of breaking those reflections like hell and the promises he had done; confined into something, he didn't want.

The sound of a thousand broken glasses sent a chill through his spine unless the silence adopted everything like before.
He stared around at the glasses shattered into a million pieces. His eyes puffed up.

Around him, it's a trivia of love mustering gradually only to reflect the broken soul getting cured, for breaking isn't meant to smash down but mend the wounded heart.




"Namjoonie, wake up." he opened his eyelids slowly welcomed by the sight of his mom. For a moment, he felt numb before giving a look around. He sat lazily on his bed, "Mommy, how long have I slept? Why haven't you woke me up earlier?" he groaned while his mother just smiled. She ruffled his hair before placing a dish.

Namjoon inhaled the smell to recognize, "Cake!" he raised his brows. His mom curved the corners of her lips and unleash the lid of the dish, revealing a black forest cake.

"Ahhh, this is heaven." Joonie giggled showing his sweet dimples but again glanced back at her, "...but, you said I'm only gonna get it after the test."

His mom pressed the lips in a thin line and sighed before turning to him, "Joonie-ah, I'm sorry." she brushed his cheek, " I only noticed your clumsiness and indolence but the sincerity and hard work. All I thought was you just..." she gulped.

"Mommy..." Namjoon touched her soft hand in a way it could comfort her, "You have the right to scold me. Every mom does."

"...but I forced you in a process, " she tossed a look over the corner, "...that the instrument, it looked all abandoned now." she lowered her head while her son moved a bit closer to feel her warmth. Silence dropped.
"Joonie-ah, " she ruffled his hair, "Eat up the cake."

Namjoon gave an innocent stare at her at which she just pinched his dimpled cheek, "Keep at whatever your heart wants with all your honesty and integrity. My support won't be leaving you." she smiled, "and don't forget the test and don't stare cutely, hmm!" she hugged him before vacating the room.

Namjoon looked at her blankly for a moment before at the cake. He inhaled, his face pulled a knowing look curving his lips into a smile. A smile of victory.

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