Tales Unveiled

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One of the cold days of winter it was. A gust of wind blew through the window making Mr Jung shiver who was sitting just beside nonchalantly. He was watching outside, putting on a face that voids any emotion. After the door, a silhouette appeared that didn't bother Mr Jung. Not even moving from the position, he uttered low, "Put the lunch down on the table, Mrs Eve." 

A few moments passed on when he felt someone else's presence than the housekeeper he expected. Yet he remained in his posture since the foreign presence wasn't so unfamiliar. He inhaled to voice, "Is your dance class over? You came  so early, Hoseok." He slowly turned to face his dear son who cast the same dry face on as him.

"I took… a day-off, dad." words came out from him like a mumble. Hoseok proceeded on serving lunch not wanting to expand their conversation. His dad, in between his distress, did observe him. Smiling sadly, he realized how his only happy son became all so grown up and matured, how he made good use of his happy face to hide the pain.

Hoseok, however, placed the platter closer to his dad and took a small quantity in the chopsticks from that, "Dad, say Aaa…" as if doing so would make him succeed to feed his dad, who had almost refused to taste, just after he lost his beloved wife.

Once they had everything and now they have nothing just by losing that one woman, the one who produced so much positivity and enthusiasm to make their day worthy. A pleasant family which everyone craves to have, they had one too. Just a road accident took away her life and disturbed their peaceful days. 

"Hobi," his dad spoke tilting his head slightly to meet Hoseok's gazes, "I hate when you hide something from me."
"Dad, I'm fine. Trust me!" he retorted.
"Don't tell me to believe, if it's a lie." Hobi stayed away from voicing any further as his dad put an end to the argument. Silence dripped and moments passed by.

 A low sniffle bothered the awkward silence. Mr Jung sighed before reaching his hand to nuzzle Hobi's cheek softly. His now puffy eyes saddened him too. He could see the agony of losing his mom in his gaze. "Dad…" Hobi sniffed to articulate, "Look at yourself. If this continues, you'll lose so much of your weight. Don't you know that?" the chopsticks were clasped under his palm tight, he tried to look rigid. Mr Jung moistened his lips to exhale another sigh before allowing Hoseok to proceed on what he was doing.

"Have you done yours?" Mr Jung asked his son in between swallowing. In response, Hoseok just pressed his lips to the thin line until his tummy growled louder. His dad secretly grinned. Despite making an effort to look formal, still, Hobi was his baby boy inside. He shoved  a spoonful of rice in Hobi's mouth while saying, "It felt so alone to eat like this." Both chewed their lunch quietly while Hoseok just struggled to conceal his sobs which didn't go unnoticed from his dad's observance. 

Mr Jung fidgeted in his seat to have a glimpse of their family photos hanging on the wall where the happy photos of his wife and son were. He could recall how Hobi used to be clingy whenever he had felt alone or experienced something bad and used to open up to his mom rather than to his dad. Mr Jung only got to know those from his wife and tried to figure out a solution to make their child go back to normal. 

"Things never go the same always." Hobi flicked his eyes as all of a sudden his dad spoke, "I know how you're feeling and all I did was locking myself in my room. I know I'm not as good as your mom, not even a good dad I guess." 

"Dad!" Hoseok exclaimed.
"It's my fault, not yours, " Mr Jung asserted. Hobi watched his dad go all sullen and he mentally blamed himself due to the fact of him being not so comfortable around his dad. "Still, I want you to… open up to someone you're close to." Mr Jung recommended startling Hoseok a little.

Hoseok watched his dad giving him a small yet reassuring smile before going back to his thoughts. After losing his mom, Hoseok became loner but for the first time, he started to feel helpless. At a moment like this, he didn't know what should be done and voiced so suddenly before his brain could process, "Dad, I left it!" He spoke hammering the silence making his dad face him with raised brows confused, "You did what?"

Hoseok gulped a small lump to articulate, "I left the dance class. They said—" he stuttered in a crushed tone, "they said that I don't have any potential in me. It'll be useless to continue like this. Weak! Every single thing about me is weak and poor." Hoseok hitched in between his sobs as if an avalanche went over him.

A small lump went down to the throat since Mr Jung watched his son shedding tears, he felt so sorry and wished his wife was with them there. He, however, moved closer to Hobi and wrapped him into a hug. It might be the first time for both to go through interaction like this. He let him sob until Hoseok calmed down and spoke, "After mom's death, it was hard for me to put together and start." 

"Why didn't you come to me?" The words came out like a slow whisper from his dad at which Hoseok stayed silent, his fist fiddling with the hem of the shirt. Mr Jung just caressed his back. 

"Hoseok, I know how much you love dancing. I don't know how to figure out a solution for now but…" Mr Jung paused for a second, "...I don't want you to give up either just because they've rejected you."

"But dad, they said—" Hobi was cut off by his dad, "I know you, not them and so did your mom, Hoseok."

Mr Jung gave him another reassuring smile while patting. Hobi felt relief since he blurted out all his feelings. Never he had thought of opening up to anyone except his mom. The bad time does bring something good with it sometimes. A knock bothered the moment and drew their attention towards the door where the housekeeper was standing outside, "May I come in?" 

Mr Jung allowed her to come in. Mrs Eve, the lady in her fifties, their housekeeper for fifteen years, walked in to clean up the lunch mess. Silently, she put the dishes in a tray and turned her heel to exit but got stopped by Mr Jung, "Wait, Mrs Eve." he lifted himself fetching a white envelope that was placed on the tripod.

Mrs Eve was watching him as he gave it to her, "You've served us for such a long time. It was a great long run for you with this family since you have taken care of each one of us as a family member. You can now... go back to your place. Here are the wages." 

Hoseok was also watching this whole thing in disbelief. Their housekeeper was such a nice lady. Besides, his mom was so close to her. Never had they ever thought a day without her. Mrs Eve, however, stayed silent before putting on a small smile, "Looks like you're in a state of vulnerability more than your son." tilting she took a glimpse of confused Hobi who shifted his eyes between his dad and the housekeeper with the slightly parted mouth. 

Mrs Eve, putting aside the plates, peered blank, "There were days of suffering that I had to go through. How helpless I'd felt at the end of the day and could see nothing but darkness until…" her expression turned soft, "...this family showed the light of hope." she gulped to voice, " Madam Jung was so kind to me and mentored me to fight for my way." she faced Mr Jung, "This family owed me a good life. How can I even wish to leave you two in such a miserable state?" gratitude was there in her aura. With a smile on her lips, she vacated the room.

Mr Jung was still standing there blinking as a drop of tear unknowingly formed at the corner of his eyes. Hoseok came next to him in silence. He said nothing still could feel his dad. Another gust of cold wind blew into the room making them shrug. Mr Jung exhaled, in his face, once loaded with dignity and enthusiasm, was void of anything. As if a howling storm was growing up inside him and that could be heard only by Hoseok. Hobi gulped in out of the heaviness he was feeling inside, no suitable word he found to speak or more like to console him.

"In business, nobody can show a single excuse or sit idle, Hoseok. If anyone does, he will experience a huge mess from the next moment." As if his dad could read Hobi's brain, his explanation stunned him. "The news of your mom's sudden road accident got me panicked. I was so confused, not knowing what I should do or not." Mr Jung's throat became heavy, "All I wanted was to bring her back to life." Hoseok, silently wiping away his tears, nodded, "I know that, dad."

His dad sighed, "I didn't want to leave a stone unturned. For payment of her treatment, I used the company's reserve as well." A sad smile appeared on his lips, voice all heavy, the scenario of her last breath flashed before him. Her lifeless body, a dry face once occupied with a sweet smile, her closed eyes reminded him of the sleeping beauty. She had left them forever, even a sweet kiss wouldn't be helping her come back. Hoseok squeezed his dad's arm.

Wiped away the tears that already drenched his eyelashes, Mr Jung inhaled to articulate, "On the day of your mom's funeral, I got a call from the office."

"Yeah, we saw you being desperate while leaving the funeral unfinished," Hoseok recalled slowly. His dad faced his son who was looking down.

"I knew you were upset about leaving you and your mom alone." Mr Jung sighed, "I was anticipating another disaster though, didn't imagine that would come so fast."

Mr Jung continued, "The company was having currency trouble that I was aware of too. Never thought the accountant I've trusted so long would take my miserable state as a chance and betray me." Hoseok got stunned and had difficulty believing that his dad got deluded by his close friend, "He sold the strategy paper of the company for a good amount to our rival party. It was the most confidential one which had the records that held our company's event unique than others. And with that, I got to know that the accountant also made creditors by taking huge loans under the company's name." A sigh escaped his throat, face contoured in distress as he finished talking. 

Hoseok meanwhile, was processing every word as he barely knew anything about business nor had to do any business-related things. Things got cleared to him why his dad refused to believe people and also wanted their housekeeper to leave. In a short time, they both were assailed with so many tragedies and sufferings. It was uncertain to them if there were any way to escape from all this only to survive.

Hoseok unknowingly turned his gaze toward the photo frame, the one that had the photo of them In the last spring festival. The event his father arranged had placed first. Hoseok, as well as his parents, was smiling so widely there. Knowing it might not be a good fit with a situation like this, Hoseok replicated a smile just like the photo, "Spring blooms the blossom and winter takes it away, still amongst the unbothered nature goes on the way."

The words of him might have any sort of magic, his dad faced up to gaze. Hoseok simply swivelled the smile, "Mom used to say this." his dad gave a small nod of an agreement. "Dad…" Hoseok voiced with a halt, "Last year in the spring festival, the moment you had received the winner trophy, I had a wish which I told mom and she promised to ask you for that." Hoseok licked his lips to continue, "Maybe fate wasn't by my side and my wish had been left untold."

He felt a squeeze on his shoulder as his father gave him an assuring smile, "May I know your wish, son?" Hoseok's face carried the mixture of doubt and confusion yet he uttered, "A performance of mine on your event's program." Mr Jung blinked since his son lowered his gaze and continued, "I know I ain't a good fit for this and that you need something better at least to stand the company back on its earlier position." He sighed. 

"You're gonna do it." breaking the thickness of tranquillity his dad asserted. Hoseok gave a peek, doubts and worries were there too.

"What's the point since I left it—” Hoseok was mid-sentenced, "Falling is fine but halting to try is a failure." Mr Jung's retort somehow sent a spark directly towards his soul, Hoseok gulped and nodded. Mr Jung tried to smile, "Everything will be fine, my son." He pampered while Hoseok let himself have engulfed in his dad's hug.


Nobody told him that a mere wish of his was now a responsibility to carry out. Performing on the stage where the limelight falls shimmering the sweat of hard work that a performer does was always Hoseok's ambition. The exception of the audience who either loved it or remained judgemental. The truth of anguish will be going unnoticed to them. 

The entire winter, while others spent sitting idle behind the fireplace and enjoying it with family, Hoseok there got himself drenched with dripping sweat produced from hours of practice he had been doing. Barely could he sense the low temperature of weather since he would be out like a light but never slept in any further than four in the morning. Mrs Eve, the housekeeper, often had found herself checking him if the boy was doing okay before putting on a worried look. 

A few days left before the spring festival. Hoseok swallowed dryly, a pair of high doses capsules occupying his palm. Hesitancy filled him up each time he tried to progress a new dance step. Just to calm his overwhelming state of nervousness, for he might end up being frustrated, he needed to endure the bitterness of the capsule. Taking a long chug from his water bottle, he snatched the phone lying on the small table. The costumes he ordered a week ago for his performance were supposed to be delivered that day. He heard a knock on the door and turned himself to be greeted by his dad who was carrying a box. 

"It's yours, isn't it?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah, I told Mrs Eve to receive it for me." Hoseok shyly answered.

"She was right. You're putting all your efforts behind this small event." His dad smiled at which Hoseok just pressed his lips in a thin line, "Dad…" Mr Jung glanced at his son, "What if it comes out worse, what if I don't do as great as it seems…" Frustration raised in his voice.

Mr Jung held his son's shoulder, "I'll still feel relief knowing I have a son like you, Hoseok." His dad ruffled the already messy hair of his son before affirming, "You might not know the strength you have. The courage to stand by other’s aid while setting aside the complications that you own is the greatest enthusiasm." 

Hoseok gazed gently forming a heart-shaped pout, "I'm following the lesson that you and mom have taught me." His dad gave a proud smile while patting Hobi's shoulder. With that, he gestured at his son to unfold his costume. Hobi snatched a paper cutter to unwrap meanwhile his dad out of instinct roamed the practice room. His eyes squinted once he noticed the strip of the capsules. He sighed at this point, those capsules were once prescribed for Hoseok to aid in his nervousness. His wife didn't like the idea of their child going through medication. Mr Jung could recall how his wife managed everything. 

He turned his heels to face Hoseok who was putting on a mask along with the dance costume concealing half of his face. He wasn't gonna show his face. His dad jogged slowly to him. "Dad, they designed the costume well." Hoseok complimented at which his dad gave a nod.

He spread his hand over Hoseok's shoulder to pat, "May Almighty fulfil your wish the way you want. If you ever feel down about anything..." his dad paused before handing him over a beige coloured packet, "...think of those happy moments we spent together." 

Hoseok's smile turned into a frown. His dad walked out of the room giving him one last reassuring look. He knew what his dad had meant. Hoseok bent his legs in a sitting posture on the ground and tore the packet only to fish out a bar of chocolate. He flickered his eyes at it.

Old recalls flashed before him like a merry-go-round. Back in the time when the young Hobi with mom playing hide and seek in an open playground where they used to go. How she always had managed to bring peace and harmony whenever Hosoek had felt down. 

This world where we all are connected.
Tell your story frankly to them, for they can relate theirs with you, dear… Hoseok could recall that solemn gaze of his mother while saying this. He trailed on the costume's veil that he bought to hide his insecurity and fear. Those were like a black veil of evil holding him back, rooted in the ground. He sighed loudly.


Spring Festival surely brought delights and colours everywhere. Colourful Lantern, traditional arrangements, foods and lastly the events made cheerful circumstances among people of all ages. Hoseok was there too, all toned up and composed. He was waiting in the spare room, barely could see his dad who was busy with his event. A loud cheer from outside tightened his chest with fear yet he shrugged it off. The host lastly called him up on the platform.

As soon as Hoseok stood up on the stage, he heard gasps. He gulped, a chill ran down through his spine making him shiver. From the corner of his eyes, he could see his dad just on the other side of the stage. Even if he was far away from his dad, the worried expression of his dad didn't go unnoticed.

Hoseok knew what to do; absorb with velocity, twirl and turn, jump higher synchronizing with symphonies. Aren't these what other dancers do! What's new? Telling story! At this point, something snapped inside him, probably a realization. Cheers and murmurs around Hoseok slowly turning into mumbles, died down to silence, sights to a blurry scenery. In front of him was something else then, something he couldn't think of. Hoseok lingered his glance to understand.

Ahead was a black forest, blue sky with floating white clouds above. Fear of losing occupied him, thorns of failure were around him. He gulped a huge lump. Sweat rolling down made his sight blurry. Closing the eyelids, he inhaled deeply to feel the tension of the surroundings. Hunger of proving his recognition paved his way too hard to carry on.

His fragile soul got no bravery left in him to lift his wings against the hurdle of failure. Losing his strength, he fell sobbing in silence.

 “Hold my hands.” he got choked with a familiar feminine tone. Before he could sort out, a pair of soft palms held his hands from his back, “Stretch your wings out for one last time with me.”

He followed the order. Hope started filling inside him. In the blue sky, he flew with her like a dandelion. Obstacles came on the path that couldn't make him fall like earlier.

“Welcome to the world of hope, my sunshine,” she voiced stroking her fingers into his smooth hair. Saying, she slowly turned into smoke.

“Mama, wait!” he spoke out to stop her but it was too late. All he could see was a new era to start for a sparkling future. Closing his eyes for the last time he murmured with a smile, “Thanks, mom.”

Silence, at first, had broken with the loudest cheers, making Hoseok come back to reality. He blinked multiple times to know what was happening. He was on the stage no longer wearing his veil and around him were the pleased audience, eyes glistening the gratitude. Another blink he had to do just to wipe his tears away when he found himself in his dad's arms. Nothing was explained, None wanted to, for they were connected in one story and Hoseok solely mirrored it on this spring's twilight.

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