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I fell asleep. Amethyst taught me how to properly sleep. It was nice. It was very relaxing. Until I was being shook violently.

I sat up as quick as I could and swatted at whoever was attacking me. Lapis fell backwards and nearly fell down the stairs behind her. I pulled my hand back. "L-Lapis? What are you doing?"

Before I could stand up Lapis grabbed my shoulders and shook me again. "Don't go with them Purple! Please, don't go with the Diamonds!" she was hysterically screaming. 

I gently pushed her away and walked down the stairs, pushed the door open and walked outside. My eyes widened as I saw a ship coming to Earth, fairly far away. Everyone else was outside already, staring in awe at the gigantic ships.

"Wow! I thought they'd never come back- OW!" Amethyst rubbed her arm after Pearl punched her.

After a few moments of watching it slowly reach Earth, Steven said, "What does this mean?"

"Well, after their last visit, they said they'd come back for Purple Diamond. So I guess White Diamond failed at making Red?" Peridot said with a sigh, remembering the chat she and I had last night.

This was perfect. Not only was I finally going to be a true Diamond, but now I can fix Peridot! So what if Red Diamond failed? There should still be pieces of her left. And when I'm finally a true Diamond, I can go wherever I want. I can return to Earth and meet everybody and fix Peridot. I was lost in thought when Lapis grabbed me again.

"They'll change you, Purple! Please! Please don't go with them!" her voice changed from screaming to panic. "They'll change you like they did to Pink Diamond. They made her fake her own death! Obviously being a Diamond is more than just being a Diamond! Pink couldn't handle it, what if you can't?"

She was right. In every way. Pink Diamond couldn't handle being a Diamond she wanted to save Earth but since she was young Blue and Yellow ignored her. What if they do the same thing to me? What if they ignore everything I want and treat me like how they treated Pink. I wasn't waiting this long to be treated like that, and if I was going to go to Homeworld with them I was going to make sure I was treated like any other Diamond.

"Lapis, please. This is Purple Diamond's choice," Garnet said, resting her hand on Lazuli's shoulder.

Lapis roughly took Garnet's hand off of her. "Can't you use your future vision or something? You two have been on and off lately!"

Garnet fixed her glasses. "I can't right now."

"Can't see the future? You're a Sapphire that's your entire purpose!"

"Okay guys," Pearl said, getting between Lapis and Garnet. "We don't even know if that is a Diamond. Maybe it's... someone else. But we need to prepare for anything so get inside!" she pointed to the door and one by one everyone slowly walked inside. Pearl and I stayed outside for a bit. "So," she started. "If it is the Diamonds coming to take you back, will you go?"

I shrugged. "I've been wanting to be a Diamond for awhile now."

Pearl smiled and laced her fingers, looking down at her flats. "Well, you always were a Diamond," then walked inside, closing the door behind her.

A few hours later the ship was a lot closer. Now we were all walking down the steps as the ship was landing. It wasn't too big, about the size of a Ruby ship. It landed in the sand, sinking into it. A few moments later smoke came out of it and a door slowly slid open. Suddenly, a freaky looking gem with a long crack on her head slid of the ship. Her feet didn't move as she moved, which I found very freaky. Nothing moved, only her mouth. She didn't walk, just slid across the sand as she made her way up to us.

"Who is that?" I whispered.

"White Diamond's Pearl," Amethyst whispered back.

"What? I thought she didn't have a Pearl?" Peridot whispered.

Amethyst shrugged. White Pearl reached to us and spoke, "Purple Diamond is needed urgently."

I was about to take a step forward when Lapis jumped in front of me, getting too close to White Pearl. "Why? Why did it take so long for you to finally decide you want her? Did Red Diamond die? Did she fail?"

White pearl looked past Lapis like she wasn't even there. "My Diamond urgently wants to have a conversation with Purple Diamond. I was ordered not to stay on Earth longer than an hour. I have no time to waste," then she slid and looked at me. "Lets go, Purple Diamond, my Diamond would like to-"

"Speak with me? Yes, I know. Can you tell me what's that about?" I asked. "Why doesn't she come here, to Earth?"

"I cannot give you an information at this time, Purple Diamond. if I went back to Homeworld without you, my Diamond would shatter me," she said, her voice slightly cracked.

I swallowed hard. "Okay, okay, lets go," I stepped to the small ship and walked inside. I turned around to say bye to my friends, but the door slammed shut.

White Pearl slid across the floor and to the controls, but she didn't press any buttons, she only spoke. "Call White Diamond."

Calling White Diamond...

Her face popped up on the screen. her face wasn't glowing so I could make our her features. "Purple! Purple, my Diamond? How are you?"

"I- I'm oka-"

"Good, good. We need you here on Homeworld, Purple. Homeworld needs you, we need you to help us make it a better place. So, are you coming? Has my Pearl talked you into it?"

I nodded. "Yes, White Diamond. I'm just concer-"

"Good. Pearl, escort Purple Diamond to me. She is to meet nobody else," then the screen turned off and the ship started flying, sending me back against a wall. This trip was gonna be long.

"We are here, Purple Diamond," White Pearl said, waking me up.

I groaned and walked off the ship, she was still inside turning it off.

"Pssssst! Hey! PD!"

I flinched and looked at the side of the ship, seeing... everybody. "G-guys? How did you-" I saw another gem, one I have never seen before. She had dark skin with some freckles, brown hair, three arms, and wore a belly shirt and shorts.

"Hi! I'm Smokey Quartz!" she said, walking up to me. "I put everyone in my 'bubble force field' and used my yo-yo to hold onto the ship."

I looked at everyone else, brushing themselves off and stretching their legs after being in a tight spot for so long. Suddenly, Smokey unfused and Amethyst and Steven popped out.

"Okay, so what's the game plan, babe?" Peridot asked, leaning against Amethyst.

"We're going to find out why Purple Diamond was brought here," Pearl jumped in. "Though we mostly already know, but something seems..."

"Odd?" Lapis also jumped in. "It is odd. Red Diamond should have failed way before now. It took over a year for the Diamonds to want to bring Purple back. I think they're using her."

"Don't be silly," White Pearl said, popping out of nowhere and making everyone scream. "My Diamond isn't using her. She simply just needs to talk to her, Purple Diamond has the right to say yes or no."

"Yes or no? What does White Diamond want?" Pearl asked.

White Diamond didn't answer, she just got closer to me. "Purple Diamond, your presence is needed at my Diamond's ship. Let me escort you."

White Pearl standing sliding away and I followed her, being followed by the others.

"Are you nervous?" Peridot asked. "The Diamonds can be stern."

"I know. But whatever White Diamond wants, I'm ready for. I'm sure she's just going to beg me to be a Diamond. She did tell me on the ship that I'm going to make Homeworld a better place!" I said, proud of myself. "But it doesn't add up. Why would I have an option to make Homeworld a better place?"

"Maybe it's some sort of sacrifice?" Amethyst leaned in.

"Babe! Don't scare her!" Peridot said, nudging her away.

"We are here, Purple Diamond," White Pearl said, suddenly stopping. Suddenly a white bubble formed around us and started floating. I screamed until the bubble popped and we were somewhere else. "My Diamond, I have brought Purple Diamond. On time, like you have asked, my Diamond."

"Wonderful! Good job, my Pearl!" White Diamond said, picking her up. Suddenly she crushed pearl in her fist and dropped her to the ground. White electric shocked White Pearl, but she did not move or react to it.

"What... what did you-"

"Purple Diamond! It's been a little while, hasn't it?" White Diamond began.

"Um. Yes, over a ye-"

"I missed you so much. You know that?" White Diamond said, then looked down at White Pearl, who was now slowly turning hazel.

"Hey, you're Pearl is-"

"I know what I'm doing to her, Purple, please don't get distracted," White Diamond said, sitting on her legs and looking down at me. "I have something very important to tell you. You can say no but, it doesn't matter 'cause you'll be doing it anyway!" she laughed as if it were a joke to suddenly tell me I had no say in this. "I'm still in the process of making Red Diamond. But, you see, making her the way I am means she won't be an orginal Diamond. So, I need minerals from a real Diamond. And well, you're a real Diamond, aren't you?"

I suddenly lashed out at her. "What! You mean you didn't fail at making Red?! You're still trying this! I was told that I'd be sent back here when you realized that Red Diamond would never work and you'd let me become a real Diamond! I've spent over a year on Earth waiting for you to realize that Red Diamond will never work!"

White's face changed from smiling to dissapointment. "Red Diamond will never be a failure. As long as it's only me trying to make her, nothing can go wrong. All those times I've tried to make her, Blue and Yellow got in the way, messing her up. Making her Blue Diamond and Pink Diamong and finally you, Purple Diamond. I've spent centuires making Red Diamond before I pass and I'm not going to fail!" she took a deep breath and stared down at her Pearl. "You're never going to become a real Diamond, Purple. Because you're just like Pink, wrong, ineffective. you're too weak to be a real Diamond. You can't run colonies and armies and have your own Quartz soliders. But, you can have one thing, if you at least say yes," she gestured her hand towards, now, Hazel Pearl. "You can have her as your Pearl. She may have the wrong color and gem placement but at least she's-"

"AHHHHH!" Hazel Pearl screamed loudly as if she was being torn apart. The crack on her face was still there and she clenched it hard. "BLACK! BLACK PEARL WHERE ARE YOU!" she screamed, opening her other eye and seeing me. Her face froze, unreconzing me and started shaking, then she looked up at White and laughed. "HA! It didn't work! You can never change me White fucking Diamond! All that pain you put me through did nothing!" she stood up weakly and backed up. "Wait until I find Black Pearl, we'll have you shattered!"

White Diamond rolled her eyes. "Purple, by your reaction I guess you already know what I've done?"

I nodded. "Evil."

White smirked. "It was the only way," then she grabbed me and lifted me up. "Anyway, lets get to the real reason why you're here. I need to make Red Diamond and I want real Diamond minerals. I can't use Yellow or Blue because they're actually perfect Diamonds. But you, you're a default and it doesn't matter if I shatter you or not. So, just tell me your answer and I'll kill you the most painless way possible."


She dropped me and let me hit the floor like I was a toy. "Pink? Hm," then she stood up and walked away, leaving me in the dark. I stood up and quickly ran to a random wall, kicking it and punching it hoping I'd break free. but White came back. "I JUST realized! HAHAHA! If I only used you I'd only get, well, a quarter of what I reall need to finish Red Diamond. So, you and Pink make half..." then she trailed off. "And Blue and Yellow make another half..."

"Don't you dare touch her!" I shouted at her.

"Touch who?" she asked, not looking at me.

"You know who! The only Diamond who didn't leave me like a piece of garbage!" I spotted Hazel Pearl walking into the darkness behind White. "And it's not like you can attack her, everyone will shatter you before you even get to Earth."

"Honey, please don't do this. You'll apart of Red Diamond, wouldn't that be fu-"

Suddenly a large door opened. Blue and Yellow stormed in, shinning light to the rest of the room. I saw Hazel pearl quickly slip out, disappearing.

"White, we got a call from your Pearl saying you needed us urgently?" Yellow said walking up to her and eyeing me. "Oh. Hello, Purple."

I gave a small wave. Did she not know what White was trying to do to me? Were they in on this too?

"I need to tell you guys my idea for Red-"

"Nooooooooo," Yellow moaned. "Not this again. White, with all do respect, the shattering of hundreds of gems, wasting time making her, and trying to program her is useless! Who cares if she's not prefect? No Diamond is-"

"Those days are over. The days of shattering millions of gems, wasting my time and programming her and finally done! I have finished her!" White Diamond said, standing up, making me notice her glow was dimming. "I have finally created something I've been trying to for millions of years!"

Blue and Yellow looked around. "So... where is she?" Blue asked quietly.

"Well... there's missing pieces to it," she said, then whispering. "Diamond minerals."

Yellow eyeballed me and screamed. "NO! We aren't using Purple Diamond as a mineral for Red Diamond this is insane! She is a Diamond not a Pearl and she will not be treated like one!"

"This is unfair, White. We told her she'd be a real Diamond and she's never even gotten the chance to be one," Blue said.

"But she will when I take her minerals and make her into Red Diamond! And Pink's..."

Blue almost fainted. "You're planning on killing Pink too?"

"Not killing," White answered. "I'm giving them all a new life," then she suddenly zapped Blue, sending her flying backwards almost crushing me.

"WHITE!" Yellow grabbed White's wrists before she could give Blue another zap. "What are you doing?!"

"Purple and Pink make half the minerals I need, while Blue makes another half. I need those minerals before I go Yellow!" White pushed her out of the way and grabbed Blue by the throat. "I hate to do this, Blue," her hand was totally black, she went to touch Blue with her other hand but Yellow grabbed it and everything went white.

Poofing everybody in the room.

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