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Sunday 'Sunny' Santos

The extraordinary flavour of black cherries and sweet tea dances on my palate, like a symphony of spring and summer combined.. It's a tender sweetness, with the whisper of a orchard in full bloom and the soft, warm notes of brewed leaves that evokes a happy glow in my belly..

It is utter heaven..

I sip deeply from the dainty glass teacup, almost too distracted by my appreciation for the flavours to notice as Max rejoins the table, now accompanied by another.. A golden-haired lion of a man, with wickedly bright green eyes and perfect teeth, who smiles at me with a luminous, welcoming warmth.. But masked by that charming smile of his lurks something deadly, a dark and sinister energy that eddies behind those violently veridian eyes..

Setting down my drink and rising quickly to my feet, I smile sweetly at the men in greeting as Max comes to a stop at my side.. The Loan Shark makes no effort to hide the cold glare he casts at Konstantin while winding a protective arm around my waist.. "I see Kostya has been keeping you entertained.."

"Your Sunday is vury intriguing woman.." Konstantin grins, tossing a familiar friendly wink in my direction.. "Insightful.. Intellectual.. Sweet too.."

"I'm aware.." Max bites in irritation, flexing with tension beside me, though he doesn't get a chance to sink any deeper into conflict before a booming baritone interrupts..

"Da! I am mozt intrigued also, Maksim!" The gorgeous golden man holds out a heavily tattooed hand to me in expectation.. "You muzt be the soon-to-be Mrs Angeloff! I hear only wonderful thingz.." The beautiful man lies through his pearly white teeth with a winsome smile, though I can't tell if it is out of courtesy or cruelty.. All I know is the terrible things he must have heard about me and the scene caused last time I was at the Casino..

"You're kind to say so, Señor.." I blink at the man in confusion as Max presses a comforting hand to the small of my back, encouraging me to play my part..

"Zakya, this is Stori Petrovich." Max introduces me to the golden lion and it is only then I realise the gravity of this meeting.. This man is the Pakhan of the Darkport Russian Mafia, he is underworld royalty.. A man like Stori holds more power in one little finger than I could ever hope to experience in a lifetime..

Konstantin doesn't say a word, but I can feel the curious scrutiny of his ever watchful eagle-eyed gaze.. My shaking hand extends into the Pakhan's warm and surprisingly gentle clasp.. "It's-uh- an honour-to meet you, Señor Petrovich.."

He chuckles, a deep and confident rumble of amusement that is somehow equal parts playful and predatory all at once.. "Pleaze, Printsessa, we are family now, you muzt call me Stori.."

Stori Petrovich exudes a dangerous kind of charisma.. Inviting and intoxicating, his presence is strangely alluring, even when I know it shouldn't be.. I can only imagine there is not much this man couldn't do, or say, or have, if he wanted it..

"Then you must call me Sunny.." I smile to mirror his own, fake and wide as my intestines tie themselves in nervous knots..

"Ahh, Sunny-" Stori sighs dramatically as he sinks into the seat beside me, digging through his suit pocket to pull out a packet of slender white cigarettes, tapping the box to produce a butt that he takes between his teeth, lifting his lighter as he talks.. "Come, explain to me what iz you see in thiz wasted old man? Do you not wish for a husband who is more- virile?" Stori smirks proudly as he puffs his chest to exude a cocky confidence, making it clear he is speaking of himself.. "You are radiant young beauty, and Maksim iz- how you say- muddy stick!" But there is a distinct brotherly tone with which he mocks his friend, not that Max seems to appreciate The Pakhan's humour..

"Oh, he's not-koff-koff- he's not so bad.." I fight to suppress a cough when his smoky wisps spiral towards me through the air.. Then, with a lightning reflex reaction, Max shoots to his feet causing both Stori and Konstantin to follow suit..

"Angeloff? You are loozing you fucking mind, Brat?" The Pakhan barks, flipping entirely in the blink of an eye.. His formerly smiley demeanour is replaced by a dark and angry energy that appears to be triggered and outraged by the slightest challenge..

"Prostite menya, Comrade-" (forgive me friend) Max speaks carefully as I sit there, frozen and completely confused.. Since I don't speak their language, let alone understand the customs of their world, I keep silent, for fear of stepping out of line where I'm not welcome.. "Ty ne mozhesh' kurit' eto zdes'.." (you can't smoke that here)

The Pakhan frowns, perturbed, looking down at the lit cigarette in his hand.. "Why for I cannot smoke?"

Max grits his teeth, glancing sideways at me and like a detective with context clues, I quickly realise that I am the reason he had decided to take a stand against his boss..

A sweet, nevertheless stupid decision..

"Lo Siento, Señor-" I quickly scurry to my feet, standing at shoulder height to the towering group of men who gawk down at me as if I were some fascinating little freak show.. I may as well have horns and a tail for the way they all stare at me.. "Max is just being overly protective of me, you see, because I'm- expecting.."

My hand settles over my stomach and a pair of perfectly angular eyebrows raise in surprise as The Pakhan regards me curiously.. "You are with child, eh?" After a long pause, he leans over to stub out his cigarette in the ashtray before he settles back into his chair with a chuckle.. "You could not wait for the wedding night, eh, Maksim?"

"Do you know me to be a patient man, Stoya?" Max half shrugs, giving no emotion away as he and Konstantin reclaim their seats and I nervously do the same..

Stori laughs again, unbothered by The Loan Shark's grumpy demeanour.. "Nyet.. You are man of action!"

Konstantin sips from his cup with a smirk.. "A forgivable sin, Synok.." (sonny boy)

Feeling the needling pressure of their watchful eyes, I reach across to link my fingers though Max's, making a point to let them see we are unified.. If Max needs these men to believe this baby is ours for his plans to work, then I will convince them it is true.. "We're so excited about it, aren't we, Mi Ángel? Nervous- obviously- but mostly excited.."

Max doesn't take his soulful blue eyes off me as he tightens his hand around mine and nods.. "Da..

"Ov course!" The Pakhan bows his head in agreement.. "Children are a gift.."

I am a little taken aback by the surprisingly sweet sentiment, especially coming from such a notoriously violent and villainous man.. "Do you have little ones of your own, Señor?"

"It iz certainly possible." He grins with a sly wink..

"Oh.." I chew my bottom lip, wishing I'd never asked the question..

"Da, da, you are the most notorious whore, Stoya.." Konstantin goads his friend before throwing me an encouraging look.. "Do not worry, we are not all so libertine, Mizz Sunny, simply curious-" He leans forward, his suspicious stare cutting into the man beside me.. "After all- Maksim did never formally introduce a woman to 'ze ranks before today.."

"I don't recall meeting Mrs Ivanov until after the wedding, Brat.." Max comments before he signals to the scantily clad waitress, who proceeds to bring the men another round without ever needing to ask for their orders..

Unbothered by Max's clear dislike of him, Konstantin ignores the pointed remark with a skillful redirection.. "When my wife waz pregnant she would eat strangest thingz.. Pickle and Ice-cream, or salted fruits.. What do you crave, Kukolka?"

My temperature rises in embarrassment at the double meaning his question takes on, since what I crave is something I really shouldn't want.. "I guess it's a little too early to say just yet.."

I can't exactly tell them that what I have been craving, is Max.. I couldn't admit that I long for his lips, for his tongue, for his body, his cock.. As much as that would probably thrill them to hear..

"It iz most wonderful news, Comrade!" Stori beams at Max.. "You muzt allow me to make thiz a celebration, just for you, eh?"

"I can't ask you to do that-" Max tries to refuse, but the Pakhan will accept nothing less..

"Nonsense! Iz joy for me-" He holds out a hand to me.. "And I would vury much like to know more about you, Mizz Sunny.."

"Gracias Señor.." I smile even though the glare on Max's face says the exact opposite of mine.. "You're so kind!"

"Spasibo, Comrade, but not tonight.." Max rises, holding out his hand, signalling to me that it is time to leave and I sense he has reached the end of his patience for the evening.. "Some other time.."

"You will stay, Maksim.." The Pakhan's warmth chills to a frosty, unforgiving threat.. "Both of you will enjoy the party.."


"Comrade Angeloff-" Authoritative and uncompromising, Stori gestures around the room at the intimate setting and close company of the gentleman's club.. "You will join uz.. I will not azk again.."

It is clear to me there is a game of power at play here tonight.. A game with strict rules and a hierarchy to respect.. An unfortunate circumstance, since It is becoming increasingly apparent that bending the knee is not exactly Max's strongest suit..

Wise to the unspoken warning, The Loan Shark tucks me possessively behind him and he glares in ire at the man who taunts him.. "You son'of'a-"

"Está Bien, Mi Ángel.." (it's alright my angel) In an effort to subdue his spiking temper, I wrap my fingers around Max's firm forearm, snuggling up to him.. "It's a party, so we should stay and have some fun, sí?"

Conflicted, stormy sea-blue eyes shift to meet mine, searching for a trace of doubt or deceit.. But he can't find it.. Because around Max, I don't feel afraid.. Somehow, here in the lion's den, surrounded by boogeyman, I feel safe at his side..

"In that case--" Finally accepting my interference, he turns determinedly back to Stori with the gravel of fluently spoken, gruff Slavic syllables rolling from his tongue.. "Est' li menja chto-nibud' chastnoe, ja mogu razorvat svoju zhenschinu?" (is there somewhere more private I can ravage my woman)

Stori grins, a devilish smirk of satisfaction to have won this battle, and perhaps tested the limits of our relationship.. After all, I get the sense we are being scrutinised and assessed; examined for any hint of weakness..

But I won't let that weakness be me..

The Pakhan waves towards the back of the club in welcome and Max nods his head, showing resistant deferral at best before he takes me by the hand and pulls me towards a curtained doorway. It isn't until we are tucked away in a small, dimly lit room, away from prying ears and eyes, that I am able to speak again. "Qué es esto?" (what is this)

I turn, just in time to see Max shut the door and flick the lock..

Imprisoning us together.. Alone.


A note from the author...

Well Besties, what did you think of Sunny's first encounter with Pakhan Stori?
What do you make of Max's rivalry with our old friend Konstantin?
And what will happen now that our couple have found themselves trapped at the club?

I can't wait to hear all your thoughts, so don't forget to vote and drop a comment!

Much love,
Leela ❤️

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