Chapter THREE

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Sunday's 'Sunny' Santos

I adapt my posture and draw back my shoulders to maintain some semblance of a controlled composure, but the dark shadow looming over me poses a threat to my very existence..
With an inquisitive fire in his eyes, Max is an inarguable force of steel and sternness.. A force that I can't escape... When he locks me in his surely sapphire sights, my knees tremble.. Aound him I can barely catch my breath.. He is a vacuum within my lungs, emptying me of all oxygen until a dizzy spark of flashing fire burns me alive, forcing me to inhale once again..

He is so frightening, I forget how to function..

Angling my gaze upward through my lashes while keeping my chin down, I am once again assaulted by his impossibly carved features.. As if made of marble, his brooding brow and high cheekbones cut away in clean angular lines.. A dark stubble defines his chiselled jawline, and down his neck a series of visceral scarlet stripes lay horizontal across his throat, one over the other to create a savage tally..

I've never seen scars like those, all jagged and angry.. But they seem to suit their wearer to a tee..

They are the scars of a fighter..
They are the scars of a killer..

As if he senses my curious thoughts, Max lifts an absent-minded hand to scratch at his neck..
For the briefest moment I consider asking about his battle stripes, but the idea is quickly erased by his irritated sigh..

I realise that I have to tread carefully and no amount of angering this man would lead anywhere I want to go.. He could be completely insane for all I know.. If I made him mad, would he really be able to keep his promise not to hurt me?

Or would he punish Javier for my actions instead?

Perhaps he was telling the truth when he swore he wouldn't hit me.. But I believe with my whole heart and soul he meant everything he said about Javi..

Max would kill Javier.. And I would be left alone in this world, responsible for the death of the only person who really knows me..
Javi might be a lot of things, a con man, a liar, a cheat and a thief.. But he had been the only person who'd ever been there for me.. He picked me up out of the dirt, and I can't just erase the memory of all those times that he saved me from another night on the street..

As much as I hate Javier for what he has done to me, selling me like a cheap slab of meat, I can never forget the loneliness of life before he found me..

He gave me a life when I had nothing..
And so, I owe him everything..

Overwhelmed by exhaustion and shaken nerves, my eyes involuntarily flood with tears.. My entire body shakes uncontrollably as sniffling sobs begin to choke my breath.. "I'm-so-sorry-Max.. I-didn't-mean-to-make-you-angry.." Broken by pathetic gasps for air, my voice cracks and warbles, but I can't contain it anymore.. A few hours, just before walking into that southside casino, I had almost been happy.. But now, the misery that consumes me fills me with panic and anxiety..

Wincing at my own patheticness, I duck my head to await the most dreaded of lashings, expecting a punch to the stomach or a fist to the face..

But the attack never arrives..

"Fuck.." Max groans, taking a small step back, still never removing his watchful gaze from mine.. "Don't cry, Malenkya.. I didn't mean to ss-scare you.." His intimidating shoulders sag in defeat as his head bows forward and a tortured crinkle appears at his brow.. "You must be t-tired, c'mon, I'll show you to your room.."

Wiping my cheeks with the back of my hand, my bottom lip wobbles as I try to hold in my childish blubbering.. "Si, por favor.." (Yes, please.) I nod weakly..

Max steps aside, holding out a hand to direct me ahead of him through his luxurious penthouse.. Everything inside it is so clean, I feel kind of dirty by comparison in my cheap off-brand dress and water-damaged makeup..

How much must a place like this be worth?
I can't help but wonder as I swipe self consciously at my smudged mascara..

I can hear the soft thud his footsteps close behind me as I cross to the glass staircase that sits opposite the door.. For such a large and imposing man, he is surprisingly light on his feet..

Unlike me, clip-clopping along in my discount stilettos..

We climb the stairs in silence, though I may as well be ascending to the gallows for the heaviness in my heart..

What happens when we get upstairs?

Max isn't the first man who Javier has traded me to to get himself out of a bind..
The only difference this time is that Javi didn't just trade my body for a night.. He sold me entirely..

That bastard..

My fingertips graze the cool, polished steel balustrade for support and as we reach the second floor landing, Max makes a sharp turn, switching our positions to lead me down a short hallway..

"Here.." He pauses to push open a heavy door, revealing a large room with a creamy canopy bed at its centre.. "I hope everything is to your taste.."

"My taste?" I scoff, peering around at the expensive chrome details and warm vanilla hues.. "I don't think I have any taste.."

"All women have taste.." He muses under a quiet mumble.. "But few have your humility, Zayka.."

I turn to peek up at him, stunned.. "Gracias, Maksim.."

I stare at him in puzzling bewilderment.. How is it that this ruthless loan shark, who appears to possess borderline sociopathic levels of sympathy, had paid me one of the kindest compliments I have ever received..

Max doesn't seem to notice my conflict, instead he crosses to switch on the bedside lamp and draw the curtains closed.. "Tomorrow I will arrange for your belongings to be brought over.."

I cringe internally, just thinking of my tiny dresser drawers back at Javi's apartment and the collection of cheap clothes contained within is enough to make me nauseous..

Inexplicably, I am embarrassed at the thought of Max seeing into my life and I'm not even entirely sure why..

"I don't really have any belongings.." I quickly protest while wrapping a nervous arm around myself.. "Nothing worth keeping anyway.."

"Nothing at all?" He releases the thick, velveteen drapes and turns back towards me, archinh a disbelieving brunette brow..

"Is that going to be a problem?" I blink, unsure how to respond..

"Its a problem for another day." Max shrugs, crossing to the wardrobe and disappearing inside only to emerge ten seconds later holding a stack of what appear to be men's sports shirts.. "For now, this'll have to do.."

"Gracias.." I hold my breath and watch from my place by the door as he sets the clothes on the end of the bed..

Oh god.. The bed..

I wait on tenterhooks for a sign of the expected sexual expectations I'm sure he must have..
But, with no more than a polite nod he motions to leave.. Brushing right by me and stepping out into the hall.. "Goodnight, Zayka.."

"Wait-" I blurt out before I can stop myself.. "You're not going to sleep here?"

He stares at me, long and hard.. "No.. This is your room.. Mine is downstairs.."

"You don't want to- to um- you know?" I swallow a shudder, sick of the tension and prepared to just get the worst over and done with..

"What?" He cocks his head to one side..

"You don't want to have sex with me?" I lower my voice to an almost whisper.. "Isn't that why I'm here?"

"No.." He scrunches his nose in disgust and his temper simmering, so much so that his stutter grows more pronounced, which only seems to aggregate him even more.. "Let me be c-clear, Sss-Sunday.. I am nn-not Navarro.. I don't want you to c-cook, or c-clean or suck my cock! You are here because Javier is too fucking s-stupid see any other value in your existence.."

My mouth opens and closes a few times before the shape of a question forms.. "But you do?"

"Yes." He smiles.. "You are very important to me, Little Bunny.."

"I am?" Confused, I lift my gaze to meet his, finding earnest warmth there.. "Why?"

"Because-" Twin sapphire stars twinkle down at me as a dangerously charming grin pulls at one side of his lips.. "You, Zakya, will be my salvation.."

My heart leaps into my throat at his cryptic teasing and I can't tell if he is simply playing games with me, or if he truly believes in what he is saying..

"Oh.." I breathe, watching him turn his back to leave me alone..

But I don't want to be alone...
Not really..

Just as his hand settles over the doorknob, my lips part and a squeaking sound escapes.. "Max?"


"If you really meant it -" I hesitate to ask for a favour from him, all to aware of what that might mean.. But if I am going to stay here, there is something that would make it better.. "There is one thing you could get for me.."

"Yeah?" He asks, leaning casually against the doorframe as he folds his muscular arms..


"Right.. And whhat's a Paco?" Max stares at me blankly, clearly curious about my request..

"My dog.." I explain hurriedly.. "Javi never liked him, he keeps him on a chain at the yard- but he's a good boy, I promise, he wouldn't be any trouble-"

"If you want the dog, Little Bunny-" Holding up a inky hand to hush me, Max smiles, smooth and reassuring, "I'll get you the damn dog.."


Authors Note:

Well besties, what do you think?
Is Max playing games or is he really just too good to be true?
Is Sunday crazy for caring about Javier after everything he's done?
And of course the most important question...
What kind of pupper is Paco?!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the new chapter!

Leela ❤️

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