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Sunday 'Sunny' Santos

...a few hours later...

The smiley Irish doctor drapes his stethoscope over his strapping shoulders, finally declaring my bill of health clean after running what felt like every test imaginable.. "So we'll book you in for your first sonogram in a few weeks.. And I'll send you home with some supplements for the wean, alright?"

"Si- yes, thank you, Doctor.." I nod, clutching my thin paper gown tightly around myself, feeling vulnerable and over-exposed.. After all, I am practically naked, alone in the room with the doctor after Max stepped out to take a call from his sister.. No doubt Verity is attempting to do some damage control to repair the rift she caused earlier at the lawyers office..

I am beginning to see the impulsive streak that runs through the three siblings, a stark similarity that they seem to share..

To me, impulsive actions always bore severe consequences and the fear of that alone had been enough to keep me from taking risks so many times when I should have rolled the dice..

But I am starting to realise I don't have to live like that anymore..

Peeling off his latex gloves and tossing them into the trash can by the desk, Saint smiles at me as he pumps two globs of sanitiser onto his hands, meticulously rubbing them together.. "So, how are ye' fairing in all o'this? It's my understanding you've been though rather a'lot, so if you ever wanted somebody to talk to, you know, confidentially.. I'm an excellent listener.."

The charming Doctor has kind eyes and a certain comforting presence that makes me want to open up.. "Well-" I twist my hands together in my lap, unsure of opening my mouth for fear of what truths might fall out.. "I always wanted children.. Obviously I didn't think it would happen like this but- I was taught to believe every act of creation is an act of love... God will love this baby, no matter how many sins Javier might have been guilty of.."

Saint smiles softly, warm and accepting, there is no judgement on his handsome face.. "A little faith can go a long way, Miss Santos.."

"My Abuela taught me that.." I frown.. "Actually,. she'd probably be pretty disappointed in me right now.. Pregnant and living in sin.."

The memories I have of my grandmother are few and fleeting.. I remember her teaching me how to cook, how to weave and how to sharpen an axe blade.. I remember she was loving and patient, and firm but fair..

I remember she used to say;
'El amor es el idioma universal del corazón'.
(love is the universal language of the heart)
And marriage is a sacred declaration of that love, vowed before God to witness..

But not my marriage.. My marriage will be a sham.. a fraud..

"You won't be a sinner for much longer though, ey?" He chuckles with bright optimism.. "Word is you and Angel are tying the knot.."

"Si, that's right, we are.." Remembering the contract I had signed at Mr Levitsky's office this morning, I try my best not to disclose too much, all without telling lies.. "It's all still so new and- overwhelming.."

Saint nods in understanding.. "I see.. I know it'll be difficult given the situation, with a wedding to plan and only Angel's moody arse to rely on.. But try not to stress yourself, pet.. It's not good for the baby, and even worse for you.. Anything you can do to relax would be ideal.."

Relax, he says, as if it were that simple..

But the current source of my frustration happens to be standing just outside the exam room.. It would be much easier to relax if I wasn't constantly assaulted by my inexplicable affection and physical attraction to Max.. The way he smells, all heavenly masculine and clean, it clouds my mind and makes my thoughts jumble together into impossibly kinked knots.. The rough sound of his gravelly voice, stroking and sliding across my skin, caressing me into a crazed mess.. And the way he looks at me, noticing me, knowing me, seeing me more deeply than I've ever been seen.

Just thinking about him makes my every muscle tense and my blood hot..

I am, in fact, the very opposite of relaxed..

My nervous gaze flicks towards the door, ensuring what I am about to say won't be overheard.. "There is one thing I wanted to ask you about, Doctor?" I lower my voice to barely above a whisper..

"That's what I'm here for.." He nods..

"It's about-um-" I blush with embarrassment, mouthing the wordz rather than saying it aloud.."Sex?"

"Aye, yes it's perfectly safe to have sex while you're pregnant.. Some studies even recommend-"

I shake my head quickly.. "No-um.. It's just lately I find myself thinking about it a lot.. Like, all the time.. I just wanted to know if that was normal.. You know, with pregnancy, is it supposed to make me so- um-"

"Frisky?" He finishes the thought for me and I nod, hanging my head a little in shame.. "Aye, it's perfectly natural, your wee body is coursing with hormones right now.."

Sighing a breath I muse.. "That's a relief.. For a minute there I thought I might be going crazy.."

"I'll give you a minute to get dressed.." He smiles, sympathetic and warm before turning for the door.. "For the record, Miss Santos I happen to think you are remarkably sane.. And Angel needs somebody around him who can see sense right now.."

I hardly get a chance to open my mouth and ask the doctor exactly what he means before he slips out into the hallway, leaving alone with all my questions, hormonal urges and pent up frustration..


I am stowed away in the small clinic washroom getting dressed when from the other side of the bathroom door, I can hear the commotion outside as Verity arrives.. Disturbed by the news of my condition and once again trying to talk sense into her brother..

It is a task I'd have thought she'd given up on by now, especially since Max never seems to have any use for her unsolicited advice..

Nevertheless, she persists..

Cocking an ear, I once again find myself curious of the siblings murmuring in hushed tones and what they might be saying.. Tiptoeing across the cool tile, I gently twist the knob and crack the door, peaking out to see Max sitting on the examination table with his head in his hands and his sister standing over him, flapping her arms and stressing him out, something she has an unfortunate habit of doing..

I have observed the way Max absorbs the ire and injustices of those around him, taking on burden upon burden from everybody and holding the weight of responsibility on his impressive shoulders.. He is steady as a rock while the rest of us flounder and flail about.. Max is a steadfast man, one of conviction and courage.. So how could I not develop some kind of feelings for him?

Even knowing it is foolish of me to want him.. Despite all the risks and dangers, I can't seem to persuade my heart to see reason..

"You never should have brought her home with you Maksimillian.." In a snide lecturing tone, Verity scolds her brother with the weapon of hindsight and I feel a bitter sting to hear her talking about me as if I were a liability or some other burden Max must bear.. "I thought you said you weren't sleeping with the girl?"

"I'm not.." Tipping his head back Max pinches the bridge of his nose in exasperation, as if trying to keep his temper even and his patience in tact..

"If there's not even a possibility that it's yours then why are we playing this ridiculous game of pretence! Send her back to where she came from and be done with this whole stupid plan!" She scoffs..

"What's done is done.." Rolling his shoulders back, Max flexes impatiently.. "So suck up the attitude and have Atryom set up the ff-fucking trust like I asked, Verity."

What is he talking about?
What is a trust?

Verity throws up her hands in disbelief.. "The kid isn't even yours Maksim.. Why would you give some knocked up trailor-park trash and her unborn bastard half your fucking empire?"

Darkening like a storm cloud and rising to his feet, Max glares down at his tiny sister.. "Ya preduprezhdal tebya.." (I warned you)

"Da da.. You told me to mind my tongue or you'll cut it off just like Viktor- blah blah blah- I've heard it all before, Maksim, we both know you wouldn't do that to me.."

"Don't ff-ucking tt-tempt me, Malyshka.." He grumbles, scrubbing a hand down his face as his usually subtle stammer ticks violently, clearly exacerbated by Verity's irksome pecking.. "Right now I'd do it jj-just for the peace and quiet.."

She rolls her eyes, unimpressed.. "I'm simply being practical! Do you really think throwing money at a mess like this can clean it up?"

"I brought the girl.. Ya ubirat ottsa yeye rebenka.. There's no ff-fixing this or making it right.." (I shot dead the father of her child) Max groans, slipping between roughly-spoken Russian and strained English, his timber trailing off to sadness.. "What else can I do?"

"She's definitely keeping it?" Verity hums, hardly registering Max's apparent misery.. Far too absorbed in her own preoccupied thoughts to see the pain that exists right in front of her..

Max sighs.. "It didn't seem like a question.. And I wasn't about to ask.."

My hand settles protectively over my belly at the uncomfortable squirming sensation Verity's question provokes.. Javier was evil, but I already know in my heart that this baby is not, and it would be an unforgivable sin for me to end the life of something so innocent and full of promise..

There is a life inside me now, a new reason to fight for tomorrow..

"A baby.." Verity utters thoughtfully.. "I mean- we could make it work to our advantage.. If you allow Pakhan to believe it's yours, that would help to explain the rushed nuptials and all.."

There is a pensive pause before Max shakes his head.. "Nyet.. I don't want to confuse the girl.."

"She isn't stupid enough to forget who's been between her legs, Brat.." Verity hisses.. "Give her some credit.."

"She's- fragile.." With a defensive glare, Max refuses his sister's influence..

"Your little glass-doll was forged in fire, Maksim.. And she withstood the flames long before she ever met you.." Her argument is greeted with silence and she continues.. "You tested her mettle and she passed.. If she can take her boyfriend's brains being blown out and an unplanned pregnancy, I'm pretty sure she can survive Ramsay's payday.."

"This is bigger than Neeves.." He tells her, sounding almost remorseful, as if confessing a deceit..

"What do you mean? I thought that's what this was about?" Verity folds her arms.. "He nearly killed you Max and he-" She stops herself.. "You know what he did to me.. You punished Sunny's pimp for less.."

"I know, Malyshka.." Max nods..

"You promised me revenge.."

"He's dead, Verity.." Max takes his sister by the shoulders, turning to sit her down in his place.. "It's done.."

"What?" Verity blinks in shock.. "When? How?"

"I found Neeves, holed up in a Bermuda trap house with a needle in his arm.." Max explains.. "Crew and Draper were there too.."

"What did you do, Max?" She whispers..

"I made 'em pay, Sestra, for what they did to you.."

"Was it quick?" She asks.. "Painless?"

Max just shakes his head..

"Mne nikogda ne sledovalo somnevat'sya v tebe, dorogoy brat.." (I should never have doubted you dear brother) Verity reaches out for his hand and he takes it between his, leaning down to kiss her knuckles..

"I should have protected you back then, Verity.. I should have been there.." He sighs in regret..

"But it's over now, if Ramsay is dead, why are you doing all this?"

"He wasn't alone when I found him- there was a girl-"

"You left a fucking witness, Max?! How could you be so careless?"

"She was so out of it, I doubt she'd even remember.." He shrugs..

"And what if she does?"

"Then my wife will be my alibi.."

Quickly pushing the door closed, I lean against it and take several deep breaths, wincing when I hear the catch click and the echoing clunk as it bounces off the tile..

"Sunny?" Verity calls to me, gently tapping on the other side of the door.. "Are you okay in there?"

Combing my fingers through my hair and swiping at my teary eyes, I force a smile and pull open the door to find her standing there staring at me in question.. "Soy perfecta!" (I'm perfect)

"Really?" She squints at me in suspicion, picking up on my quiet hostility.. "Cus you seem kind of-"

"Si.. I'm just tired.." I nod, ignoring Verity after all the mean things she's said about me.. It's not that I blame her for doubting and distrusting me, but her cruel judgements and barbed remarks still hurt my feelings, and knowing she thinks so little of me is a bitter pill after I had deluded myself into thinking we could be friends..

Circling around her instead, I make my way to Max's side, snuggling in next to him as he wraps a comforting arm around my shoulders.. "Can you take me home now please, Señor? It's been a long day.."

Max nods his head towards the exit, motioning for his sister to follow us, but all three of us are stopped when Saint barges back in with my discharge paperwork and a pill bottle of prenatal vitamins.. "Here we have it, Miss Santos, vitamins for you and- Sweet Baby Jesus-" Saint practically chokes on his words as his gaze finds Verity, looking like a polished Russian princess.. Her silky strawberry mane glistens under the aggressively bright lights, and her skin tight dress hugs her lithe, feminine shape..

Saint's eyes remain laser locked on her as she props a hand on her hip.. "This was hardly an immaculate conception, Doctor.." Verity purrs jokingly, swaying forward to extend her delicate hand.. "Verity Angeloff.."

"¿Qué cajaros? Puta insensible.." (what the fuck, insensitive bitch) I mutter beneath my breath and it seems Max is the only one who hears me, squeezing encouragingly at my arm as he curls me closer as if he could shield me from Verity's barbed daggers..

"Saint O'Cleirigh, a pleasure, Miss Angeloff.." Saint takes Verity's hand, making moon-eyes at her as he gives it a powerful shake that just about wobbles Verity out of her six inch stilettos..

Verity giggles, a girlish sound I have never heard her make before, flashing a pearly smile and sparkling silvery eyes... "Sunny didn't tell me her doctor was so gorgeous-"

"No ff-fucking way.." Max swiftly cuts in, taking a wrecking ball to their meet cute by lifting a hand to direct his sister out the door.. "Verity, you have your orders.."

"Fine.." She huffs at her brother before turning her attention on me, hooking her elbow through mine to pull me away from the two men.. "C'mon Sunny-Sunshine, let me explain to you how a trust fund works.."


A note from the author...

Hey Besties!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this update!
Don't forget to show your support by leaving me a comment and voting for each chapter.

Much Love
Leela ❤️

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