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Sunday 'Sunny' Santos

The late afternoon sun hangs low in the overcast sky by the time we arrive home, bathing the penthouse apartment in a dusky glow as we step through the front door, the air inside somehow feeling colder for it..

“I think I’d like to go to my room and take a shower..” I smile tiredly as the exhaustion of a sleepless night and the weight of a heavy day hit me hard.. I need to hide away, to wash the scent of sea brine from my hair and the taste of Max's sinful kiss from my lips.. “If that is okay with you?”

Max only nods his approval, maintaining his stonewall silence.. He hadn't said a single word the entire drive home and if he wasn't going to mention my temporary insanity and subsequent kiss, then I sure wasn't going to embarrass myself a second time by bringing it up.

But now, pierced by the invisible dagger of his silence, I just can't keep quiet any longer..

“Max?” Paused at the foot of the stairs and clutching anxiously at the bannister, I turn back to watch as he shrugs those mountainous shoulders out of his overcoat.. “I’m sorry if I crossed a line back at the docks.. I know I shouldn't have kissed you like that.. I wasn't thinking and–”

“You were upset..” He brushes it off with an easy excuse and my heart sinks.. “No harm, no foul..”

“I was upset, but–”

“It's been a trying ff-few days for you, Zayka..” He cuts me off sharply, his stammer retuning along with his frustration.. All the while denying me a glimpse at those sincere sapphires that might grant me some small comfort..

Why won't he look at me?

“Sí.. It has..” I snap my mouth shut taking the hint that he doesn't want to discuss the subject any further.. Or anything else, for that matter..

Climbing the stairs with the threat of tears prickling my vision, it isn't until I reach the door to my bedroom that I hear a soft, cooing voice coming from behind it.. “Who's a big baby? You are! Yes, you are!”

Pushing against the stained oak, I enter the bedroom find the ice-princess herself on her knees, doting on a very pleased Paco.. His floppy jowls are cupped in her hands and his wet nose nuzzled into her neck as she kisses the top of his head..

“Verity?” I chortle, stunned to see her show so much affection to the animal she'd made clear she held no regard for..

As if caught red handed a terrible act, Verity shoots to her feet, whirling around on me with a defensive scowl.. “Jesus Christ, don't you fucking knock?” She snaps indignantly, glaring at me for intruding.

Oblivious to the tension, Paco pants as he trots across the hardwood floor, happy as ever to see me, with his big pink tongue dangling merrily from the side of his mouth.. “This is my room..” I squint at her, crouching down to scratch Paco's belly where he has flopped at my feet.. “And were you just talking to my dog?”

“Oh that?” She scoffs, dismissively flicking a swathe of strawberry silk poshly over her shoulder.. “The fleabag was whining at the door when I got home, so I took him to the park..” As Verity turns her nose upnin an effort to convince me she could care less, I smile to myself, happy to have become privvy to her true, softer nature..

“That was nice of you..” I beam gratefully.. “Gracias, Verity..”

“Hardly..” She rolls her big baby-blue eyes.. “I just didn't want him pissing on Max's twenty thousand dollar Persian rug!”

Horror stricken, my mouth falls open and a guilt grows in me as I look down at my sneakers, still soaked from the salty seawater puddles at the docks.. “Did you say– twenty thousand?’

“Mhmm.. They’re hideous..” Disapproval hums between her pursed lips as she flops backwards to laze atop the bed.. ‘But they're expensive..”

“I had no idea..” I hustle to slip out of my shoes,  kicking them aside, off the rug underfoot and onto the hardwood by the door..

“I'm not surprised, you have terrible taste..” Verity doesn't bother to hide her cruel smirk, narrowing her sharp eyes on me in question. “Is that really what you wore today?”

“Que?!” (what) I run my hands down the front of myself to straighten out the rumples as if that would help when I realise that I am not wearing anything from my own wardrobe.. “These are your clothes!”

She scrunches her button nose, hitting me hard with her trademark brutal honesty.. It is actually something I’m growing to like about hermore and more.. Verity doesn't mince words, she tells it how she sees it and I appreciate knowing what she means when she says it.. “Yes.. But I would never wear that–” She points to the sweater– “With those–” then she flicks her manicured finger toward the jeans..

“I guess I didn't realise it mattered..” In the past, Javier had been the one to decide what I wore on any given occasion, so fashion doesn't exactly come naturally to me.. Still, I didn't think I actually looked bad, albeit not entirely like myself either..

“Well it does..” She scolds me like some kind of Den Mother.. “You need to look the part if you're going to play it, Mrs Angeloff.. So from now on, you'll only wear the approved outfits that I brought for you..”

“You went shopping for me?”

“Duh, didn't Maksim tell you? He wanted to make sure you had everything you needed.. There's shoes, dresses, handbags– and oh– I almost forgot..” She reaches down to the foot of the bed, pulling a thin white box from her designer handbag, holding it out to me.. “He wanted you to have this..”

My hands tremble excitedly as I unbox the shiny gold smartphone and my words get caught in my throat as I stare at the token of liberation that is cradled within my hands.. A phone is a connection to the world.. The world I am finally going to be free to live in on my own terms..

Well, in 12 months time at least..

“I already put Max and my numbers in there..” Verity shrugs.. “Luka’s and Viktor's too.. Just in case you need them..”

“This is really mine? To call whoever I want?” I blink at her and she stares back at me as if I were stupid..

“It's a phone, Sunny..”  She frowns.. “So that's the general idea..”

Immediately images of my Abuela's smileybface come to mind and I begin to wonder how I would go about finding a contact number for her..  “Thank you, Verity– this is– so generous..”

“Don't thank me, I didn't pay for any of it..” Verity inspects her manicure lazily before looking up to see right past me.. “Oh Vik, baby, you can put those in the wardrobe–”

Spinning around I receive a heartstopping jumpscare when I find the six-foot-something silent giant Viktor standing in the doorway, his arms full of beautiful paper bags, all printed with the illustrious names of famous Italian designers..

With a nod of acknowledgement towards me, Viktor side-steps me and proceeds to drop the bags off in the wardrobe..

“Go on, take a look..” Verity grins, encouraging me to follow Viktor.. So I do, finding the burly man struggling to figure out how to hang a particularly silky lavender garment..

“I can do that, Viktor.” I smile, signing thank you with my hand by gently touching my fingertips to my chin.. I see his eyes flicker with the first sign of excitement, or any emotion really, I have seen from him yet..

I had learned sign language a couple years ago when one of Javier's street girls, Rosa, was knocked down in a hit and run incident after which she had to come stay with us during her recovery.. There were a few broken bones and her movement was restricted, so to keep ourselves occupied, we passed the time teaching each other the little things we knew.. I showed Rosa how to make Tamlés.. And she taught me how to speak in silence..
It was nice to have a friend, if only for a few months..
But then Javier grew jealous of course, so he sent her away and I never saw Rosa again..

When I think back on all the things Javi stole from me, I am so deeply furious about everything I have missed out on, and I can't help but wonder if I will ever be able to let go of that anger, or if it will poison me forever..

As I wade deeper into the wardrobe, Viktor is visibly grateful to be relieved of his duty.. He sets the dress and hanger down to take a step towards me.. His own hands raise to make a few rapid signals, speaking volumes without words;
You don't belong here. He signs..

I nod, only able to agree with his observation, even if I don't understand why he is making it.. I know better than anybody that I don't fit into Max's life, he is powerful and respected, wealthy and successful, he is a somebody and I am a nobody.. And I certainly don't need Viktor to tell me that.. But then he continues talking with his hands;
None of us do.

We stare at each other for a long moment as I try to unscramble what his cryptic comment might mean..

Is he talking about himself?
Or is he talking about the Angeloff siblings?

I come up short of an explanation and before I can ask the sound of Verity calling out as she approaches the wardrobe has Viktor rushing off, as if he were afraid of the small yet mighty woman..

“So, what do you think?” Verity throws open her arms as she enters with a dramatic spin, gesturing at the finery that surrounds us..

As I take Viktor's place of unpacking the bags, I begin to notice the sheer amount of clothing that now spills from every rack in the enormous wardrobe.. Soft pastel hues, organised by colour, hang all around me, while shelves sit stocked with shoes, from sandals to stilettos and sneakers neatly paired in their rows..
Displayed on the centre island are leather handbags of all sizes, velvety trays of shimmering gold jewellery, watches, sunglasses and every accessory in between..

Verity didn't just go shopping.. She brought the whole department store..

My fingers curl around the expensive silk of the lavender slip dress in my hands and my inarticulate lips quiver as I fight back the emotional overflow that swells inside me.. “This is all for me?”

“Well coquette sure as hell isn't my style..” Verity struts across the wardrobe towards me, running her hand along a rainbow of dresses.. “But I took a gamble it would be yours.. Do you like it?”

“Verity.. I love it!” I can't help but giggle, giddy from the high of her delight.. I've never had much more than what could be stuffed in a backpack, so to have an entire wardrobe the size of a studio apartment is beyond anything I could have ever dreamed up..

“Good..” She looks around the closet, confidently pleased with herself.. “Now you can pick something stunning to wear and we'll go out dancing!”

Her invitation, while somewhat forceful, doesn't go unappreciated.. But after such a draining few days filled with shocks and horrors, I'm not so sure I have the strength in me to go out and dance as if nothing ever happened.. “Umm– tonight?” I wrap my arms around myself as if that would protect me from the disappointed look in her eye.. “I don't think Max would want me to–”

“You're really going to let my brother tell you what to do?” She arches a curious eyebrow and I get the sense she is testing me, trying to see just how deep my loyalty to Max runs.. The answer to which I'm sure would shock her.. Because I am one hundred percent committed to upholding our agreement..

I want to be free, more than anything.. And I want the very same for Max..

“He tells you what to do..” I retort, the early stages of overtiredness starting to grind down my patience.. “Isn't that how it works in your family? Everybody does what they're told–”

Her feline features contort in displeasure at the unexpected push back, before her catty eyes darken.. “Careful, Sunday.. You can play-pretend that you're a part of this family, and I will do whatever Max asks of me, including helping you acclimatise to a world you clearly don't belong in.. But you are not my blood, and you do not want to make the mistake of getting on my bad side..”

Knowing she is right and there is no sense in fighting her, I bite my tongue and try a gentler approach.. “Verity, I would love to go dancing with you, but–” I chew my bottom lip.. “I’d be a terrible company.. The last few days have been– hard, and– I’m really trying my best, and I just don't want to mess this up..”

She sighs.. “You're probably right.. He'll never let you go anywhere without security ever again anyway.. Guess I'll just have to go to Blazhénstva alone..”

A gravely baritone makes us both jump.. “Nobody is going to Blazhénstva, Verity..” Max leans against the doorframe, his arms folded and his expression displeased.. With his focus zeroed in on his sister, he shakes his head.. “You should know better..”

“No, you should know better, Maksim!” Verity plants her hands on her willowy hips, defiant.. “You can't keep your fiance hidden away up here, the brothers need to see her or they'll talk.. You'll only make her an even bigger target by trying to protect her.. You just don't want to admit it because you're thinking with your di–”

“Don't ff-forget who you're talking to, Printsessa..“ Max warns on a low growl and Verity snaps her mouth shut, exhaling a frustrated puff from her flared nostrils before mumbling something Slavic that sounds much like a sarcastic apology..

“Prostite, Brat..” (forgive me, brother)

Watching the two is like watching a father scolding his tempestuous teenage daughter.. Verity's juvenile pout and lashing temper are met by a steely resolve, rigid and immovable..

Next he'll tell her that she's grounded..

“¿Perdóname?” (pardon me) I step forward to interrupt their heated debate.. “Why would anybody be talking about me?”

Verity glares back at me as if I were brain dead.. “Max is Pakhan's money man.. You don't think there are other small-time Sharks out there looking to take what he's got?” She scoffs.. “Please, Sunny, you really can't be this naive..”

Max bristles in my defence.. “Verity, stop–”

“No, she needs to hear this..” She holds up a hand to him, turning to me.. “What happened last night wasn't your fault, Sunday.. But if we allow it to be seen as a weakness, or a vulnerability to exploit, it will make a mockery of your marriage and my brother’s name.. They will never stop coming for him, and they will see you as a way to bleed him out, to make him suffer.. Is that what you want?”

“No!” I gasp.. “Of course not!”

She looks back to her brother, this time pleading for him to hear her instead of fighting.. “If we don't show a united front, we might as well throw her to the wolves and sign your death warrant.. Max, please.. You brought me here to help, so let me..”

“Nyet..” Max turns his discerning cobalt stare on me and suddenly I feel exposed, as if I'd been stripped bare and he could see every part of me, including the chaotic whirlwind of my emotions in flux.. “She's not ready.. Not yet..”

Verity groans, her head falling back as she scrunches her eyes shut.. “Nobody ever fucking listens to me!”

Max drags his gaze reluctantly away from me, rounding on his sister to place a coaxing hand on her shoulder.. “I hear you, V..”

Her folded arms fall away from their guarded position, dropping limply to her sides.. “So what, you disagree?”

"It doesn't matter what the brothers think..” Max shrugs, that enigmatic stoic facade operating at full capacity, making it impossible for to to know what he is thinking or feeling.. “It only matters what Pakhan tells them to think.. Stori will see through me parading her around like a trophy after what happened at Na Pont.. If I really cared for the girl–” His blazing blue eyes flick towards me, a passionate fire dancing deep within them.. “He knows I'd want to keep her safe, not show her off..”

Verity winces, clicking her tongue in concession as her temper cools and she stands down.. “I didn't think about that..”

“I played the game to get to where I am, Sestra..” (sister) Max smiles wryly.. “And I know the rules..” folding his arms comfortably, Max leans against the door frame, the authority he holds over his sister becoming increasingly apparent.. “So when I tell you to stay away from Blazhénstva, I expect you to listen to me..”

“Fine..” Verity huffs, making a meal of demonstrating just how bored of the entire interaction she has become.. “I'll go to Na Pont instead and find out what people are saying.. The bartenders are hotter there anyway.. Don't wait up!”

“Have Viktor take you..” The surly Loan Shark orders as she moves to brush by him.. In a flash of movement he grabs her by the arm, stopping her in her tracks before he leans down to issue a low warning.. “Don't embarrass me again..”

She nods dutifully, bowing her head in deference.. “Ya bol’she me podvedu tebya..” (I won't disappoint you)

After Verity breezes away, Max turns his attention to the racks of pretty dresses and I try my best to stand tall and unaffected by the new revelations.. “She means well..” He sighs.. “Most of the time anyway..”

“I know that..” I quietly agree, nodding nervously and twisting the silken dress in my hands.. “And if it really was important like Verity said, I could still go dancing with her.. This might sound strange to you, but– I'm okay.. The most okay I have been in a really long time, Max.. Last night wasn't even the worst thing Javier did to me, but today– you made sure he'd never hurt anybody else ever again– that's he'd never hurt me again..”

I wince at the darkening fury that crosses his eyes, expelling any light in them to replace it with blackened hatred.. “My only regret it that he died too fucking quick..” He snarls beneath his breath.. “I should have made him suffer–”

“I know it's what I asked for but--  I never wanted cruelty, Max..” I whisper.. “I just wanted it to be over.. My gaze drops, unable to meet his.. “I wanted to be free.. To make my own choices, to be my own person and– wait, why are you looking at me like that?”

He frowns, the etched furrows of his brow deepening in discontent.. “Like what?”

“Pitiful.. Like you did the night we met.. Like I'm broken.. ”

“I don't think you're broken, Bunny..” He takes a purposeful step closer, knuckling beneath my chin and tiling my gaze up to meet his.. “I think you're ff-fucking beautiful..”

“Oh..” I peep..

“Which is why you can't go to Blazhénstva without me..” A slight and roguish smirk curls his lips at one side, making me all the more curious about what has piqued his amusement..

“What is Blazhénstva?”

“The Pakhan’s club..”

I watch him as he watches me, neither of us willing or able to look away.. “You don't trust me to go out dancing without you?”

A devilish humour flickers in his eyes as his smirk broadens.. “People at Blazhénstva do a lot more than just dance, Bunny..”

“What do you mean–?” No sooner than the question is out of my mouth so my eyes widen and  realisation dawns upon me.. “Oh…”

“It's an acquired taste.. One Pakhan is partial to, unlike me..” Max chuckles darkly, leaning in closer to me so that the rich liquorice scent of his cologne tickles my nose.. “I don't share whats mine..”

“And I am–” I swallow, a pulsing need suddenly coursing through my veins.. “--yours?”

"Da.." (yes) His lingering gaze casts slowly down to my lips, before he shakes himself free, drawing back to run a hand back through his perfectly mussed hair.. “For appearances sake..”

As he takes a retreating step away from me, the empty space he'd held rapidly cools and I can't contain a whimper of disappointment.. “Max?”

The Loan Shark stops, half withdrawn but reluctant to pull away any further.. “What is it, Zayka?”

“Today, you asked me to forgive you and–” Searching for the right words, I gaze up at him, my heart hammering in my chest so loudly I'm sure he must be able to hear it too.. “I do..”

“You're too good for this world, Little Bunny..” He reaches out to tuck an untamed tendril of my mocha curls back behind my ear, the sweetness of his touch and the intimacy of the manoeuvre sending shivers  of desire down my spine.. “And you're too good for me..”


A note from the author

Hey besties, if you read this far I'd love for you to hit that star and leave me a little feedback on the latest chapter!

I can't wait to hear from ya'll!

Leela x

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