A Mute Game

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Let it out, let it out. Find the words and let it out.

I sighed, watching my hands sign those words, over and over and over and over and over. Ack.

Scott looked over at me, eyebrow raised.

"Something on your mind?" I shrugged.

Not really.

"Oh." He went back to looking at the TV, where Dean was currently pressed against a column by a crossroads demon. (Oof. My phone wanted to correct demon to democrats xD)

"Whattdya think about that demon?" We had this thing where we'd rate the demons' meatsuits.

Eh... Eight? I mean, he's no Jensen, but he's hotter than most demons. What about you?

Scott looked back at the TV again before turning to me. "Maybe a six." He shrugs. "He's eh. Kinda looks like Aaron. Y'know, the one that sometimes hangs out with Alex and his gang, hangs out with Jefferson and Madison others." I looked back at the screen, waiting for the demon to come back on.

Holy shit, he does. Scott nodded.

"Yeah." He pursed his lips, turning to me as the episode ended. "Hey, wanna play a game?"

What kind of game?

"Well, it's like we've been doing for the meatsuits, but with people we know." I shrugged.

Sounds fun.

"Sweet! Alright. Uh... Let's start with... Alex." I shrugged, holding up four fingers.

"Same. Maybe five, if he's got his hair up. How bout Laurens?" Seven fingers. He nods.

"I know what you mean. Angie?"

Do you want Dan to kill me? Or, even better, Angie herself?

"Nah. Just a question."

I'm gay as fuck.

"Okay, then. So... One?" I shrug.


"Yeah. I'm almost scared to say anything higher because Dan would kick my ass." I nod in agreement.

"Alright. Laf?" Eight fingers.


Eight. He looks an awful lot like Laf. Y'know what I mean? He nods.

"Okay. Herc and Madison, since they look alike too." I pause, thinking before holding up six fingers. He nods.

"Okay. How bout... Me?" I thought about my answer. I'd had a major crush on him for a year, since we'd become roommates our freshman year of college. But I didn't know how he felt about me, which bummed me out more than a little. I hesitantly held up all ten fingers.

"R-Really?" I nod. "Sweet. I've, uh, had a crush on you for a while and wanted to see what'd happen if I asked that."

I smile, signing.

I've had a crush on you since we became roommates.

"Yeah, ditto." He smiles at me awkwardly.

So... What happens now?

"Well, do you wanna go on a date?" I nod.

Dinner tomorrow?

"Sounds good," he says, before hugging me tightly.

"Thank you, Dylin."
I dunno what this is exactly. I just wanted to write a Mute!Dyl, so I did.

Song: Wither by Dream Theater (it's the song Dylin was signing in the beginning)

Love always,

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