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I fiddled with the chain around my neck, stepping into the establishment. Pushing my hair from my face, I clocked in, wishing I'd brought the hat that came with the uniform. It'd keep my fiery locks out of my face, at least.
I mounted the stairs that led to the stage, flipping each bots’ switches to day mode before checking them over. Satisfied that they were clean, I ducked under Freddy's paw, jumping off the platform.

As I start to straighten out the dining room for the day, I felt the pendant shift under my shirt, corners digging into my chest. Sighing softly, I walk to the security office to look for a hairtie.

Finding a small black loop, I pull my hair from my face, securing it into a small bun. With that task completed, I walked to the bathrooms, starting to clean them up a bit, refilling paper products. I feel the pendant warm slightly, and finish up in the bathroom quickly.

The dining room yields sight to my purple-haired coworker, who surveys the room, lips cocking back into a smile as he spots me. I smiled back, reaching to mess with my pendant before remembering I'd stashed it under my shirt. Instead, I stuffed my hands in my pocket.

“I did the morning checklist. We're ready to open up.” He nodded, flipping the sign on the door around.

“Y'know,” he starts, glancing at me as he walks closer, my pendant warming more. “We've never talked much about our pendants.” I felt my face flush faintly, looking down at my shoes as I rested against the stage. The clicking and whirring of the animatronics was audible from this range, giving me something to focus on.

“Y-Yeah?” Of fucking course I had to stutter. He nods, as if he didn't hear me stumble over a simple word.

“Yeah. Like what they look like. Or the fact that mine gets warmer around you.” My face flushed hotter.

“Oh…” The rainbow laces I'd gotten away with threading into my shoes were really interesting now as he moved, shirt crinkling as he did so.

“Here's mine. Wanna see if they match?” I looked up, pulling mine out and moving close to him, sliding both halves together. He smiled, and I attempted to smile back, noticing how sharp his canines were.

“You've got fangs.” He smiled again.

“That I do.” He paused. “Can I kiss you? Since, y'know, our necklaces match, which means-” I pressed my lips to his briefly, smiling as I pulled back.


Long time, no see

I dont even know what to write here, but have a quick soulmate AU

Song: Roaring 20s, Panic! At the Disco

Love always,

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