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I was a ruthless killer, murdering people and not feeling anything after the fact. Or at all. I liked having no emotion, no remorse or mercy for my victims. I'd left a trail of bodies and mourning families in my wake. It brought a rush of adrenaline, knowing I'd gotten away with countless murders.

I've gotten soft, not killing at all anymore. I'd wake from a dead sleep, covered in a cold sweat, their faces on my eyelids when I closed my eyes. All of them. Kids, parents, families, it made no difference. I'd murdered them, and they haunted me because of it.

What confused me most was that the reason I'd gone soft, the reason I felt remorse at the blood that drenched my past, was one man. One man I'd fallen for. It started as a simple affection, a want to keep him safe. That want built until it turned into a lust for his attention. I wanted the affection he gave kids at our place of employment to be given to me. I wanted reciprocation.

So what did I do? What I did best. I killed for his attention. I started with people from work. The cashier who gave him the wrong look? Gone. The single mom who watched him with the same adoration I held for him? Dead.

After a while, I moved to people close to him. His best friend? Outta the picture. Roommate who shared a bed when it got too cold? I don't know who you're talking about.

While all this was going on, I made advances. Flirted, gave him flowers. When I found out he was a hopeless romantic, I took him to dinner, then kissed him under the stars. I gained his affection, his trust. I lost control of my emotions, letting my previous victims control my nightmares. He was keeping me going when I felt my victims catching up, starting to control my waking life.

The instant I felt his attention slipping, I took a knife to his throat. I still lay beside him every night, but now I know he's not going anywhere. He'll stay with me forever.

So this went thirteen different directions. This started as an idea for a title and branched from there. Have a little yandere!Dylin that resulted.



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