Worlds of Fun

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This oneshot has JereMike & PurplePhone (and me, because I'm a nerd)

"What do you mean, you've never been?" Honey brown eyes rolled to meet dark brown from across the room.

"I spent most of my life in therapy, Fritz. That's what I mean," Jeremy spit out venomously, causing Fritz to raise his hands in a surrendering motion.

"Alright, alright. No need to get defensive, Fitzgerald." He glanced at the other three guards. "We need to get him to Worlds of Fun."

Dylin's crimson eyes lit up with excitement until Scott spoke up. "We only make $120 a week, each. And a ticket's half of that."

"Dan works there. They told me that after they work so many hours, they get so many tickets for free," Mike spoke up with.

"How many tickets?"

"Four, but they mentioned that they've got a couple other tickets laying around their house."

"Great!" So we can all go, and without spending half of our paychecks!" Dylin's eyes had sparked with excitement again, and Scott looked at him curiously.

"You're really excited, Dyl."

"Of course! They've got the Detonator!"

"I'll get in contact with Dan tonight and see about those tickets."

The others nodded, Dylin and Scott standing up. "We should get going. It's getting dark." Fritz followed them out the door, waving to Jeremy and Mike, who slumped into the couch when he left eyeshot.


"Shotgun!" Dylin shouted as soon as he had stepped out of Scott's car.

"Uhm, no, no, no, and... No. My truck, Mike's shotgun," Jeremy interjected from the bed of the truck, where he threw his bag.

Mike poked his head out the passenger window, sticking his tongue out at the purple-haired murderer. Dylin clenched his fist, ready to throw a punch when Scott put a hand on his shoulder. "He's the one with the tickets, Dyl. Calm down." Dylin sighed, dropping his hand to his side, tossing his bag in the bed by Jeremy's.

Scott tossed his bag in too, before walking to the cab, climbing in behind the driver's seat. Dylin climbed in next to him as Jeremy climbed in. "Now we're just waiting on Fritz."

"What about me?" The brunet asked as he climbed in behind Mike.

"Just how we were waiting on you." Dylin's voice rang, slightly impatient.

"Sorry not all of us are dating our co-workers," Fritz snarked back.

"That's enough! I'd like to make it to Worlds of Fun without a fight!" Scott snapped, causing both men to look at him apologetically before Dylin rested his head on his shoulder. Jeremy pulled out of the parking lot and they started their journey.


They piled out of the truck, grabbing their respective bags and heading towards the gate. They got through security with no problems. Once they got through the gate, Dylin shot off in the direction of the Detonator, Scott in tow. Fritz took off towards the Americana area, and Jeremy looked at Mike.

"Well, since it's your first time, you wanna start off slow, or...?" Jeremy shrugged and Mike smiled. "Alright. We'll go hit the Patriot, then." He took Jeremy's hand, walking to the Patriot.


Jeremy looked at the ride in discontempt. "You sure, Mikey?" Mike nodded.

"I love this ride, Jere." Jeremy shrugged, walking into a line.

They waited until the line got to the point where they could go on, and they sat in a seat, strapping themselves in before waiting for a ride operator to check their harnesses. Mike kicked his feet while he waited for the ride to start. Jeremy looked at his feet, which dangled above the diamond plate metal.

"Nervous?" Mike asked, causing Jere to look over at him.

"No." The ride jolted as the brakes released, and the seats began forward. It began it's ascent up the first hill, and Mike kicked his feet in anticipation. "Is it that fun?"

"More like I love the rush of adrenaline that comes right... here." As Mike said that, the chain released the car onto the main track, sending it spiraling downwards before going into a loop, thrusting the boys upside down. Mike shouted in glee as they were righted before going into a barrel roll, followed by a looping barrel roll. They went through various other barrel rolls before it came to a stop.

When they got off, both men wobbled a bit before walking down the flight of stairs that was the exit.

"We should go say hi to Dan," Mike remarked. Jeremy nodded, and Mike led the way back they had come originally.


The men approached the Scrambler, where said ride operator stood, bored. They looked up, eyes lighting up as they saw the two men. Mike's eyes glanced down at their wrist, where a simple braided rainbow bracelet rested.

"Gay day, huh?" Dan nodded, leaning against the fence surrounding the ride. Their hazel eyes glanced around.

"It's also a slow day, apparently. I've hardly had anyone." Jeremy looked over the area as Dan continued. "Of course, Scandinavia is the more... sedated part of the park." They crossed their arms over their chest uncomfortably.

"And that's not you, if I remember anything about you from school."

"Hell no. I'd rather work the Patriot. Or even the Fury." Mike nodded.

"We just got back from the Patriot."

"Lucky asses," Dan grumbled. "Wanna ride? Not quite as adrenaline pumping as the Patriot or the Detonator, but it's a good one for cooling off." Mike shrugged, looking at Jeremy, who shrugged, pushing through the turnstile. The duo made their way to a car, sitting side by side. Dan walked behind them, securing the door to the car.

They walked back to the control stand, reading off the spiel before starting the ride. It spun, the cars placed around it spinning in their little groups. It continued until Dan stopped it. They read the ending spiel before walking over to the car the duo was in, opening the door.

"There ya two go," they said, walking back to their place by the turnstile.

--X-- Let's go check on our murderer and his subdued boyfriend, shall we?

Dylin had just gotten off the Detonator for the fourth time whilst Scott watched from the walkway that ran along the bottom of the platform. Dylin walked to Scott, who was sitting on the brick that ran around the trees. Scott's emerald eyes glanced up to meet Dylin's garnet ones, Scott silently pleading for Dylin to go with him.

"What, babe?" Dylin sat beside Scott, close enough to show they were together, yet far enough apart that neither was too hot.

"Can we go on the Fury now? Please, Dyl?" Dylin smiled at him.

"We can go on the Fury-" Scott smiled, pecking Dylin's lips before he continued, "-if you go on the Detonator once," he finished. Scott's eyes widened as he looked up at the towers in front of them.


"How's bout this: We can go however many times you like on the Nile, if you go on the Detonator once." Scott bit his lip, considering.

Go on the Detonator once and ride the Nile countless times or just sit here watching Dyl ride the Detonator?

He sighed, looking at Dylin. "I'll go." Dylin smiled, kissing him briefly before pulling Scott to his feet, walking to the line. He held Scott's hand up until they got strapped in. Scott looked at Dylin, who had a huge smile on his face. His hands wrapped around the harness, holding onto it tightly.

The ride lifted slightly, and Scott's eyes widened. Dylin's laugh could be heard right before the ride shot up. The other riders screamed, but Scott's scream drowned them all out. The ride bounced back down before going back up, not quite as fast as it did originally. It then went down, stopping every once in a while before it was at ground level again. The harnesses released and Dylin stepped off, stepping in front of Scott, who was frozen in place.

"Scott, babe?" Glazed forest eyes rolled to meet Dylin's. "What's wrong?" He wrapped his hand around Scott's as he got up. They walked to the exit, walking to the right and making their way to the Fury of the Nile.

"Don't make me do that again," Scott muttered, tilting his head to look at Dylin. Dylin stopped, looking at Scott.

"I won't. But I'm glad you tried it, babe." He brushed some of Scott's hair away from his face, kissing his forehead. "Thanks for going on it with me." They both finished their walk to the Fury, getting in line. When they got to the turnstile, Scott held up two fingers and they were directed into Line One.

The ride operator waved them over, and they climbed into the boat, sitting next to each other in one of the seats. The operator gave a quick spiel before stepping away, leaving the two to go on the ride. The boat released from the roundabout, letting them go into free water. It drifted for a moment before getting caught in the current, pushing them towards a rapid. The boat dipped into the rapid, causing both men to get splashed. Dylin yelped whilst Scott yelled in joy. The boat continued down the man made river, splashing the men at every chance. When they got to the end, the men were thoroughly soaked. They started the ascent into the roundabout to get off, stopping halfway up the incline. They waited, the hot sun lightly drying them off. The incline jolted into motion again, and they got into the roundabout. A ride operator walked over, telling them they could get out of the raft. They walked to the end if the exit, hopping the fence and getting back in line.

--X-- Now to check on our lone night guard.

Fritz was just riding the Timberwolf repeatedly, since he had no one to argue with his decisions.

--X-- Let's go back to Jere and Mikey, yeah?

The duo walked back to the Scandi Complex, checking Scrambler before asking the operator -Trinity, her name tag read- where Dan was. She told them they were over at Sea Dragon, so the duo thanked her and walked over. The line for Sea Dragon was shorter than the one at Scrambler currently, so they were able to get on the ride fairly quickly. After the ride was over, Mike suggested they go ride the Nile to cool down, even though there was another water ride by Sea Dragon. Jeremy shrugged before agreeing, following Mike in the direction of the Nile.

When they got in line, Mike texted Scott to see if they were near the Nile, finding out they were on the ride currently, about to get off. So Mike and Jeremy waited for Dylin and Scott so they could ride in a boat together.

--X-- I don't wanna bore y'all too much, so I'm just gonna time skip to the end of the day

At the end of the day, the group trudged back to Jeremy's truck, clambering in and getting buckled. Mike rested his head against the seat belt, closing his eyes, falling asleep soon after. Scott rested his head on Dylin's shoulder, falling asleep also. Jeremy turned music on, so he didn't fall asleep during the drive back home. Dylin rested his head against Scott's, softly humming to the music as Jeremy pulled out of the parking lot and started the journey home.

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