The Man in the Dark

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As I walk down through my backyard with my little brother to go roast marshmallows over a bonfire, he casually says, "That man over there is scaring me." I freeze and ask, "What man?" He motions to a dark line of trees at the edge of our property and says, "That one." Though I know that three-year-olds can be mischievous and silly, I cant help but glance over towards the trees. I think I see something there, but it's probably just my imagination. When we reach the bonfire I grab a flashlight and shine it up at the spot he had mentioned. A man stands there, dressed in black.

A/N: AAAAYYYYY this is a story I made based on something tha actually happened to me X,D (I'm serious). We were having a bonfire and my little brother told me that a man standing near a dark line of trees was scaring him. I told my sister and we shone a flashlight up at the spot he had mentioned and we saw something there that looked just like a person, but turned out to be a lacrosse bounce-back (and if you've seen the movied Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, it started to look like a hollow when I walked closer to it D:). It was pretty creepy so I decided to twist it into story. (And now that my brother realized that saying things like this earns him tons of attention he decided to start telling my dad, who would be putting him to bed, that he saw a man in a tree outside. I asked him what this man was doing and he said "fixing the tree") So there ya go! A creepy story that is partially true. I'll post some art soon so stay tuned! -Raptor

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