A Reason To Live

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The alarm was blaring. Shit, how could he forget to turn that off? It was one of his rare days off and he definitely did not want to be woken up by his alarm. The man rolled over and he turned off the alarm and groaned. He nuzzled back into his pillows and was slowly starting to drift off to sleep, but was soon startled back awake by a whine, and the start of little cries. He rolled over and pulled the small figure close. "Ah, I'm sorry. Did the alarm wake you?" Oda says patting his little back as the baby sniffled. Oda started to hum and he laid the baby on his chest and gently rubbed his back as he hummed. Oda smiled as the baby started to go back to sleep, he smiled. The baby was truly a blessing, after losing everything. He was happy to have one precious thing that he loved, that kept him on his feet. Oda stopped humming as he realized his little one fell back asleep, and he held him close as he drifted back off to sleep himself.

Oda was sitting on the couch, and he was shaking with a glass of whiskey in his hand. He lifted it up to his lips and he downed it, knowing it would be his last. What the hell did he have to live for anymore? The orphans were dead, the man who did it was killed. There was no place for him anymore in this world. Maybe it was his karma he thought. All the lives he had ruined when he lived the life of an assassin. He had left kids parentless, mother's without sons or daughters, spouses without their lovers. He didn't deserve to live. Oda took the pistol on the table, he loaded it, and he spun the chamber into place. All six holes filled with a bullet, no room for redemption. He put it up to his head, and he was going to pull the trigger; until he heard loud cries coming from outside. Oda stopped and he listened to the cries. They were loud, pitiful, and they weren't stopping. Curiosity got the better of the ginger haired man, and he put the gun down; stood up, and headed outside. Oda followed the sounds of the loud cries, and when he found the source his eyes widened. It was a baby, he had to be no more than a month old. It was below freezing. Who would live a baby by the edge of the street in this weather? Oda's guess they didn't want the baby to be found. Oda picked up the baby and he gently rocked the baby and went inside. Oda wrapped the baby in a blanket, and he did his best to get the baby warmed up; and before he knew it the little baby was warm and sleeping in his arms softly.


The pediatrician smiles as she just got done checking the baby's heartbeat.

"Chuuya has grown a lot since a few months ago. He's a lot healthier."

Chuuya cooed as he played with the stuffed animal bunny in his hands. Oda rubbed his little cheek and he smiled. "I'm glad to hear that. I was really worried when I first got him, I knew he was underweight."

"Well he's more than okay now. You're doing well taking care of him. You can schedule an appointment up front for his year check up okay?"

Oda nodded and the pediatrician left the room. Oda got up and he picked Chuuya up and kissed his little face. "Alright little one, let's get out of here." He smiled.

Oda sat nervously with the infant as he whimpered in his hold. Oda felt so helpless the baby sounded so miserable and he couldn't stand it.

"Oda Sakunosuke?"

Oda stands up and he walks over to the nurse. He follows behind the nurse.

"Hello, so what's going on today with your little one?"

"I don't know..." Oda said honestly. The nurse can hear the worry in his voice. "He's been crying mostly nonstop... and then when he does stop he whimpers like he's in pain. I've tried everything... I don't know what to do." He said honestly.

The nurse rubbed Oda's shoulder. "It's okay." She smiles. "We can figure it out together. Also the front desk told me you had found the baby?"

"Yes... he was outside in the freezing cold. Someone just left him... All they left was a letter with his name and his information. I didn't realize it was pinned to his onesie until I had got him warmed up."

"I see. Well now is a good time to get everything checked. We are going to give him a well check up okay? What's the little guy's name?"

Oda nodded. "His name is Chuuya." The nurse was very gentle with Chuuya as she picked him up, and put him on the scale. Getting his weight. He was only six pounds. It was very concerning because by now he should have gained a pound or two. The nurse took his blood pressure which was a bit high. And she took his temperature which was a 101.1. The nurse had a lot of concerns and she would discuss them with the doctor. The nurse took Oda and Chuuya into the room and she sat down for a moment, entered information into the computer, and then stepped out. Oda gently patted Chuuya as they waited on the pediatrician, after 20 minutes she came into the room.

"Hello. I'm Doctor Lan. And this little guy must be Chuuya huh?" She smiles.


Dr. Lan checked everything over again that the nurse did, and she listened to his heartbeat and breathing. And she could hear all the congestion in his lungs. And she checked his ears.

"Alright Oda, so I think that Chuuya has a bit of a sinus infection and cold, and he also has an ear infection. Which the good thing is; it can all be medicated. This is why he was so fussy. It was most likely from him being outside in the cold so long. And as far as his weight and him not keeping milk down, I want you to try skim baby formula. It will be a lot more soft for him. He should be able to keep that down. And for that little fever just give him over the counter children's motrin."

"...Okay... thank you Dr. Lan."

"And don't worry okay?" She said comfortingly. "You're doing your best and if you have any questions at all please call me okay?"

Oda nodded. She was right. Oda just needed to relax. He couldn't freak out, there was a little one depending on him now.


Oda was making curry in the kitchen, and he had the same cartoon running in the background as usual; Blue's Clues. Chuuya watched it so much the Oda knew the songs, he shouldn't but he does. Oda tasted the curry sauce and he turned around and looked at Chuuya and saw Chuuya bouncing up and down happily; holding on to the table; as he was watching television. Oda smiled and he turned back around taking the mashed potatoes next to the curry off the stove, he left them cool a bit before putting them in a plastic bowl. Oda let the curry simmer and he walked over to the living room and sat on the couch. Oda picked Chuuya up and Chuuya went to stick his hand in the mashed potatoes; but Oda stopped him.

"No, no. It's hot." Oda warns and he gets a little bit of food with the spoon and he blows on it before giving Chuuya some. "Mm~" Oda says as Chuuya eats off the spoon. Chuuya starts to whine as he wants more. Oda chuckles.

"Alright, alright. I'm hurrying." Oda gives him some more and Chuuya eats it happily. Chuuya looks up at him with his big round blue eyes, and he smiles at Oda with his dimples. And Oda's heart melts.

"You're so cute... do you know that?"

Chuuya cooes like he's aware of this fact. And Oda kisses his forehead. "I love you buddy." A few months ago Oda was thinking of ending it all. He felt so down, and like he had no reason to go on. But now that Chuuya is here, he does. And he wouldn't have it any other way.


I hope you guys really enjoyed. Please leave comments and stars :) Also any art used is not mine, all the credit goes to the original artist. 

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