Chapter 17- Really close

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Bheem's  POV

A lump formed my throat when I heard those words. Is a human life so cheap? that you can give death sentence to anyone and everyone, just to cover up your son? Of course we know it was Duryodhan who did it under the guidance of his dear uncle. I heard Kakashree Vidur saying something but I was so lost to hear, I don't even know who he was defending but I hope it must be Bhrata Karn because we don't care where we live, forest or City. The matter of fact is forest is much better.  My eyes diverted to Jeysth his condition was even worse, he must be probably blaming himself for ending up in such a situation, he always does that because he is the eldest. I could hear his voice in my head saying " Bheem , Duryodhan is not what you think of him. Its just a childish quarrel that you both have all the time." He was right, he is not what I thought of him. He is even worse. 

"Enough Vidur! I think I have made myself very clear. If you want to defend Panduputra, we can have a chat in my chamber. As for Karn, his actions are unforgivable. No negotiations on that." The king's bold voice snapped me out of my  thoughts.

"But death sentence, we are not sure if he poisoned the kheer, if we go by his statement in that case even Duryo..." kakashree  could not even complete  when Duryodhan's father cut him

"For God's sake Vidur, he is a sutaputa." I could feel Bhrata Karn clenching his fists so tightly that his knuckles were white. " Take him away" The king said with disgust and I swear I could see a dirty smirk on his lips.

"Don't you dare touch him" a feminine voice declared as soon as a guard was about to take him. Mata walked down the stairs from the first floor, where the royal women used to see the court proceedings from. A series of whispers started around the court room, while Mata walked out and stood in front of him. Her eyes were puffy and red but she was not crying anymore.


"Pardon me for disrupting your court proceedings o King, but its my duty to prevent Hastinapur from committing adharma. I believed in the Judiciary of Hastinapur but now I cannot stand an innocent being given a death sentence for a crime he did not commit. "

"But Kunti all the proofs are against him." He said with gritted teeth.

"What kind of proofs are you talking about Maharaj? The only one you want to believe? You are not even considering his statement."

" You  want me to believe a suta over the Prince?" he spoke harshly and my blood boiled.

"Enough Maharaj, what is this with Suta-Suta. How does it prove that he poisoned  Ijay's kheer and not someone from Gandhar." she said glaring at Gandharraj  Shakuni who was shocked with this sudden outburst.

" Devi Kunti, I see you have a special relation with him, that you are even willing to go against your family." he stated in his sugar coated voice.


"Of course GandharRaj, I am taking his side because as a Kshatriyani I was taught to value justice over family bonds." She said taking an indirect dig.

"Oh so the Maharani believes that  the suta here has not done anything wrong by going against the rules of the nation by practicing weapons? Is that what you are trying to say?" I wish I had the authority to kill him, I would have surely freed mother earth from this man's burden.

I saw Mata who had a peculiar reaction on her face that I was unable to read. She sighed and finally looked up, grabbing the hem of the cloth covering her head. She is nervous!

"Yes, I believe he did nothing wrong by wielding weapons because its his right as much as any other Kshatriya." the whole hall started whispering as to what mata was saying " He isn't a Sutaputra infact he is the son of Suryadev himself born by the blessings of Maharishi Durvasa, hence is  a Kaunteya and indeed a Kshatriya!

One Week Later

The past week was a complete disaster. My head starts pounding whenever I recall the events. Bhrata Karn's truth was a bomb for us. We were upset with Mata for quite a while before Kakishree Sulbha made us realize her situation, except for Ijay , he was supporting her all this while. Bhrata Karn didn't speak to her at all. He went back to his adoptive parents without speaking to her even once. I still remember his words when he left I love you guys. You guys were, are and will always be my brothers. Don't ever hesitate to reach out to me.  When Nakul asked him, if he will ever live with us as our elder brother he said I am your elder brother. Its just that I need some time to accept my reality, also to forgive her.

Duryodhan was found guilty of poisoning the kheer upon Bhrata Karn and Ijay's statement. I don't know how but he said he saw Duryodhan handing him the kheer. The king begged Pitamah's forgiveness to which he agreed on the condition that he won't create a hinderance in our education and will Gandhar Naresh back to Gandhar. Mata wanted Bhrata Karn to accompany us. So Kakashree Vidur convinced him somehow to come with us to gurukul. We were extremely glad about it but he refused to talk to Mata. I wonder if they will ever be normal. 

Upon Pitamah's wish Bhrata Karn has been accepted by everyone as a part of the family.  That meeting still sends shivers down my spine, innumerable insults and shouts were there but somehow Mata was able to convince the King and the public that Bhrata Karn was pure. What was shocking was the fact that Pitamah knew about him. So , he somehow settled the things.

Now here we are doing the rituals before leaving for gurukul. I eye my brothers they all are engaged in the prayers while I am thinking about the past week. Finally, the prayer service was over and we were directed towards Mata to bid our farewells while Bhrata Yudhishthira and Duryodhan were sent to greet the king. While biding the farewell Bhrata Karn stayed at back not participating in our conversation. Well, I can't really blame him for the same.

We bid everyone farewell when I saw Nakul looking around anxiously searching for someone. I smirked and elbowed Arjun and Ijay. They also had the same smirk. Well he is in for a surprise.

"Ahem! Ahem! Looking for someone Bhrata?" Ijay question while we tried our best to control our laughters.

"um.. umm no. Who would I look for?" He mumbled

"But it seemed like that only Nakul." Arjun commented.

"Yeah, I was looking for Jeysth." Oh my baby brother he thinks we will believe it Of course we know he was looking for Ijaya. Both of them have grown really close like really. 

Well, Ijaya is coming with us to Gurukul. Weird but true, there was this weird condition put forward by Guru Drona. Nakul doesn't know about it. It was Ijay's plan not to tell him. Such a prankster he is. 

From the corner of my eye I saw Ijaya coming up with Bhrata Yudhishthira dressed in saffron clothes, Nakul's smile grew like someone allowed him to take a mirror along with him to the Gurkul. Actually it was bigger than that.

This is going to be a wonderful ride and we are surely up for it!

Yeah, so I am alive but stuck up in my life. Anyways, enjoy the chapter this was the last part of their childhood. So would love your reviews.
Take care!
Stay safe!

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