Pull 11◀

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      Felix was busy drowning his self with practicing his parts. Pronouncing the hangul lyrics word by word to memorize it. He wasn't told of what happened between Hyunjin and Changbin, but earlier when they had breakfast the two seemed off.

After that, they went to their own assigned rooms and did whatever they needed to do. Felix though, was taking so long in memorizing his lines. It's not like it's the first time he received this amount of lines, but the beat was a bit hard to sing with. He could say the lyrics itself but find himself off tune.

     It was safe to say that the blonde boy was frustrated to the point of giving up. He clutched unto a lock of his hair as he closed his eyes. He can't mess up, Felix chanted.

       Changbin, paced back and forth to his room. The ravenette struggled to write new songs as he has no inspiration. He couldn't grasp anything that could motivate his lyric writing self. It wasn't helping that Hyunjin and him fought last night.

    ‘Maybe, I should talk to him?’ The said boy asked himself. His mind whirling into a big mess.

    ‘I'll just be disappointed and see him with Seungmin again.’ Changbin couldn't help but let paranoia get into him. When he got tired pacing back and forth to his minimalized room, he got out and walked towards Hyunjin and Seungmin's room.

     The doorknob reflected Changbin's hesitant figure. What was he afraid of? He could just barge in and ask Hyunjin to talk to him outside.

But what was stopping him?

     From a distance, he heard a familiar deep voice singing or rather reciting the lyrics for their new song. His goal changed from talking to his boyfriend to helping a certain member.

    The door to Felix and Jeongin's room was half-open. Changbin peeked his head to their door and saw the struggling Australian boy. The older member knocked, catching the younger's attention.

       “Hyung, can I help you with something?” Felix asked politely as he let go of his notebook. Changbin cleared his throat and pointed to the blonde's notebook. “Do you need help in our new song? If you're having a hard time, don't be afraid to ask your hyung for some help.”

     Felix, now flustered because his Changbin hyung heard him struggling, laughed nervously. “Uh, yes please? I find this part hard to sing.” The older boy entered the room and calmly sat next to the younger one. Felix pointed at the part he was having a hard time singing.

     And so, Changbin made him sing it repeatedly. Seeing as to where he was doing poor at, pointed out what he should and shouldn't be doing.

   After a lot of retries and ‘Sorry hyung’. Felix finally got the hang of it.

      “That's a great one! Just a bit more practice and you'll fit your part perfectly.” Changbin said, grinning proudly as he ruffled Felix's hair. The younger beamed a smile and hugged his hyung as gratitude.

     “Thanks Changbin hyung, you're the best!” The shorter boy laughed, but it faded when a sudden thought strucked him.

     He finally found the motivation he was looking for.

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