Pull 9◀

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      After Stray Kids' comeback, it was 3RACHA's turn to release a new song. Hyunjin was feeling lonely that his Changbin hyung is working hard together with Chan and Jisung.

    They get to rest, but the 3 doesn't. He thinks it's unfair sometimes, but being the lovable boyfriend he is, he understood the situation.

    But something inside him was getting tired of all the waiting. He needs someone by his side, right now no more buts.

     A singing Seungmin entered the room, he was singing DAY6's I smile with his amazing vocals. He didn't mind the boy that was laying on his bed, staring at him, instead he continued doing what he came for. Seungmin came in just to get some chocolates from his stash and to binge watch a show on the TV in the living room.

        “Seungmin-ah~” The older called which the younger pretended not to hear. Seungmin is still upset with him, because of the last fansign. But what was his rights to be upset?

     “Minnie-yah.” Hyunjin called. The brunette only sang louder, so his voice would overlap Hyunjin's. The raven haired boy sat up from his bed, frustrated that the younger won't notice him.

   “Kim Seungmin!” Seungmin finished getting chocolates from his stash and went to grab the door open, when a hand from behind, stopped it from opening further.

      “Seungmin, are you ignoring me?” Seungmin's back stayed in view for Hyunjin. Meanwhile, Seungmin's inside was going wild. He can't let his feelings get over him.

So he acted as if he didn't just ignored Hyunjin for 3 consecutive times and faced him with a warm smile. “I'm not hyung. What is it?” Fake or not, Seungmin's smile still beamed light.

     “Can you go out with me?” Hyunjin said absent-minded. He wasn't ready for that turn.

         “I can't for now hyung. I have something to do.” The older boy eyed the bunch of chocolate that the slightly younger boy carried up to his chest.

      “Like eat those and be a couch potato for the rest of the day? That isn't something to do.” Hyunjin leaned closer, his eyes squinting and suspecting Seungmin. Seungmin was lacking air to breathe, because of how close Hyunjin's pretty face to his.

        “W-well, I don't like the weather this day. What about asking someone else?” The brunette suggested. He didn't like how close the proximity of his hyung was to his face.

The older pouted, “Seungmiiiin, I want to go out with you please?” Who could ever say no to Hyunjin? No one, not ever.

      Seungmin sighed, he should just set aside his stupid feelings and go out with his hyung. “Fine, but let me go change first.” Hyunjin beamed at him and hugged the boy tight in joy. The slightly younger boy suddenly regrets everything.

How can he forget of how his hyung was such a flirt? The boy himself doesn't even notice he's clinging onto everyone!

Seungmin wore a denim pants, topped with his favorite sky blue polo shirt that wasn't buttoned up and underneath was a white shirt. He didn't want to over do himself.

It's not like he's cheating on Changbin hyung with me, we’re just friends!’ The red head thought.

    He knows his feelings are one-sided, like parallel lines; always extending but never meeting. He's hurt enough by the fact he managed to fall for a show they do for the fans. Stubborn feelings.

     “Seungmin, let's go?” He nodded as he trudge towards Hyunjin. Seungmin kept on reminding himself not to fall harder, the older noticed the younger's distress, so being the kind hyung he is, he decided to ask.

     “You look bothered, care to tell me what's bothering my favorite little dongsaeng?” Hyunjin smiled, making his stomach churn to the unexpected smile and question.

What's bothering me is you and how dare you call me little brother,’ Seungmin thought, but he made sure it won't slip off his tongue.

     “Ahhh, I'm bothered by the fact Jae hyung haven't guested Felix or Chan to his youtube channel, Jaesix. Nothing else.” He laughed after he finished the excuse he came up with. That was totally not lame.

       “Same, but maybe it's because we're busy all the time and when we get to rest it's their schedule's turn to be busy.” Seungmin could only agree to this. He didn't know what to topic anymore, he kept everything minimal. Made sure he was far enough from Hyunjin's reach. This didn't go unnoticed by the older boy.

    “Aren't you distancing yourself too far from me?” Hyunjin blurted out and started catching up with Seungmin to the side. The brunette lowered his gaze to the floor, contemplating on answering his hyung or ignoring him.

      Then he said, “I'm not. I was just giving you the space you normally need.” This made the raven haired pout and quickly replied, “The space I need isn't that much. I've always needed less of it.” which made Seungmin's eyes go wide like plates and thought to himself, Hyunjin's so bold.

     Then the older boy casually draped his arms around the younger. It made Seungmin's heart go haywire, but everything suddenly felt safe. Like a warm feeling decided to pool into his stomach,calming him. It made him question his feelings more than usual.

      The sign read, ‘Cafe Palace’ with a cursive writing and a gold glimmer, placed into a brown and cream board. As they entered the cafe, the aroma of brewed coffee struck their nose. Leaving Seungmin a satisfied sigh.

        Coziness wrapped the place's interior. From the white marbled tables and cushion chairs, the yellow hanging lights that makes it look warm, ceiling fans that slowly spun, adventure that was painted on the cafe's walls. It felt good.

The two ordered a slice of chocolate mousse cake, a strawberry crepe, with Americano and a Caramel frappucino.

They sat at the corner of the cafe, the younger of the two eating silently. Hyunjin was busy taking pictures of his food from different angles.

       “Will you finish that up and eat now?” Seungmin asked in a bored tone. His cake was half way finished, while Hyunjin hasn't even started yet.

“Ooo-kay and done! I'll eat now, Minnie mouse. Just stay put.” The raven haired boy started eating as Seungmin watched him, while drinking his caramel frappucino.

He didn't like it when members give him nicknames, but when it comes to Hyunjin he secretly likes it.

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