A/n Got tagged

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I got tagged by
so let's do this sh-
Dolan: *cough*

1.Name: Katherine

2.Bff: my friend Wendy

3. Relationship Status: single

4. Piercings I have: none

5. Piercings I want: none

6.Tattoos I want: a tattoo of Hunter's feet when he was a baby. (°3°)

7.Favorite wattpad account: I can't chose

8.Favorite music group at the moment: Set it off

9.Favorite movie: Aladin and Finding Nemo

10.The meaning behind my user name: Well back in Japan they would think I was super Kawaii and since my name is Katherine but Kathy for short so yeah. 'Kawaii' and 'Kathy'.

11.A fact about my personality: (.3.) you mess with my baby you will become a mashed potato... Love you

12.What I don't like about myself: I'm to forgiving

13.What I like most about myself: I'm not a doormat

14.What I want to be: A doctor

15.The idea of a perfect date: in a small cafe having some vanilla cake and chocolate strawberries and having a sociable conversation with no akwardness

16. Things I hate the most: Karma

17.Weakness: my baby being hurt

18.Fears: YouTubers losing subscribers

19.What I hate most about school: DBQ'S

20.Things I find attractive: Sby guys who later on open up to me

21.A random fact I know:Strawberries and blue berries are not berries but Bananas and Kiwis are.

22.A quote I love: "Changes are not accomplished by thoughts or decisions all it takes is dreaming it"-Kawaii-Kathy67

23. Something I need to get off my chest: .....I need to cry a lot but can't since I'm a mother and I don't want Hunter to worry

24.The last time I cried and why: 5 years ago and its because I was well....in a new family which is my current family

25.Looks or personality: I look like my profile except my actual hair and eye color is Brown. And I'm supper bubbly

People I tag:





HOPE you don't mind me tagging you. Freak out!

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