In a fake reality

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~Sam's p.o.v~


it's all dark and I seem to be floating I see my small legs and arms, they are just floating.


then I felt myself fall, all I saw were cracks in the darkness my world was falling a part. I looked at my hands and saw them age. getting older

I'm sorry

I couldn't see anything everything was dark everything was endless and then I saw something.


Yuki she was coming towards me as I felt myself go down further everything turning white but when she came to the white surface everything behind her turned black until she caught me.

~Sam come on~

~Yuki what's going on?~

~your waking up I'm not ready for you to leave me~

~what are you saying?~

~Sam please don't go~

what was she talking about where could I go it's just me and her

~I dOn'T wAnT tO gO tO sLeEp~

~I won't go I promise~

soon everything went back to the black abyss, nothing more than darkness as I hugged my little sister and she hugged back. I made her a promise that I would never leave her. and I can't leave her what ever happened back there freaked me out so much that I couldn't leave her now, and I never will leave her.

-Freak out

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