In the picture pt 2

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~Sam's P.o.v~
As i turned off the T.V when the movie finished i went back to the counter to look around the pictures. "hey Taurtis wanna look through the pictures?" i said going to him. He nodded as he took out half of the pictures out. We scanned through some that held humor in them mostly of others such as Dom making a silly face while Geode was spilling milk over him. Some where random like that. others were just plain out funny such as where Dom took a Selfie with Jacky. Those were really cute, Taurtis showed me one with Grian and Dom fighting in the background with Jacky in the front eating a cookie."oh yeah I remember that" I said as he kept looking through others. however I heard him gasp in shock I turned to him and raised a brow questioning him. "l-look" he said raising a picture of J, Grian and Jacky but besides them was a figure, it looked familiar in a way. it took me a moment before I figured who this was. "Yuki..." I said as I held the picture inspectin it more.
that voice wasn't just in my head was it?

~J's p.o.v~
I watched Jacky play as Grian made food. I loved them both but every time I looked at Jacky it just bring me down. I know it is bad but I can see Yuki at times. I can smell her see her feel her she's still here in this cruel world. I looked over and saw Jacky talking to her stuffed bunny that once belonged to Yuki. I missed her really, I missed feeling her lips on mine. why had she left me?

~I saw how Grian gave you a peck on your cheek and how you smiled~
~I saw how Grian gave you a peck on your cheek and how you smiled~
~I saw how Grian gave you a peck on your cheek and how you smiled~
what in the?Yuki?
Yuki what in the how?

~look j please understand I left you with a great man and from the looks of things he really care FOR you and Jacky... he loves you and I wouldn't be in the way of that~

~look j please understand I left you with a great man and from the looks of things he really care FOR you and Jacky... he loves you and I wouldn't be in the way of that~

~look j please understand I left you with a great man and from the looks of things he really care FOR you and Jacky... he loves you and I wouldn't be in the way of that~

...but Yuki we could gave made it work I would have  been there for all three of you.

              ~j my sweet j~
             ~j my sweet j~
             ~j my sweet j~

I felt something press on my lips but couldn't see anything at all. wad it her?

~Jacky's p.o.v(narrated)~
Jacky began to talk to her bunny which would always seem to talk back it was nice to know someone was always talking back. she always said things such as 'I will protect you from monsters' or something along those lines everything was perfect. but little die Jacky know that  when  she turned 4 Yuki would gave to say goodbye to her child, Jacky didn't know all she knew is that this bunny was her protector and her friend. always reassuring the baby. sure her mommy and daddy did to but she felt safer with her bunny.....

(in sorry it took forever but wattpad was being a butt to me)
-freak out

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