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"I'd like you to meet Jimin, he's one of our newest spirits and can probably help you out loads."

Jimin turned around from where he was about to leave the mansion, eyes landing upon a new spirit who stood beside Mingyu and Yoongi. His hair was long, lavender strands tied up into a ponytail with a few pieces that fell out and framed his face.

He looked really youthful, much like many of the other spirits here. It pained Jimin to know that so many young people were loosing their lives too soon. "Jimin-Ah, this is Jeonghan."

Smiling softly, Jimin stepped forward and waved slightly at the new spirit.

"It's nice to meet you." Jeonghan's expression melted at Jimin's friendly smile and he stepped forward. "I was about to go out actually, but I suppose it won't hurt to show you around before I do."

He had told Jungkook that he'd be back in a few hours when he left their house at six pm, and now it was around nine thirty.

Mark nodded, waving at Jeonghan and leaving the newest spirit alone with Jimin. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but when did you die?"

Jeonghan frowned slightly, following Jimin up the staircase.

"About an hour and a half ago." He answered, "I'm still semi-convinced that this is all a dream. What about you? When did you die?"

"A few months ago." Jimin replied, him and Jeonghan walking through various walls so that he could see the rooms behind them. "It took a bit of adjustment, but I'm pretty okay now."

"How old are you?"

"Twenty." Jimin smiled, Jeonghan nodding in response and pushing away a few pieces of hair that fell out of his ponytail. "You?"

"Twenty. Since we're the same age, can I speak more casually with you?" He asked, Jimin nodding quickly as they descended back down the staircase.

"Go for it." Jimin worried his lip for a few moments before turning to the other spirit. "It's okay if you don't want to answer, because I really didn't want to when I first became a spirit but; How exactly did you.. You know.."

Jeonghan sighed, staring down at the carpeted floor beneath him as they walked through the living room.

"I was walking home from university; I have evening classes, when out of the blue I hear a gunshot, and it becomes harder and harder to breathe." He patted where his heart was, frowning as he did so. "Right in the heart, didn't take long for me to bleed out."

Jimin noticed the younger's eyes start to water and immediately pulled him in for a hug, rubbing circles on his back as they both swayed softly where they stood. "I wasn't ready to die Jimin." His voice cracked with emotion, Jimin nodding and sighing.

"I know. None of us here were Jeonghan." His words were soft, trying to keep his voice as calming as possible. "I'm not going to lie and tell you that being a spirit is fun, because it can be really horrible at times; you just need to persevere got that?"

Jeonghan pulled away from the orange haired spirit, wiping his eyes and nodding.

"G-Got it." Jimin remembered clearly when he felt the way Jeonghan did, and although it may sound strange, Jimin would probably still feel that way if it wasn't for Jungkook.

Jimin always had a bit of a moral dilemma when it came to Jungkook.

Yes he was kind, and yes he was funny, and he most definitely helped Jimin forget about his situation sometimes...

But he was also the one who killed Jimin and various other people.

But it was because of his mother, he's probably not completely mentally stable.

- He still killed people though.

"Jimin? Are you alright?" Jimin hadn't noticed that he had been staring into space until Jeonghan spoke up and pointed it out. He huffed, attempting to clear his mind as he nodded at the other spirit.

"Yeah I'm fine. I don't know, I just feel kind of out of it today, you know?" He asked, Jeonghan nodding and patting his back.

"I get it." He responded, "You can go out to wherever you were going before I showed up now, thanks for showing me around."

"No problem." Jimin smiled before walking out of the living room and straight through the front door. He wondered what Jungkook was up to. Was he in a good mood? One of the moods where they watched movies together on the couch?

Or was he in a not so great mood? One of the ones that caused Jimin to need to calm the younger down and wipe tears off of his face.

Jimin prepared himself for both as he saw the familiar house come into view, running a hand through his hair as he walked up the porch steps and through the front door.

"Jungkookie?" He called, slightly worried when he didn't get an answer in response.

Jungkook would always answer, even if  it was a faint yell from the shower. Silence wasn't something Jimin was used to in this household, so it made him feel uneasy to be surrounded by it. "Jungkook?" Still nothing.

And then he heard it.

They were soft, barely audible, but he heard them nonetheless.


Jimin's body ran cold as he came to the only logical possibility that it was Jungkook who was crying, and bolted up the stairs to the location of which the cries came from. Biting his lip, he slowly pushed open Jungkook's bedroom door. Frowning once he noticed Jungkook sitting on the floor with his back facing the door, Jimin stayed put before moving forward. "Jungkook."

Jimin watched as Jungkook visibly tensed up at his voice, not moving nonetheless. Sighing, the spirit walked into the room and stood in front of Jungkook before sitting down across from the younger boy.

Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw when he did.

Tears were streaming down Jungkook's face, his eyes red. But that wasn't the thing that had Jimin feeling numb all over.

What caused that, was the blood smeared on Jungkook's hands and parts of his shirt.

"Jimin-Hyung I'm so sorry."

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