𖢻 Chapter Nineteen: Grateful

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"Do you want to come with?" Jaemin widens his eyes for a second, did not expect that invitation as Jeno waits for his answer.

"Will that be okay with you and... Jisung?" He asks for confirmation first.

As much as he would like to go with Jeno and see the brunet man's youngest son, he does not want to make either of them uncomfortable, especially in public.

Jeno smiles softly, "of course, I'm sure Sungie would like to see you too." Aware of Jaemin's hesitation.

Nodding, Jaemin smiles back, turning the car off as they step out. Making sure it's locked, he rests a hand on Jeno's lower back as they head off.


When the teacher calls for Jisung to step out of the classroom for a moment, the little boy was ecstatic to see his Papa.

"Papa!" Running in to Jeno's arms, the brunet man almost drops the lunchbox in his grip from the collision.

Jisung may be small and young, but with an energy like his, you can't expect to be balanced at all.

Just before Jeno could greet him back, Jisung gasps when he notices Jaemin's presence. The blue haired man standing behind his Papa's kneeling figure with a friendly smile aimed towards him.

"Mister J!"

Taking one of his hands out from his pockets, Jaemin waves at him. "Hi Jisung," a wholehearted laugh following suit.

Jeno smiles at the interaction, "we brought your lunch, baby." Showing his son his previously missing lunchbox, Jisung immediately takes it and hugs it to his chest.

"Papa is sorry for forgetting to double-check you this morning, now Sungie almost skipped lunch..." Jeno smiles sadly.

Hearing that, Jaemin frowns behind him. Knowing fully well what really happened, and the fact that Jeno covered up for Johnny but took the blame on himself instead just didn't sit well with him.

Jisung pouts but frames Jeno's cheek with his small hand, "'s okay, Papa." Voice soft, Jeno almost tears up right on the spot but stops himself.

"Thank you for understanding Papa, Sungie..." Jeno whispers, voice a little cracking as he fails to sound stable. He earns nothing but a small nod from the little boy.

Sniffling, he pulls Jisung into another hug and mumbles. "Okay, go ahead and eat now... Papa has to go back to work, all right?"

With a small nod, Jeno caresses his head gently. Waving goodbye, "bye-bye too, Mister J!" Jisung giggles at the blue haired man before running back in to his classroom.

Jeno stands up and interlocks his arm with Jaemin's, walking back to the elder man's car. When they got in, he notices Jaemin pondering in thought.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sense of worry was visibly written in his eyes, wondering as to why Jaemin suddenly went quiet.

Jaemin blinks several times before stretching his lips into a tight smile. "Uhm, I just... Couldn't help but think..."

"What is it?" Jeno asks immediately, curious of what Jaemin was thinking about.

"But I don't want to sound rude, honey." Jaemin hesitates to blurt it out, not wanting to offend Jeno or his kids.

This is a slightly rare sight for Jeno, the blue haired man in front of him is looking a little scared than usual. However, he is thinking before he speaks, which is something Jeno admires.

Soon realizing how Jaemin doesn't want to hurt him and his family in any way, Jeno sighs softly. "Love, if you're pointing out something genuinely wrong, it isn't rude."

Reaching to hold his hand, Jeno rubs his thumb on Jaemin's knuckles. "If it is something you can help with, then I don't see a problem... I might be stubborn though." Chuckling at the end to lighten up the mood a bit.

Jaemin purses his lips before mumbling out, "do your kids ever... Say thank you” or you're welcome”?" Feeling a bit guilty already.

However, he convinces himself that this is for the best. Not only for Jeno, but for the kids to be better people.

Although, this isn't all what he has to point out, there are a few more immoral actions that he's noticed since they've met.

But he thinks right now isn't the time to blurt it all out to Jeno all at once today. They already have a busy day and Jeno doesn't deserve to be even more tired.

So, he mentions the current situation for now. Deciding to bring up the others sooner or later privately and hopefully, at a good time where they aren't busy.

Jeno blinks, then lets out a sheepish chuckle. "Uh, I... I try to teach them..." He trails off for a moment, "but they just don't... Listen..."

"It's not their fault though!" He quickly adds to defend his kids.

Jaemin exhales quietly, "I'm not going to fully blame the kids, but they still should listen, especially Chenle who's a literal teen and can understand majority of what you tell them." He states.

Biting his inner cheek, he gathers up the courage to mention one man's name. "Does Johnny have something to do with this?"

When Jeno looks down, Jaemin got his answer. It's obvious enough, and the brunet man doesn't even have the will to defend his ex spouse when he knows it too.


"I tell Johnny to teach them these morals too, practice them even when I'm not there, not spoil them... And all that..." Jeno finally mumbles out a beat later.

"But he just... He argues with me saying I'm being ridiculous. And if I really wanted our kids to apply those morals, it should be my doing alone."

"This is fucked up." Jaemin's sudden use of cuss word in an angry tone has Jeno flinching on the spot, didn't expect him to be really bothered by it.

"Everything shouldn't be your doing alone in this, Jeno. Especially just because you guys divorced doesn't mean one person should do all the work while the other lazes around."

"I'm sorry if I sound very mean." Softening his tone as he frames Jeno's face gently between his palms.

"'s okay, I understand your point anyway. I was just basically convincing myself it will be fine and I can work with it... But obviously, I can't."

Gulping, Jaemin stares intently at Jeno's eyes, relishing how calm things are when their eyes meet even for a split second.

"I... I want to help." Taking a deep breath, Jaemin continues as Jeno raises a brow. "I promised I'd help you with anything." He brings up once again.

Jaemin is someone who likes to keep majority of his promises with his loved ones. This one is included.

"I want to help you take care of your kids... I... I want to–"

"I get it." Jeno stops him, "you don't need to say it, because I understand... And I'm really grateful for everything you do."

Hands reaching up to wrap around Jaemin's wrists, he leans in to Jaemin's palm, nuzzling his cheek against it. "Thank you..."

"I should be the one thanking right now." Jaemin giggles before leaning in to connect their lips.



What do you think of their characters so far? Do you think Jaemin is right with the kids' behavior?

Did you notice their behavior when they first met? Let me know if you spot the immoral actions :D

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