𖢻 Chapter One: Time

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Fast and heavy footsteps can be heard loudly through the lobby once a brunet man enters the building.

He clutches on to his bag as he passes through the busy people, excusing himself as he apologizes to those who he had accidentally bumped into.

Making it in the elevator, he glances at his silver watch while mumbling some incoherent words that's most likely aimed to himself.

Once the elevator doors opened again along with a high pitched 'ding' sound, he doesn't wait for any more second to rush off to a certain office.

Knocking on the door, he was soon granted permission to enter the big office from a voice behind the door. "Late again, Lee Jeno."

"I'm s–so sorry, sir Na. I– I got caught up with–" he didn't get to finish his words of reasoning as to why he was late.

The blue haired man waves a lazy hand at him, signaling him to stop while not looking up from his paperwork yet.

Jeno zips his lips tight, fingers curling as he grips on his bag tightly. Anxious to his possible consequence for being late, again.

He waits patiently for the elder man who's sitting on his respective chair behind his desk, signing some paperwork to finish with a black pen.

A few seconds later, the intimidating man drops his pen and finally looks up from his papers, eyeing Jeno's figure carefully.

He clasps his hands as he speaks up, "take a breath first, you're panting a lot." Voice low yet calm at the same time.

Jeno's cheeks began to heat up from embarrassment, nodding slightly as he keeps his head down low in shyness.

Once the brunet man seems to have regained his breath properly, the elder man behind the desk then says, "7 months in the company and you're still more often than not, late."

"I–I'm sorry, Sir Na." The brunet man squeaks out, still stuttering in his words.

Sighing, the blue haired man shakes his head. "I'm going to say this again, and please, Jeno-yah. Manage your time wisely. Keep on track, okay?"

Jeno didn't have the energy to reply with words, so instead he just nodded his head. Thankfully Mr. Na didn't mind as he lets him off to do his own duties.


"Jeno-ssi." The said man looks up from his computer, glasses sliding down the tip of his nose while he blinks slowly.

"Yes, Sir?"

Mr. Na stands by the door, hands in his pockets as he eyes Jeno carefully. "It's time for lunch, finish that work later."

"Oh," Jeno immediately glances at the wall clock, "I didn't even notice..." He mumbles.

"Uhm, I'll be there, Sir Na. I just have to finish this for you," he says. Earning a look from the professional man, he then adds. "It's almost done, Sir. I promise."

Mr. Na nods his head curtly, but before he left, he eyes Jeno one last time and then closes the door behind him.

Now, time for a small introduction on who these people are.

Lee Jeno is the most recent hired person in the company. He had applied a spot in the company months back.

Earning him a spot as the CEO's secretary had of course, surprised him. He didn't really have high expectations to be accepted, nor to get that specific role.

Nonetheless, he was grateful as the salary that was told to be good and needing the money to support his life like everyone else; made it worth it.

However, he isn't the most organized out of everyone– sure there are many like him, but being the boss's secretary, it's not something you should be proud of.

Fret not though, he is definitely trying his best to work on that part. But besides all that, he's a great employee in Mr. Na's company.

Always helpful and kind, had interesting ideas to suggest, very hard working, informing Mr. Na about everything as soon as possible and etcetera.

The only problem he struggles with is being on time in the morning. Very early at exactly 7 am.

It's not ever day of course, but it does happen a lot where he enters the company building in a rush. Once tidy but when he gets to Mr. Na's office, he's a little messed up and short of breath.

Speaking of, now, let's move on to the other main character.

Professionally known as Mr. Na, or full name is Na Jaemin.

Two years older than Jeno. His boss.

He's smart and handsome, yet also has an intimidating aura.

He's well known to be strict, especially at your first meet with him.

Unlike Jeno, Jaemin organizes his time as wisely as he could. Despite how busy of a man he can be, he also tries to make time for himself and for his loved ones.

Sometimes, Jeno thinks his boss doesn't go through stress a lot. Besides all the work he does, he looks so chill and calm.

Hell, Jaemin walks around the place with calm and slow steps while he observes his people.

Honestly, either Jeno didn't notice or he genuinely didn't see Mr. Na go off in a rush for something. Yet at least.

Jaemin actually has two secretaries, Jeno is one of them, obviously.

The other one is a girl named, Choi Jisu, or other known as Lia.

She's very sweet, despite joking around the office with her resting face. She can be friendly and fun to be with.

Lia is one of the people Jeno had befriended with. Thanks to her, he knows his way around after a few weeks into the job.

Lia has helped him since he had first entered the building to apply for a job. Till this day, they've been close.

However, despite having the same roles as Jaemin's secretaries. Lia is mostly assigned out of Jaemin's office and to do more busy duties.

Meanwhile Jeno has been usually assigned to be by Jaemin's side and do the more, what Lia likes to say, "easy stuff."

The brunet boy finally finishes his work on the computer and stretches his body, cracking his fingers before standing up.

Checking the time, he sighs in relief when he sees it isn't too late for lunch and certainly, he still has time to rest for a moment.

So without further ado, he leaves his small office and heads to get some lunch.

Unbeknownst to him, Jaemin was standing not too far away from the younger man, smiling to himself when he sees Jeno finally eating like he had told him to.


What do you think of the first chapter?

Lemme know :pp

Also, feel free to leave your thoughts throughout this book. It will certainly help me and motivate me to keep on going.

I also like to read your predictions and such.

Reminder, be nice not rude. If you don't like the book, please kindly leave quietly. No need to comment anything bad.

This is based on a true story a lot of people may go through.

So in short, "slice of life." :D

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