𖢻 Chapter Thirty-Two: Delay

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Jaemin eats his breakfast in a warm atmosphere, making it easier for him to enjoy his meal and slightly shrug off the loud thoughts reminding him of his busy day ahead.

He checks his phone once he was done, glancing up briefly to meet curious pairs of eyes. "Yes, Ma?"

His mother was smiling at him knowingly. "Is that the man you're going out with?" She pries.

Jaemin isn't really bothered, after all, he knows his parents are just waiting for him to be in a relationship good for (all of) them and meet their possible in-law.

When you grow older as a parent, you will experience that feeling. Of course you will, because family means a lot to everyone, isn't it?

Jaemin has had his fair share of flings or decent relationships back then. But of course, it did not work out. Luck wasn't always on his side, especially at a young age.

Unfortunately, there are those who will not give a damn about you, but only for what you have. Jaemin has learned that just like everyone else has or will in a bad relationship.

He learns to observe and read someone's eyes. Hence why he fell in love with Jeno, and did not overthink or hesitate to make a move on him.

From the very beginning, the moment Jeno entered the room where he will be interviewed by Jaemin, trembling from nervousness and looking down on his lap.

To now and onwards, where Jeno can walk and speak to Jaemin comfortably yet still giving him respect, meeting his eyes and smiling widely or shyly when he can feel what Jaemin is feeling.

Despite the circumstances in their relationship, Jaemin knows Jeno is genuine.

"Maybe." Biting back a smile, it is difficult to do so when he's talking about Jeno.

His mother's eyes practically sparkle, "Jaemin... Honey..."

Jaemin knows what she's about to ask for, it's normal and reasonable anyway.

But he shakes his head, smiling in pity. "Sorry, Ma. But I don't think he is ready to 'meet the parents' yet..."

"Is it him or his children?" His mother was quick to ask back. Tilting her head to the side, "you haven't even asked him yet."

Jaemin chuckles at her trying to persuade him, which will lead to persuading Jeno and the kids.

His parents are well aware of his and Jeno's love life, respecting Jaemin's request for them to kindly not bother and let them figure it out themselves.


"Sorry, darling. I'm just so excited to meet them one day. You know how–"

"Long you've been waiting for this, yes, I understand." Jaemin says with a wholehearted laugh trailing afterwards.

"Can you please ask him anyway? I promise I won't make it a big deal! It can be simple and minimal." His mother promises.

"I will see what I can do, Ma." He replies, a promising smile adorning his face. "Let's not force him, okay?"

"Of course not!" His mother quickly agrees, "just let him know in advance. He seems like a very nice young man, Jaem."

"He is." He proudly says, having his mother coo at him.


"Hey, can I have a moment with you before I go?" Jeno easily nods and follows Jaemin outside not forgetting to close the door behind him.

"So, just so you know, there is no pressure for you in this, okay? Answer honestly for yourself." Jaemin says carefully, to which makes Jeno more curious as he raises a brow.


"My parents know about us, and my mom is really happy and wants to meet you." He says briefly.

It takes Jeno a few seconds to finally reply. "Do they know about..." He trails off, discreetly referring to something without mentioning it specifically.

Jaemin hums attentively, "yes, they know about everything. But don't worry, I asked them if they could just leave us be and thankfully, they respected that."

"Is it just me or... The kids as well?" Jeno asks furthermore.

Jaemin shrugs his shoulders, "she didn't specify. But I assume it could be either depending on your decision. If you want it to be like Johnny and I's meetup, then that will be okay."

Jeno purses his lips anxiously, "it's not... Uh..." Taking a deep breath, he quietly thanks Jaemin for reaching out to interlock their fingers to comfort him.

"It wouldn't be a problem, I'm sort of excited to meet your parents too, love. However... It's the kids... And Johnny." He swallows heavily.

The elder man squeezes his hand to encourage him, waiting patiently for Jeno to gather his thoughts.

"You know the kids, especially Chenle. I don't want them to disrespect your parents just because they don't want to be there, they are still lacking good morals.... But learning as well, thanks to you."

"For Johnny... It is the same as yours." Jeno frowns, "he will know about it, whether in advance or later on. Regardless, he will not be too happy about it."

"Honey..." Jaemin sadly calls out, Jeno exhales through his nostrils and nods.

"I know, I know. It is still complicated, I'm trying to solve this out slowly and carefully, Johnny just... Makes it difficult."

"I'm worried for you and the kids, love." Jaemin cups Jeno's cheek gently.

The latter placing his hand on top of Jaemin's and smiles sadly, "sorry about that."

"I'll be there to help you, okay?"

"You always do, even when you don't have to." Jeno scrunches his nose as he jokes, both of them chuckling lightly.

"Please tell your parents my apologies for the delay. Maybe next time when things are a little more... Settled?" Jeno says, unsure about the right time to agree to this meetup.

"My parents will not mind if you're not ready for it." Jaemin smiles at him softly, rubbing his thumbs on Jeno's cheekbones. "Time will come, won't it?" The younger man nods a little.

"Send them my regards."

"Of course, love."



Lmao why do I suddenly feel like this is a filler chapter and was unnecessary– ;-;

I tried to show Jaemin's perspective with his life/family a little bit. Idk if it was even close to good because it isn't a full chapter like Chenle's.

Idk why I couldn't think that much today, I was literally excited to update this story since "Remember Forever"'s update.

But somehow my mood/adrenaline ran out– perhaps because of the cloudy and rainy weather that makes me lazy and tired but very comfy.

It's a little difficult too because Jaemin's an only child and well... Doesn't have that much drama in his life besides the kids and Johnny 💀

#unproblematicking purr 🤩

... Maybe because I'm sleepy (?) Idk, I literally just woke up from a nap four hours ago, ate dinner, ate some snacks minutes later and now tired smh.

Sorry everyone :')


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