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Neela's words left a great impact on Avni's mind. She was ready to do anything that would stop her from having the same fate as Neela.

Avni had witnessed Neela's tears all these years. Her parents acted as a happy couple outside their room but Avni has known the truth since the tender age of 9. Neela knew that Avni had discovered everything but acted happy so that the father- daughter relationship won't get affected.

Neela's tears gave her the strength to take steps towards Neil. She knew she had to do it. She was ready to go any lengths for a happy married life.

She smiled and entered back into the lawn where the party was going on. She went up the stage and stood beside Neil. She held his hand and entwined their fingers.

Neil was a little taken aback. He wondered what happened to her. One moment she seemed disinterested in him and now she was smiling happily and holding hands. Then he thought that maybe the thought of leaving her parents was bothering her. He put all his thoughts aside and held her hand more tightly.

The moment Avni felt Neil's grip tightened on her hands, she felt happy. At least, he was happy with her move. She felt encouraged. She felt a little successful in making him happy. She looked up at him and saw him looking at her already.

A: What happened?

N: You look even more beautiful when you smile.
He said looking into her eyes.

Avni felt shy. She felt heat rise in her body. His gaze was too intense for her to handle.

God! His gaze is making me feel like this, I wonder how I'll handle him in bed. I hope it all goes well. I won't let Ma's fears turn true. Yes!

Neil chuckled looking at her. She resembled a tomato. Totally red. He softly placed a kiss on her knuckles.

A: Neil..
A mere whisper.

N: Yes.
He said in a teasing manner.

Avni shook her head and smiled at him.

Soon, it was the time to say goodbyes. There were tears and hugs. It wasn't easy but some things have to happen.

Avni wasn't leaving Neela so Neil held her by her shoulders and supported her. He took her in a side hug and led her towards the car. He made her sit inside and closed the door. He came back to Ashish and Neela and took their blessings and sat in the car.

As he sat in the car, he looked towards Avni felt bad. Her face was red due to crying.

He shifted closer and cupped her face. Avni looked up at him. He gently wiped off her tears with his thumbs.

N: No more crying. Ok? They are still your parents and you can meet them whenever you want.
He said softly as if she was a small child.

Avni nodded her head.

Neil smiled and opened his arms for her. Avni hesitated and recalled neela's words. Without wasting a second she wrapped her arms around his torso and rested her head on his shoulder.

A: Don't ever leave me,please!

N: Never.
And he wrapped his hands around her naked waist. Her warm and smooth skin had goosebumps on it when his cold, rough yet soft hands touched it. Her throat felt dry.

She thought of reasons to break the hug but she feared disappointing him.

A: Neil, the driver...

N: Don't worry. He knows what to look at and what to turn a blind eye to.
He sniffed her and sighed.

N: You smell amazing Avni. What perfume do you use?
He asked breaking the hug.

Avni felt good that he was liking her. She felt its time to start showing her interest in him as well.

A: You need not worry about the name. I'll let you smell like me tomorrow morning or rather I'd love to have your musky scent all over my body.
She said seductively tracing his jaw with one hand and massaging his shoulder with the other.

N: Wow! I never knew that you had a naughty side as well.
He said holding her arms, stopping her from touching him.

A: Why? You don't like it?
She asked sadly.

He held her hands and kissed each one of them.

N: I love it. But, are you sure?

A: Of course Neil.
She said assuring him.

N: Then wait for another 10 minutes. We're on our way to our Beach house.

A: Beach house?

N: Yeah! It was mom's idea to give us some privacy for our first night.
He winked.

Avni smiled but she was hell nervous. Neela's tear stricken face flashed in front of her eyes. She had to do it!

She held his arm and rested her head on it.

Neil was happy that she was equally excited about marrying him as much as he was about her. He kissed the top of her head. He never imagined her to initiate the  SEX conversation. But he was content with the fact that she was interested in him,physically. He was determined to match up to her expectations and give her the best night of her life.

Little did he know, that tonight was just a compromise for her. Her assurance of a happy future and loyal husband.

She hardly noticed that Neil was an entirely different person. For him love mattered more than lust. He thought to wait until she was ready to take the next step. For him feelings mattered more than his manly needs. He was not like her father. Loyalty runs in his blood.

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