Lie can hide the truth but it cant change the truth

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Please excuse me for grammatical errors, this part is not edited

I can so relate to today's episode specially precap were Abhi takes only Kiara home, leaving Pragya

Hope this be only dream or better reality, please anyone can make one shot on current story line, n if already there do let me know

Without much delay here next part


Abhi warns Nikhil that he wants him to find Pragya before her birthday which is next week, Nikhil rushed out from Abhi's room while he was lost in himself "what must have happened between me n Pragya that I freak out???" After much thinking he came to conclusion


As soon as Nikhil comes out of hospital immediately calls Purab

"Hhhheee....yyyy.  Purab"

"Hi Nikhil, so .... what happened???? Is Abhi fine????? You sound tense!!!!"

"Nothing, I was thinking Abhi should under go some shock therapy.... n psychiatrist !!  You know what I mean to say??right???"

"No man, I didn't get you, I'm hell confused??"

"I want him to face PRAGYA"

"Are you made!!!!, She is married n if Abhi comes to know he will kill her or himself, I'm sorry I won't allow this"

He cuts phone even before Nikhil reacts, "What the f**@@, whats his problem!! Now how will I find out her??" Nikhil throws his mobile in anger n leaves

Here Abhi was lost thoughts when he first time saw Pragya
His Pragya, whom he loved endlessly

(No.... their first meet was not at her house when he was in London)

"For how long you will look from distance, it's been 2 months,  be a man, face her, talk to her, tell her about your feelings, ......or you What me to talk n ask for your marriage proposal"  his dad said annoyingly to Abhi for his shyness towards Pragya

"Dad please, i agreed to your wish n I will only marry her but I want to know her first, I want to be her friend first, I want to fall in love first,  then marriage" Abhi said dreamily, this was new feeling for him, he was hopelessly in love with Pragya at first sight

"But ......." Abhi didn't let his dad finish n continue talking rather convincing

"Trust me Dad, now I at lest know she won't agree with her father also if he ask to marry me directly, she is very independent, smart, beautiful, n...."his dad had enough of him, he cuts in n tells

"So do you......but only problem is you are emotional fool"

"Dad that's not fair..... I will talk to her, when it's right time" he was still not able to convince his father, who had almost given up making his son understand, so with much thinking he came up with advice

"I have my flight tomorrow early morning , before going back to India, I have one last advice...."


"Time is always right for right things,


"don't wait for right time..... you make move ...time will fellow you"

"I have an idea...!!" His Dad cuts in, without bothering to listen Abhi's idea, he started explaining his plan

"let me help you with it, ask Mohan (Pragya Dad) to help you find place which is close your work place, as where you hostel near your university is much far from your work place, I'm sure he will invite you to stay with them" still without any explanation He started walking towards his hotel

Abhi also started walking n matching up to his Dad's footsteps, he spoke little louder with hope his idea will be better

"But you didn't even hear my idea!!, I was thinking I will first do friendship with bulbul..." he tried to prove his point of view which fell on deaf ears

"This is reason I didn't even ask your idea, what's need run around bush, listen to what I have to say, n make sure Mohan doesn't call me" he finished talking n went inside lift

"Why???" Confused Abhi

"Aaaaareee, I will be in flight, I hope you can manage it without messing anything, right?" Said with irritation

"Oh god that means I have to go tomorrow itself n Why do you think I will mess up" asked as if this is first time his dad has doubts on him

"Because It's you, very emotional native, you can't even lie properly, you get nervous for no reason list is endless n Yes, tomorrow itself without wasting time, I'm leaving for now, take care, n don't over think" cupped his face explain him


"It was your decision, you wanted love marriage, now you have to do this way" with smirk on his face, he simply hugs his boy, his life

Abhi was is same university as Pragya, just different course, he used to admire her from very first day he saw her, without anyone knowing it
he came to London only for her, to know her, because his dad wanted him to marry Pragya, he agreed only on one condition if they both fell in love, n only then they will get married, he didn't wanted to force her into relationship or marriage

His father was sure that only Pragya can bring sense to his native son, she was so opposite of him n that's looks perfect for him, his father meet her when he came to London for some Conference, he stayed at his best friend Mohan house six months back, from that day onwards he made note that Pragya is perfect for his son

He takes out her pic of Pragya from his wallet n talks
"I meet with accident when you told something that freak me out, n you brought me here at hospital?????......... YES YES YES!!!!!!" As if his bulb light
"it's definitely something to do with pari,
Did she knows about pari???
Did she came to me for pari??? Did she came for me??
Did she wanted to confess??? Whatever be it, let it be, truth is she has all rights on pari, after all she is her MOTHER, and my Pragya

"You know I name her pari after her brother prabhi, if he was alive, we would have definitely together, I can't trust you with kids now, I'm sorry but it's truth, when I'm satisfied that you can handle only then you can meet pari, until then I will continue to make sure, you believe you deliver only one child who was prabhi, pari doesn't exist for you"

( I know many of you thinking how's that possible??, as it's was told she was adopted, I will tell you as n when story comes to climax)

Unaware of fact that she is already with pari, n pari also very much in love with her, he finally dozed off

Hope you like it
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