Sometimes we must accept that god has better plans for us

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Function was not over yet but abhi left for sometime to bring Pari as she was already upset, that he had not kept his promise, at least not completely, he was driving n thinking about what he said her Yesterday


"Good morning dad, its my birthday, come on now wake up, I want to know everything, let's start with her name, dad tell me fast" she was jumping with joy all over the room n shouting on top of her voice, he gets up
"Come here ( kisses her on forehead) happy birthday n stay blessed" tries to sleep again
" dad oh pls tell me, I won't have milk  or anything else" she started with emotional blackmail,he gets up again n makes her sit on his lap n hugs her, "so what you want to know,?? Her name!! What will you do after that??will you call her by name?? tries to confuse her
" no, but I want know her name, how she looked, n many more things" she gets down n again start jumping around
"Ok, but you will call her maa only right??"
"Yaa, its obvious "
" so what's in name right?? U call her maa only n about looks, she was most beautiful looking person I ever saw, she was also as pure as her appearance, she loved you more then me, you were her world, but she was getting weaker day by day, doctors couldn't do anything n one day she had to go" finally he managed to fool her,
"Dad, why she had to go to God n become star," gets very sad n hugs him
" because you can be with her for forever, ok no more questions" he was trying his best to get out of situation but he didn't know what was coming up
" dad pls one last thing, promise will not ask anything more" making the cutest face she pouts
" ok, n what's it???"
"How you n mom met!!"
He was speechless for longest time, n then after thinking he replied, "I have lot of work today, but promise when we move to our new house, I will tell all that day ok, bye cutie for now, I have to rush" he just ran to washroom before even she says ok dad, she was very upset that he didn't match up to her expectations, she wanted all answers today n didn't wanted to wait, though she didn't complain further but she face clearly shows what she felt

Flashback ends

Abhi still lost in thoughts,"Pari one day I will answer all your questions but you have to wait for correct time, at least when you are big enough understand all, God why is my life soo complicated," he reached home n straight went to Pari's room to talk to her, but was surprised she was all dressed, he was afraid that if she had dressed for party n soon he figured out she was dressed for that same Party, it was not that he didn't wanted her to meet people but she was so naughty that even if for second she was left alone then god save that person,who would be with her, she was pretty naughty n mischievous but also understanding. He made her understand that it's a reception as in wedding party, so she can be there for some time but after that straight to their new house (hotel suite) "Pari its wedding party n not like birthday parties you attend so pls no Misti n talking to strangers, you can have dinner with me there n straight to our room, ok !"
"Of course dad, n I'm not interested in such party I want to have dinner in our room, so pls can you be with me, or you want to be in that party??"
" do hell with party, I will be you my cutie, but there is little problem, we will have to stay in other room only for 2days n after that we can stay at your favourite room"
"Why dad??"
"That room is given to newly weds,"
" it's ok dad, I just want to be with you n dadi, place doesn't matter, lets    go"
He was so impressed, that she is soo understanding, n just like him for hating such stupid parties.
Here at reception
Suresh was explaining Pragya what abhi had to offer n he is so overwhelmed by his offer, n was excitingly telling her," Mr Mehra has given such mind blowing deal, we can stay here forever like you wished n I can start my own hotel like I dreamed, see he is like magician who makes people mesmerise by his presence"
Gets irritated ,"Yes totally, I'm mesmerised!! Excuse me, I will have to share such amazing news to bulbul"
"Ya sure, you go ahead"
She started walking fast n called bulbul
"Bulb, where are you?? You have still not reached here??"
"Just turn my tube light Di, I'm just behind you"
"Oh here you are, I have to talk to you n it's urgent "
"Di, we can talk here also"
"No, you come with me"
Drags her to their room,
"Bulbs, I need your help,"
" for what??? First night"
" no you idiot, for last night"
Grabs backpack
"Just help me pack all this stuff, I'm going"
"Going!!! Like you left us years back"
"Enough, you don't know anything"
" first you only told dad that you want to marry this yes sir suresh, n now you want to run away,  why??"
" reason is same, what was years back"
"Yes, I can't stand him, he fooled suresh to stay here forever with him at this property n partnership in this hotel"
"So ??, why you want to leave suresh??"
" he is so irritating, he can't stop for minute without taking his name, I just can't bear it"
" oh come on Di, you can bear his child n not him"
She gave her tight slap,
" you knew??"
"Of course Di,  I was 15yrs n I knew that you missed your periods n that's why you ran away from us"
She cuts in,"I was in India at Purab's hospital n I deliver there only but baby died n so my love for abhi, I hate him"
"I will talk to Purab later for hiding all these years n you Hate abhi for what?? Loving you unconditionally or allowing you to make mockery for his feelings"
"Just stop it, or else "
"Else what??? You will Give me another slap??"
She Hugs bulbul,
"You know it was boy, I had named him prabhi"
"Prabhi- means ??"
"Pragya n abhi, I had decided if girl then abhigya n boy prabhi but my happiness short lived"
"But how??"
"Still birth, he was dead before I delivered, only if I had abhi by my side this could not have happened"
" did he knew??"
"Then how could you expect him to know??"
"He did it, baby was his, he knew we didn't used protection n don't you think he should have at least tried to know what if I'm pregnant"
"Di, pls you are over reacting, I'm sure he must be having some reason for becoming Mr India (invisible) after that day"
"I don't want to talk about this now, just help me pack now"
"No, you have to face him n clear all misunderstanding"
"I'm married n I don't want him back in my life"
"I'm not asking you to backstab suresh n have affair with abhi, but at least just clear air"
" he is totally changed, he is not going to listen anymore"
She Tells her what happened in reception till now,
"Really Di, he drop you purposely, haha!!"
"It's not funny!!!"
"It is, come let's go I'm dying to meet new abhi now, lets go let's go fast"
She drags Pragya to party again
Here abhi also reached, Pari left his hand n ran towards dinning area, she bump into bulbul n Pragya, she ask Pragya,"hey are you the bride???"
"Ya, do you know me?? Have we met???"
"No, I just guessed it, but why you ruin it with over the top make up, keep it simple"
Pragya gets annoyed n think to herself why today everyone wants to make me feel worse n here bulbul was trying hard not to laugh,"listen kid, this is how I like it, I'm bride so I need to look special ok"
"Suite yourself n continue looking like joker " saying so she goes n started looking for something she likes, bulbs busted out loud n Pragya stump her leg n went walking in anger n here Pari took paneer subzi n rice n some gulab jambu, she signed abhi that lets go to room n have dinner n both carry on
Here Pragya n bulbul got busy in looking for abhi, bulbul asked suresh if he knew where is abhi, to that he asked that if she knows Mr Mehra personally
Bulbul was scared, " no I just want to thank him for what he did, this reception, house n hotel"
"Oh that way, I think he went back home, he said he always makes point to have dinner with his family specially if he is in town,"
"So is he married???" Pragya was listening to their conversation curiously
" actually I don't know, I have not asked him that"
" then ask him???"
"So do you want to backstab Purab?? "
" no way, I was just curious "
"Ok, so let's call it night, I'm really tired"
" tired!!! Then what about ......" Pragya interrupted
"Stop IT bulbul, live us alone for time being ok"
"Ok newly weds, I'm going with dad"
Both Pragya n suresh says bye n goes to their room
While abhi who already off to sleep with his Pari, she in deep sleep ask about her mother, abhi who was also sleeping, n his subconscious mind answer her, He starting telling about Pragya (as he had only known one woman in his life, n yes he had adopted Pari when her both parents died in car accident in which abhi was also suffered some injuries n when he came to know that this few days old baby lost her parents, he welcomed her to his life n gave love of both parents she is his lifeline)but didn't took her name
Here Pragya was sitting on bed n was very nervous, suresh step in n went to freshen up, she was thinking how to explain him that she needs time to take their relationship to next level n right now she can only take him as friends n wants to start teaching from very next day as she already applied for job n got it as art teacher, she was lost in thought n didn't realise he was sitting next to her, looking at her lovingly
"Oh you came, I didn't realise" he cuts in n says, "It's ok, I just wanted to tell you something"
"No, first I want to tell"
"I think we should say together .....123
"Can we be friends first"
Both started laughing on this statement, " god I was feeling nervous for no reason, thanks suresh for making my life easy, but I need to tell you something else also, I want to join school"
"I mean I have joined school, it will start from tomorrow itself"
She tried to read his eyes but couldn't, suddenly He shouts on top of his voice,"Pragya"
She was shocked n started thinking what wrong with him, why over reacting, " what happened??? Look I'm joining, you don't have option ok, I was just being nice n informing you"
"You useless, just get out!!!"
"Are you out of your mind, you are asking me to get out n don't have guts to look at me also"
"I'm not telling you, I'm talking to him"
"This useless co co cockroach" throws his footwear n runs outside his room,
Pragya just picks up cockroach n throwaway n picks all other also, it was almost 2hours since suresh didn't turn up, so she calls him but his phone was in room only, so she calls front desk n ask them to find him n send him to his room but she was surprised to hear that he already checked in other room n maybe already sleeping there, so she went out to have look for him but soon she lost in her thoughts n was sitting near pool area, it's was around 2am when waitress came n offered her cinnamon coffee, there was a big smile on her face as if she was waiting for that only "thanks but how you know that I wanted this" the waitress just pointed at man who was standing near balcony of his room
She tries to look clearly just then he showed his cup n she came to it was abhi
He was happy that she was spending night near pool area rather sleeping with suresh
She took big seep n walked to his room in anger n knocked door
"Helloooo mrs Shrivastav you are most welcome "
She walks in n grabs his nightshirt
"What the hell, so you are one who put all those cockroaches in my room, just like I did, you are taking revenge"
he grins ,"on Oh that's why your husband was running n shouting for help,"
"I should have known that it must be you" still angry
"Oh come on, really you think I must have done this, if I decide to spoil you night then I have many more ways to do that, you know I myself afraid of them"
"Oh yes, how can I forgot that look on your face that day, after that you were running all over my house n dad even scolded you for behaving so childish, you broke his favourite vase"
Both were laughing remembering that
"Ya you were mad at me as your dad let me stay in your room, n you had to shift to his study room"
"Ya that too for 2years, you were here to complete your studies n hostel guys bullying you n you were cry baby"
" I was not cry baby, I just was not able to concentrate on my studies"
"Oh shut up, you were fattu (coward)"
"I give up, I was"
"But you have changed now"
"Come on it was long back, we were in our teens, such things happens"
Taking it in other sense, she thinks about night she spend with him n if he was referring or that, so she ask him,"Hhmmmm so are you married yet??"
He was salient,she pulls him this time very close
"Are you married???" He pushed her in anger n said
"You are married that is enough, pls leave it's late,"
" I'm not going anywhere till you answer"
"What difference does that make??" His eyes were filled with tears n they were searching answers in her eyes
Now she was not having answers, reality was she was married n still questioning him
" I think you are right, who am I to you to ask such questions"
He pins her against wall
"I have put CCTV all around this property, n if you come an inch close to him, then ....."
She cuts in,"he is my husband n I have all right to do whatever I feel like" he doesn't waste second n crushed his lip on her, " you are mine n I can do whatever I want, do you get that"
She was shocked, " this is wrong " saying so she runs from there n he tells himself,"everything is fair in love n war"

Hope you all enjoyed reading it, as much as I writing it
Happy reading
Next part next Monday

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