When you dont understand anything than just go with the flow

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Purab was restless whole night,he made it point he will talk to Pragya first thing in morning, she was busy with pari, she made beautiful French ponytail to her, n packed her bag n Tiffin, n started walking with her to school bus, Suresh had already left for hospital, even before meeting Pragya, he didn't had his breakfast also
After sometime she returns to her room n was shocked to see Purab sitting on couch
"You here, So early, is verything ok???"
"I had told you so many times, tell everything to Abhi but.....!!"
"Please Suresh maybe coming anytime now, we cannot talk about this here right now!!"
"He is not here, he met me when I was lobby, he has gone to hospital, he is very worried for Abhi, it seems??"
"Ya he think Abhi is suffering from memory loss"
"That's what you're giving pain to him n your husband is applying medicine"
"Ya ENOUGH!!!!!!, I told you so many times but you were so hell band to not tell him....
"But.... "
"I'm not finished yet, let me continue n don't utter a word between, what I'm going to tell you is only my assumption n it can be true
Remember that day when you went in labour, I was in Mumbai, couldn't make it in time so some other doctor did your delivery, n said child was still born..,"
"Yes exactly that happened, but what is connection between Abhi n all this"
"Well I was scared what if anything happens so I called Abhi n when he still didn't came, I told him that you are pregnant with his child n he immediately left (she had tears in her eyes n was chocked but didn't utter a word let him finish) n after few hours I was informed you delivered still born baby n Abhi met with accident......"
"So he was coming to meet me, he just like that accepted that he was his baby, n was happy about it...,,(she was still blabbering something n Purab shouted)"
"You were having twins,"
"Wait .....what??? "
"I didn't wanted to stress you, as your blood pressure was high, if you knew early then you would deliver even earlier, so when ever you had doubts I told it happens in pregnancy"
She holds his collar
"Then where is my other baby, was it boy or girl, why didn't you told me before??? What were you thinking n what made you tell me now!??"
"When I came to know that you were carrying twins, I started avoiding any of my stuff accompanying you, only I knew but when Dr Gupta said you delivered only one baby, n I must have mistaken during sonogram, or check up, or reports must have mixed but I know, I'm not mad person to imagine such things, but Dr Gupta remains to his statement that you had one child n even stuff, till date I still don't buy that, I'm so much sure...."
"Second child was boy or girl???"
"Girl, n Abhi adopted a girl, I feel both are same, but then how is that possible, as far as I know he met with accident before he reached hospital...."
"So you think pari is my daughter??"
"Maybe I'm not sure, whenever I think about this whole scene I get confused, I'm not able to connect dots, if Abhi didn't even reach hospital then how he got his daughter!!??"
"Correction, it's my daughter, we will do DNA test today itself, everything will be clear then..."
"I have already done that......"
"It doesn't match"
"Then why you are telling me all this??? That means she is actually adopted"
"Tell me one thing, then where is your other child, I'm 100% sure you were carrying twins n ..."
"I want to go back to Simla n talk to that doctor n stuff, I'm sure this time they will tell truth"
"N Suresh??"
"Do hell with him, My child is my first priority"
"N Abhi???"
"I know we already had so many misunderstandings but I don't know, his condition is such he gets aggressive just looking at my face, my name, then how will things work"
"This condition is not permanent, by the time he heals you decide what you want from life??"
"Suresh or Abhi??"
"See I don't have choice here, I'm only interested in finding my child"
"N if I tell you I was just lying, wanted to see your reaction,.."
She holds his collar again n shouts on top of her voice
"How dare you make mockery of my emotions!!"
"If mentally sounds person like you get aggressive then Abhi, he is already suffering from major problems, he needs psychiatric help that's it"
"So no twins..."
"You are seriously asking me again??, I said I was lying....."
"N Abhi knew I was pregnant??"
"Ya that part was true, but on his way to Simla he met with accident, n that baby girl belong to the couple who was driving other car"
"He was ok with it, or angry??"
"Yes he was little angry At same time  he cursed himself, he said it was his mistake he left that letter, n he wanted to make up for all moments he missed with you n baby"
She band on her knees n cries
"But now you have to help him, Promise you will do as I say"
"Promise but I will only help, please don't ask to break my marriage, what is Suresh's fault"
Now Purab was sure she will definitely choose Abhi n he fakes
"Ya sure I can understand, for now don't come in front of him till I say n I should take leave now, Dr Nikhil must be waiting
Here at hospital, don't know what was running in Suresh's mind, he didn't meet any Doctor but straight went to Abhi
"Hello Mr Mehra, good morning"
"Good morning Mr.....Sri...!!"
"Call me suresh, Suresh Shrivastva"
"Oh ya, so tell me Suresh what brought you so early here"
"Just wanted to give feedback that Australia meet went well, they are ready to invest, their money n our dedication , PR department has done fabulous job, (Suresh went on n on but Abhi didn't utter a word,finally when he finished)"
"I appreciate your work, but I'm sorry I'm not able to recollect anything, all I remember that we were supposed to sign on my daughters birthday, as wanted to gift your heritage property to her as she loved it, that's it, did we sign it already..!!"
"Of course, that was few days back, my marriage was on same day, you gave lavish reception party to us ( again Suresh went on n on, Abhi was always quite listener)"
"So where is your wife ?? did she came with you ???"
"She is staying with your daughter, she is taking care of her in your absence.."
"That is so nice of her, I'm very lucky to have business partner come friends come family"

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