You can love me, you can hate me but you cant ignore me

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Pragya was listening all in complete shock n thought to herself, is he faking !! or it's because he has not seen me n that's why behaving normally with Suresh, her thoughts were distracted by Suresh
"Are you hiding something from me, from moment I came, everyone around me behaving wired, pls tell me what is happening ???"
"Nothing like that, thing is everyone is tension, Mr Mehra has suffered so much n Pari ..."
"Ok but still if you are so concerned about him then why didn't you come to see him??"
"I had to make urgent call, I told you before also"
"To whom???"
"This is too much, it's not my problem that you have trust issues"
"I trust you, but ...,"
"Trust me!!! My foot "
They just reached hotel, she walks straight to Pari room, n he was cursing himself," god I made her upset, now what to do???"
Here at hospital, abhi was doing fine, both father daughter were busy chatting
"Dad, why everyone lied to me that you are in Australia for some work"
"Because they didn't wanted you to get worried about me, in was in coma, n they didn't know when I will get conscious so...."
"But CID aunt also lied me....."
"CID Aunty!!!!"
"You forgot, I'm talking about that Pragya aunt who keeps on asking questions all the time"
"Dad what happened, why you seemed so lost??"
Just then Purab comes, "Pari dadi is calling you"
"Hey Purab come, so how's bulbul doing??"
"You drama king, what is all this??"
"You are such a liar, you always knew it right??"
"What are you talking about???"
"I'm talking about......"
that same moment nurse came in with injection, "can you please leave for time being I want to give injections n change bandages "
"No, sister please let him stay here, I'm afraid of injection "
Purab stays but was surprised, as Abhi was not afraid of it before, he sense if he changed over night or doing drama, or something wrong again with him, he kept on staring on him in complete surprise, here Abhi was screaming on top of his voice in pain, "what kind of nurse you are???? Can't you do it more slowly, this injection is so painful "
She just smiled at him n went
"Abhi what is all this, why are you behaving strangely, you were never afraid of all this n ...."
"Maybe now I have become more sensitive specially after Pari came to my life, you know I have undertaken that heritage property which I told you, that I will convert it into banquet hotel I'm going to give it to Pari on her birthday, but this accident happened..."
"You are talking about next birthday, right???
"Aaare, I was talking this birthday, in few days, she turning 6, don't you remember????,
"Oh yes!!! I will be right back, you take rest ok"
"As if I have option, anyways bye"
Purab straight goes to Nikhil, he wanted to know what is truth?? How can person lose memory twice in one life time, but Doctor was unavailable, nurse told him Dr Nikhil will come tomorrow only
Purab was sitting in garden n was trying to recollect everything happened in last few years step by step, "I'm sure either Abhi is faking now, or he had been making fool of me all this years, or is it possible he got his past memory n forgot his memory of last few days from now, so does that mean he forgot Pragya is married??, oh god if this is true then all this will create mess in Pragya's married life!! I have to ask Abhi n make my confusion clear then I will discuss it with Pragya " after much of thinking, he finally decides he won't confront Abhi nor tell anything to Pragya, as he knew Abhi won't spill beans n if this is true then that will affect his health n here Pragya is all ready married n if he keeps quiet then she has nothing to lose
It was late evening, Purab went back to Abhi
"So had your dinner???"
"Ya I did, but can you request Nikhil to discharge me, I feel suffocated here, plus I miss my pari n Dadi, please can you do this???"
"But you have still not recovered, please stay here for two more days,"
"Only 48 hrs, after that I won't wait for Doctor's concerns, deal"
"Ok, then good night"
"So early !!"
"You know I hate late nights, Plus there is nothing to do here, no music, you know how much I love to here music before going to sleep, you know how Pragya used to get annoyed, haha"
"Ya, n that was why you used to hear it"
"Ya, n now I hear to live those moments, are you still touch with her???
"Seriously, you are asking me ??? It's you who left her"
"It's true I have kept letter stating "forget whatever happened between us" but she should have at least confront me, why she let me go, n I was still in London after that, yes for one whole month but she didn't even inquire about me!!! Not even to you , After that I went to confront her but what I heard, it broke me from inside, she said to uncle that she never loved me, she see me only an emotional fool,but  still I want to meet her once, I want to know, where I went wrong"
"If I tell you she have moved on then??"
"I will kill her!!!, I will definitely kill her, she can't move on like this, I'm here still froze in that moment," he gets out of control, he started shouting top of his voice, n throw things, Purab calls for doctors, one of assistance of Dr Nikhil gave him injection, n explained," Sir please, he gets hyper whenever asked about his daughter or some lady (Pragya) basically anything about his past, he has not recovered from his past injuries n he again came here with new ones, God help him heal, you can say he is mentally unstable when it comes to these to person, he loves them to core,"
"Ok, I will make sure this never happens, I will come tomorrow morning, please inform me when it's ok to talk to him, I think we should make an appointment with psychiatrist, he may help!!"
"Ya sure we can give that a try, bye Dr Purab"

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