Chapter 3

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Tsunami's PoV -

Sunnyflight is pure adorableness. I mean, who can't look at it and think it's adorable? No one.

Kinkajou is good at ships. She can cross one off her list now.


I have some suggestions for her though. It's a love TRIANGLE!!! AnemonexTamarinxPike.

Anemone has a crush on Tamarin who I suspect likes Pike who likes Anemone.

Anyways, I managed to finish all my homework and get a B+ average.

I'm pretty sure it's mean to ship your sister but I DON'T CARE!!!

My phone buzzed

Deathbringer has sent you a picture

There was a picture of Sunny and Starflight K.I.S.S.I.N.G. under a red umbrella in the rain. It was so cute!

Anemone snuck up behind me. "You're friends already have dates to the dance and you don't. Seriously Tsunami? Up your game!" Anemone scoffed.

I groaned. Seriously? "Pike isn't a 'boyfriend' or boyfriend material. He's just a lovesick puppy."

Anemone rolled her eyes. "You're just jealous."

My phone buzzed. 

Anemone snatched it.

"Hey Tsunami? Wanna go to the dance with me? -Riptide. Ohhhh. Someones got a boyfriend..."



Clay's PoV -

I have finished helping my siblings with their homework. Mission accomplished!

Now all I need to do is ask Peril out for the dance.

Hehe. Easy as asking out an almost completely hostile girl who will burn you if you touch her.

My life is complicated. Sora, Umber, Marsh, Reed, Crane, and Pheasant are planning the dance and building stuff. I am doing nothing.

I understand that Peril likes me, but she's still sorta scary.

"Hey Clay!" Umber called, "wanna play catch?"

I turned around and saw Umber holding a round rubber thing.

"Umber. What is that?" I asked out of fear that it might be a bomb in disguise.

"Oh. This? Glory dropped this off earlier. I don't know what it is. She said it was fruit but I thought it would make a great ball."

I thought for a moment. "Maybe we should eat this and play catch with something. If this falls, it might explode."

Umber nodded his head quickly and handed it over to me like the red thing was lava.

I took a bite and instantly regretted it. It was stuck between my teeth and my mouth was stuck together.



Glory's PoV -

I think I just pulled the nastiest prank on poor wittle Clay. I gave him a fruit Jambu's friend gave him. He warned us to boil it before eating or else... Yeah.

The next day at school, Clay was focused on chewing the thing.

Yep. Still stuck between his teeth.

"Hey. Whatever you gave Clay, you should give to Tsunami," Starflight joked.

I rolled my eyes. Starflight and Tsunami had a feud going on for quite a while...

AKA since high school started.

It's getting annoying. They are at each other's necks almost every day trying to piss each other off.

And don't get me wrong. We've all been friends for as long as I can remember, but the Starflight and Tsunami War is sort of stupid.

Wait. That gives me an idea. A mini-war made up of competitions, not fighting.

Here's how it works.

Starflight and Tsunami each have a team of 4. There are three rounds of competitions. Someone could be the judge (Probably me). The competitions will be art, truth or dare, and roasting each other.

It will all happen on the chatrooms.

A little while of explaining and bribing later... (aka 10 hours)

Glory - Okay make your teams.

Tsunami - me. duh.

Clay - Starflight. Tsunami's is a bit stubborn and violent. Sorry Tsu.

Glory - I'm the judge

Sunny - Starflight. Sorry Tsunami, you're way too violent.

Starflight - Why are you asking me this question. Me obviously.

Peril - Tsunami.

Riptide - Tsunami.

Deathbringer - Tsunami

Fatespeaker - Starflight. Tsunami hasn't exactly been the nicest person to me.

Glory - Okay first round is art. Each person on the teams will draw a category of my choosing. They will be ranked 1 - 10. The team with the highest total scores wins this round. The topic is dragons. Begin!

Glory - Okay. After reviewing the submissions, here are the scores:

Glory - Tsunami, that picture is okay but minimalistic. 6.

Tsunami - ugh

Glory - Clay. I like how you made your dragon really cute. And it's eating like you always do. 8

Clay - Yay!

Glory - Sunny. It looks like a lemon. It's awesome! 10

Sunny - Jeez. thank you

Glory - Starflight. Realistic I guess. 7 

Starflight - Dang it. I wanted a 10.

Glory - Peril. You're dragon reminds me of you. 9

Peril - okay. thanks for the compliment.


Glory - I LOVE the flowers. 10!

Fatespeaker - thanks!

Glory - Deathbringer. Your dragon is too hostile. 1

Deathbringer - *flips out*

Glory - *rolls eyes* 

Glory - Riptide. Looks sort of weird. 6

Riptide - I am thoroughly offended.

Glory - Okay. The points for the art challenge is... Drumroll please... 

22 points for Team Tsunami and 35 points for Team Starflight! Team Starflight wins!

Tsunami - grrrr

Glory - Round two. Roasting. Since Team Starflight won the last round, they start first.

Starflight - Tsunami, you are so violent that you make Hitler look like an angel.

Tsunami - Starflight, you are so boring that encyclopedias hate you.

S - You are so dumb you make Einstein groan in his grave.

T - You are so grouchy that Kestrel even rolls her eyes at you.

S - You are so stubborn that...

Glory - Times up. Team Tsunami wins. Next round is truth or dare. Go!

Tsunami - Clay, Truth or Dare?

Clay - Dare.

Tsunami - I dare you to ask Peril to the school dance.

Clay - Peril. Will you go to the school dance with me?

Peril - *faints* yes.

Clay - Okay. Sunny. Truth or Dare.

Sunny - Truth.

Clay - Do you like Starflight

*Sunny and Starflights' faces go red.* 

Sunny - yes


Sunny - *stares daggers*

Sunny - Okay. Fatespeaker. Truth or dare.

Fatespeaker - Dare

Sunny - I dare you to...


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