How I Got Into D&D

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So if you read my other stuff, you've probably read me mentioning this as some point. Well, Dungeons and Dragons, not how I got into it. This question was commented by Enderite, which you probably saw, because no one will ever comment on this besides her.

So how I got into it is pretty simple. I heard a friend mention a thing called Dungeons and Dragons Fourth Edition, and I'm like, what is that? He explains it, and I decide, alright, seems worth a try. I wondered who I would play it with, since previously mentioned friend, whom we will call Scott, had said you NEED two players to play. But I decided I would work that out later.

So I went home and mentioned it to my dad, and he seemed a little surprised. I asked him, "What?", and he replied with the fact that he actually played D&D as a kid, when he was a couple years younger then me. He said he didn't really understand the game, but enjoyed it, and carried on playing until he was about... I think he said he was 14? But then he kind of stopped. He said he still had the rulebooks somewhere, and I started playing, and I LOVED IT. This... liking carried on until now, and will probably continue for a long time.

And that is how I got into Dungeons and Dragons.

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