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Me: *looking at amount of followers*

~Sees 500 followers~

Me: O-O!!! WHAT!?!? *screams*

Albert: *runs in the room* What's wrong?!

Me: Get everyone in here!

~Few moments later....~

Misty: Can we hurry this up? I was in the middle of watching American Horror Story: Freak Show!

Me: WHAT!? Without me!

Misty: O-O....I mean....I was watching The Walking Dead!

Me: O-O!! I can't watch that show no more. They killed off GLENN!

Billy: WHY!?

Me: I don't even know! *throws hands up in the air*

Marlton: *annoyed* You were saying about acquiring 500 followers....

Me: Oh yeah! So! We have reached 500 followers!

Everyone: TURN UP!!

Me: *rolls eyes* Wait! We can't.party without the Originals!

Billy: Aren't they in Germany, shooting the action scenes for The Giant?

Me: That's why we have Skype.:p

~Somewhere in Germany..~

Random Director: Boys! Skype call from America.

Richtofen: Zhat must be Lindsay und zhe ozhers.

Tank: Let's go answer!

~Back at Q & A HeadQuarters~

Albert: Eh! They picked up.

Me: *speaks with the other line* Can you hear us? Dempsey? Takeo? Richtofen? Nikolai?

Richtofen: *on the other line* Ja! Ve here you. Can you see us?

Me: Yeah, we can!

Tank: Hey yall! What's up?

Me: We reached 500 followers!

Richtofen: VHAT!?!? Und ve aren't zhere to celebrate?!

Me: Yeah! Why did yall have to leave!?:(

Tank: We'll be back on Saturday! *rolls eyes*

Me: Uhh! Hurry!

Richtofen: Ve are proud of you, Lindsay. Sadly, ve can't be zhere, but ve are very happy for you.

Me: Thanks Rikki!

Nikolai: *sips vodka* So, are we gonna celebrate?

Me: YES! *pulls out phone and invites close friends*

~Door opens, revealing @Mactofen1918, @Tamaki_and_Friends, @-TheDarkDragon-, @SpeedandGamertool, @TheNamesBlurryFace, @Vyron_the_Falcon, @devilishgirlgamer, @OreoZombae, @LittleSister6, @AmyBachlemin, @Genius_Soul, @Markimooh, @JMDOLeary, and everyone who has supported me and are following me :)

Richtofen: Now I vish I could be zhere!:(

Me: *rolls eyes* You just wanna be with your fangirls? *raises eyebrow*

Richtofen: Ja.....

Evan: *jumps in* Hello, father. Be safe and make The Giant amazing. :) See you soon.

Richtofen: Danke, mein son. *teary- eyed*

Blurry: Same here, dad.

Richtofen: Danke!:)

Delilah: Be a badass, daddy! Oh-Rah!

Tank: Will do, my daughter.

Takeda: *bows* Bring honor, father!

Takeo: *bows back* Aye!

Natalia: Be safe Papa! I love you!

Nikolai: *smiles and sips vodka* Will do, Natalia. Nikolai loves you too.

Everyone: Awwwwwwwww!!!!

Me: *rolls eyes* Let's dance!

Misty: Wait!

Me: What?

Marlton: Any speech for your followers?

Me: *smiles* Yes. Everyone listen up!

Everyone: *looks at me*

Me: 0-0....stage fright!:p

Anyway! I just want to say.....THANK YOU! Ummm...I have to thank my ex, unfortunately, because if he hadn't shown me Wattpad, I would never have met the most amazing, funniest, crazy, and of course, best friends ever! I'm glad I met my awesome COD Zombie writers/bestfriends! I'm glad I met people who enjoy my books. I'm just blessed to have met people who have supported me since the beginning of my journey. And I hope that you all will support me on my journey to 1k followers:), I hope I can make it that far.:);) I LOVE YOU ALL!:) THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE FOR THIS LONG!:)


lbert: Aren't you forgetting someone? *smirks*

Me: *rolls eyes and hugs Al* And of course....my Albert!:p

Everyone: Awwwwwwwww:):')

Richtofen: *crying over Skype* Zhat vas beautiful!

Tank: *clenches fists* Not gonna cry, not gonna cry.

Takeo: *stands still, breathing in and out quickly* I wirr not show emotions.

Nikolai: *hugs vodka bottle close* Nikolai will be strong.

Me: *rolls eyes* So......LET'S PARTY!

Jessica: Yeah, let's party!

Everyone: *gasps*

Billy: Is that-

Nero: Right you are, dear Handsome!

Me: 0-0...oh my....

Campbell: Eh, so we gonna party or what?

Jack: Even cops love a party....

Sal: Shadows of Evil crew....

Finn: *glares* They weren't invited.

~Finn, Sal, Albert, and Billy walk towards the new crew~

~Jessica, Nero, Campbell, and Jack walk towards them~

~Both crews have a face off~

Richtofen: *whispers* Oh nein.....

Me: Yall! Come on! *steps between the crews*

Billy: *glares at Campbell* So.....you're the one replacin' me?

Sal: *glares at Jack* Jack Vincent.....so nice to see you. What? You and the Chicago Police need more money from me?

Finn: *glares at Jessica* People are sayin' that you're my wife...but Angela was better lookin' than you.

Albert: *glares at Nero* Lindsay is off limits. I ain't lettin' even you get near her....or any girl for that matter.

SOE Crew: *glares*

Jessica: Guess what boys? They saved the best for last! *smirks*

Billy: *mutters* Yeah, like everyone needed a stripper in the game...

Everyone: Ohhhhhh.....

Campbell: *steps up* Like they needed a momma's boy to whine all the time, while tryin' to be a badass.

Everyone: Ohhhhh.....

Finn: I can take out any man.....without brass knuckles!

Everyone: OHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Jack: *steps up* At least we don't get killed in the beginning.

Everyone: True!

Sal: Better watch your mouth, Jack. I'm the one payin' you!

Everyone: *nods*

Nero: At least we have a chance to live. Unlike you all.

Albert: *steps up and point at the SOE crew members*

Albert: *points at Jessica* At least, I get things by lying, not sex!

Everyone: Ohhh!!!

Albert: *points at Campbell* I can take you out with my bare fists! Without brass knuckles!

Everyone: Ohhhh!!!

Albert: *points at Jack* I get paid handling the money. You just get paid to keep your mouth shut!

Everyone: Ohhhhh!!!

Albert: *points at Nero* And you!.....1. I would never kill my wife. 2. I'm a gangster. And I can kick a magician's ass! And 3. I can do a magic card trip! Heck, I can build a house of cards!


SOE Crew: 0-0......*backs out the door slowly, before running away*

Everyone: WOO!! Albert!

Albert: *smirks* Yeah! We'll always be first to be awesome!

Me: *smiles* Now! LET'S PARTY!!!!!

~Park Rock Anthem plays~

Everyone: *dances crazy*

Origins Crew: *dancing as well, on the other side of the world*

Me: Hope yall enjoyed!

Tank: Be sure to vote, comment, and follow Lindsay!

Me and Everyone: ♥Bye♥

Me: *dives into the crowd, being carried by everyone*

The rest of the crews: *dives into the crowd as well* THANK YOU ALL!!:)

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