Dare 28

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Me: *walks in the room* Hey yall wh-......0-0

Everyone: *wearing either a blonde wig or a red wig*

Me: What the heck are yall doing!?

Richtofen: *adjusting blonde wig* Ve vere vatching Vine videos und ve discovered Zane and Heath's videos. Zhey are very funny vhen zhey act like vhite girls und ghetto girls. :p

Tank: *scratches red wig* Oh-Rah! *does ghetto voice* Bonica won't stop smoking and I'mma end it! *grabs bucket of water and heads over to Billy, who's smoking*

Tank: *spills water on Billy* STOP SMOKING!

Billy: *does ghetto voice* Bitch, you just got my weave wet.

Me: Yall! Take off the wigs! You guys are acting so rascist right now! 0-0

Nikolai: *fixes blonde wig* Wait! My song is on. *sips latte with vodka in it*

~A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton plays~

Nikolai: Ready Richtofen? *sips vodka latte*

Richtofen: Ja! *puts sunglasses on to go with the blonde wig*

Nikolai and Richtofen: *in white girl voices* Making my way down town walking fast, faces past, and I'm home bound.

Albert: Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun.

Me: YALL! We got a dare!

Richtofen: *fake pouts* Can I keep zhe vig on?

Me: *rolls eyes* Yes.

Richtofen: GUTE! Now read zhe dare!

Me: @Tamaki_and_friends dares Richtofen for a spa day with her.

Richtofen: *leaves the room*

~Five minutes later~

Richtofen: *dressed in a pink crop top, black skirt, and sandles. He still has the blonde wig on* Ready!

Everyone: 0-0....

Richtofen: Vhat? Zhe doctah must look gute!

Me: 0-0.....ok...have fun at the spa.

Tamaki: 0-0....ok..let's go Eddie.

Richtofen: Ok.

~Savvy and Richtofen at the spa~

Richtofen: I vant red nails und black nails!

Savvy: *rolls eyes* Ok, Eddie. Let the girls do the work.

Richtofen: Fine.

Lady #1: Isn't that a man in a woman's outfit? *speaking in another language*

Lady #2: Just let him be. *speaks back in their language*

Richtofen: Now vhat, Savvy? *admires decorated fingernails and toenails*

Savvy: Now.....the mud baths!

~Richtofen and Savvy head for the mud baths~

Richtofen: *steps into mud bath* I vould prefer to be naked in zhe minions' blood.

Savvy: *steps into another mud bath* Relax Richtofen.

~Savvy and Richtofen chill in the baths for about 30 minutes before getting out and getting in robes~

Richtofen: Now vhat, Schvannah?

Savvy: Now! Let's do our hair!

~Richtofen and Savvy get their hair done~

Richtofen: *looks at magazine while getting his hair done in that bowl-shaped machine(I don't know!)* Ahh. Angelina Jolie looks so glorious!

Savvy: *rolls eyes* Well hello...Sir Walter. *smiles at magazine*

Richtofen: *snatches magazine from Savvy* Nein!

Savvy: *rolls eyes* Fine!

Richtofen: Vell hope you all enjoyed!

Savvy: Be sure to vote, comment, and follow Lindsay and me, @Tamaki_and_friends!

Savvy and Richtofen: ♥Bye♥

~Looks in the mirror to see themselves~

Richtofen: Looking good! *put hands on hips and poses*

Savvy: Oh my god, Eddie. *face palms*

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