Dare 37

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Me: Hey yall! It's the month of October! Halloween is in a couple of weeks and I am excited!

Richtofen: Ja! Halloween is mein favorite!

Tank: And we have a dare in celebration for this holiday!

Me: Yall ready?

Everyone: Yes!

Me: @Tamaki_and_Friends dares yall to try Halloween costumes at a crowded Party City.

Tank: Oh-Rah! Let's go!

Me: *teleports all of us to a Party City store*

Richtofen: *jaw drops* Nein! So many people here!

Me: 0-0....any ideas?

Tank: I got this! Commando mode! *runs in the store*

~In the store~

Random girl: Is that Tank Dempsey from COD!?

Tank: Sure is! *winks*

Same girl: AHHHH!!!!!!!

Another random girl: Where's the sexy doctor!? I wanna be his nurse!

Tank: *points at us outside* Over there. We gotta get costumes....so is there room for us here?

Everyone in the store: YES!!!

Tank: *waves us in* Come on!

~Me and everyone enter the store~

All the girls: *surround Richtofen and Albert*

Me: Hell no! Get away from my Albert! *pulls Albert out if the crowd*

Richtofen: Lindsay! Help me! I'm being surrounded by girls here! Zhe doctah cannit handle zhe fangirling!

Me: *rolls eyes and pulls Richtofen out, who has lipstick kisses all over him* Scram yall!

All the girls: Awwww. *walks away all sad*

Me: Okay yall! Shop!


~In the changing rooms area~

Me: *comes out in a Harley Quinn jester outfit* I ♥ it! ◇◆◇◆

Misty: *comes out in a MK9 Sonya Blade outfit* Sonya can't compete with Misty!

Me: *rolls eyes*

Tank: *comes out in a MK9 Johnny Cage outfit and looks at Misty* Really? At least the two got a divorce in MK10.

Me: *rolls eyes*

Richtofen: *comes out in a TF2 Medic outfit* Zhis or.......*goes back in the room*

~Few seconds later~

Richtofen: *comes out in an Edward Scissorhands outfit* Zhis?

Me: Whatever you want Doc.

All the girls: *looking from afar* Oh my god! He's so hot!

Random girl: Take it off Doc! Woo!

Richtofen: 0-0....*runs back in his dressing room*

Nikolai: *dressed up as Stalin* *sips vodka* Russia!

Takeo: *dressed up as Leonardo from TMNT* Leonardo brings honor by carrying katanas!

Billy: *dressed up as Jack the Ripper* He's my idol!

Me: Billy dress up as Chucky!

Billy: 0-0....why? I'm way better than that Good Guy, ugly, cheap, son of a bitch.

Me: *points at readers* For the fans.

Billy: *pouts* Fine! *goes back in dressing room* *dresses up as Chucky* I hate being a ginger!

Me: *laughs* Fine! Go back to your Jack the Ripper costume:p

Billy: YAS! *goes back inside*

Sal: *dressed as Al Capone* I'm such a badass.

Finn: *dressed up as Michael Myers* I feel scary.

Me: *shakes head* Meh.

Albert: *dressed up as Darth Vader* *does impression* Lindsay. Come to the dark side.

Me: *rolls eyes and does HQ voice* A'ight Mista Vader. *skips to Albert*

Misty: *face palms* Oh my Lord!

Marlton: *dressed up in a Sherlock Holmes outfit* I declare that Stuhlinger will come out in a rather.......unfitting costume.

Stuhlinger: *dressed up as Bo Rai Cho* I feel good. *sips beer*

Marlton: *smokes pipe* I have cracked the case!

Russman: *dressed up as.....the Terminator?* *does accent* Asta la Vista...baby. You are terminated. *puts on sunglasses*

Me: 0-0.....yall look awesome! I look awesome! And you know what this calls for?...:)

Everyone: What?

Me: *pulls out phone* Selfie montage! Everyone in the selfie!

~Me and everyone squeeze in tightly to take the selfie~

Tank: Watch out for Richtofen's scissor hands!

Richtofen: Mein bad. *smiles evily*

Me: Okay! Selfie! *takes pic*

Richtofen: *looks at pic* Ve look badass.

Me: *rolls eyes* Sure do. Well hope yall enjoyed!

Tank: Be sure to vote, comment, and follow Lindsay and @Tamaki_and_Friends!

Me and Richtofen: ♥Bye♥

All the girls: Get them!

Me: RUN!!!

Everyone including me: *runs out the store without paying while also being chased by insane fangirls:p*

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