Question 45

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Me: Sorry for not updating this book yall! The struggle!!.....with....ALGEBRA!

Tank: *gasp* I. HATE. ALGEBRA!

Richtofen: Zhat's because you are very stoopid, you Yankee Doodle Dummy! *smirks*

Tank: Fuck you, kraut!

Nikolai: Can we do question now! Nikolai is getting headache from you two. *sips vodka*

Me: *rolls eyes* Fine. Takeo! Please read.

Takeo: TheNamesBlurryFace asks, does Richtofen hate me now?

Everyone: *stares at Richtofen*

Richtofen: *in complete thought*

Takeo: I wonder what the doctor is thinking.

Me: We'll see when he talks.

Inside Richtofen's head/flashback

First Dare from TheNamesBlurryFace: Dressing up as Miley Cyrus...

Second Dare from TheNamesBlurryFace: Dressing up as a baby and Tank taking care of him...

Third Dare from TheNamesBlurryFace: Fight! And also the Johnny Cage crotch punch that Blurry Face performed....

End flashback

Tank: Hey, Richtofen! So is it a yes or no?

Richtofen: *stays silent*

Me: *whispers to Billy* You know what to do.

Billy: *performs intense drum roll*

Five minutes later....

Tank: Anytime Dictofen. *taps foot*

Richtofen: Blurry proved to be quite...vunderbar. Zherefore, I don't hate you. You have proven now zhat not everyone is scared of......ZHE DOCTAH!

Tank: *mutters* Be afraid of Blurry Face.

Richtofen: NEIN! Zhat title vill nlt be taken! Don't be afraid of death, my lieblings. Be afraid of ZHE DOCTAH!!

Me: 0-0....well that esculated quickly.

Nikolai: Agreed. Well hope you all enjoyed! *sips vodka*

Tank: Be sure to vote, comment, and follow Lindsay and TheNamesBlurryFace!

Me and Richtofen: ♥Bye♥

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