Second Round

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Hey Prim! Your questions are quite unique! Alright, here are my answers.

1. Black Forest (or Rich Chocolate)
2. Plagg! He's so funny after all! (And his cheese!)
3. That's going to be a lot of typing. ;)
-Fire: Cyndaquil or Braixen (They are so cute)
-Grass: Tsareena and Rowlet
-Water: Froakie or Mudkip (Marina literally influenced that Mudkip part lol)
-Electric: Pikachu (who doesn't like the cute mouse?)
-Fairy: Sylveon
-Steel: Mawile and Jirachi
-Flying: Rayquaza or Talonflame
-Fighting: Lucario
-Psychic: Gardevoir and Espeon
-Ghost: Gengar
-Dark: Pangaroo
-Normal: Chancey and Eevee
-Bug: Ledian (Hey Bugaboo! {If you get me, you're brilliant}) and Butterfree
-Ground: Phanpy
-Rock: Larvitar
-Ice: Glalie and Alolan Vulpix/Ninetales
-Dragon: Goodra
-Poison: Venusaur
4. Nope but I want one! I want an hamster.
5. Biology and Chemistry (I'm weird I know)
6. Amourshipping for life! It's the first ever pair I started to ship (way earlier than hinny!) so it's significant to me.
7. I love Rapunzel! And the Lion King and The Little Mermaid, Frozen. The list goes on!
8. Baby's Breath because of its significance. It signifies innocence and eternal love and that is lovely. :)

It was great answering your questions, Prim! I'm waiting for the next round! ;)

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