Answers #4

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Neptune: "Hewwo everyone It is I The Great Neptune and welcome back to the long awaited Q&A with Anime and Game Characters!"

Random Reader: "Booo! We want Dragon Ball Super Multiverse Tournament not this crap!"

Neptune: "Well too bad random reader you don't get to decide it's Dbz's choice at the end of the day!"

Neptune gets tomato thrown at her

Neptune: "Hey! Hey! Stop that! Whoa!" As she fell off the stage crashing into a lot of stuff

Ruby: "Ooooo eheheh well we are back guys and now onto to the first question of the day!"

Ruby: "First one's from Gabe1119, Gabe asks a question to Piccolo, was it always painful for you and the rest of the Namekian race to regenerate one of your arms and legs to grow back?"

Piccolo: "Hmm, Well I would say it hurt a few times for me whenever I lost an arm during my early days but I've done it so many times that I've gotten used to it. Same could be said to the other Namekians i bet."

Ruby: "Thank you for your time Piccolo. Onto to the next question!"

Ruby pops next to Tari who was playing video games startling her

Ruby: "Tari!"

Tari: "Ah?! Oh..Hey Ruby what's up?"

Ruby: "This next question is for you Tari old pal, Boy oh boy this one is an old question since we haven't done any questions here but we will get answers anyways!"

Ruby: "ShiroWhiteWizard asks what do you think about Meta Runner?"

Tari: "Meta Runner? Um.. it's been quite awhile but we are talking about season 1 right? Then I say it's pretty good I did enjoy Theo, Sofia and Lamar and Masa even though he's more serious. I do feel sad when my other self had to let herself turn in but she does what any friend would do and that's protecting them. I may need to binge watch the rest of Meta Runner soon I bet they will have a happy ending in the end."

Ruby: "Yea they probably will. (Should I tell her about what happens to her in the end? Maybe not I'll just let her watch it herself.)"

Ruby then sees Neptune arriving with Tomatoes still on her

Ruby: "Uh Hey Nep you may need to wash off those tomatoes ehehe.."

Neptune: "*Huffs* I don't deserve this kind of treatment....Now give me that paper so I can read who's next."

Ruby hands her the paper for Neptune

Neptune: "Goku come on up."

Goku teleported infront of Neptune

Goku: "You rang Nep, also is that tomatoes on ya?"

Neptune: "Here's the Question!!" She yelled

Goku: "Eh Ok?"

Neptune: "infinitenazo asks. Goku if you never bumped your head what would've happen?"

Goku: "Hmm what would happen had I not bump my head.....well I would've have turn out like Kakarot from Timeline 13 be all like what I was suppose to be. And probably harm my friends in the process....Im glad I didn't end up like that I mean that would be awful."

Neptune wipes off the tomatoes after Goku was done talking

Neptune: "I can imagine if there's an evil Neptune somewhere in the timeline I bet she would choose cookies over pudding.."

Ruby: "Cookies reign supreme Neptune."

Neptune: "Strawberries are your real favorite little red! And Pudding is way better!"

As the two got into a cartoon fight to which Mario took over

Mario: Imma gonna take it from here you two, Now this question is for Yang."

Yang: "Alrighty hit it! I'm ready to answer!"

Mario: "Blakestewartmonster asks how old is your father Yang?"

Yang: "Oooooo well I haven't exactly ask what Dad's age is but if I have to guess it would've been.."

Taiyang: "*crashes in* Yang Xiao Long don't tell anyone your old man's age!"

Ruby: "Dad you broke through the wall!"

Taiyang: "I'm sorry honey but that will be discussed on later for now I'm stopping your sister from revealing the world my age!"

Yang: "They all think you might be in your 50's dad."

Taiyang: "Well I'll have you know people I'm not that old! I'm still young, I'm just not gonna tell what it is."

Yang: "Oh dad you crack me up but anyways if anyone wants to know it's 456." Smirk

Taiyang: "That's not even close Yang! Don't troll the audience!"

Yang: "I thought you don't want them to know your actual age dad." Smug

Mario: "Alrighty we don't know Taiyang's actual age but it's probably around his 40's so now onto the next question."

Mario: "Another question from Blake Stewart he asked what would Yang do if Blake confess that she's in love with Yang."

Yang: "Well we kinda confess each other and did actually kissed in Volume 9, but since this is an old question I'll say this if Blakey were to confess she's in love with me I'll definitely tell her I love her back and probably kiss too unlike how it's built up in Volume 9 since I've been getting hate letters from some fans saying Bumblebee is Toxic and worse ship.....well blame the company who ruin my character in later seasons, those guys need better script!"

She proceeds to punches the wall being angered

Mario: "Mama Mia! Oh Yang calm down please! Besides I heard the rights to RWBY are now on Viz Media! Plus I don't think Dbz will be happy about us trashing his place...."

Yang: "Grr...*proceeds to calms down* Anyways thank you for the question."

Yang: "Now if you can excuse me I'll need a strawberry sunrise." She would then walk out while her father chased after her

Taiyang: "Hey wait a minute Yang come back we talked about this! No Strawberry Sunrise Young Lady!"

Mario: "Ehehehe...."

Ruby and Neptune pops back in

Neptune: "That's all for today folks."

Ruby: "Please remember to ask more questions for other characters in the Q&A!!!"

Neptune & Ruby: "Bye!!!!" As they waved

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