Part 1

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"Positive thinking is more than just a tagline. It changes the way we behave. And I firmly believe that when I am positive, it not only makes me better, but it also makes those around me better"

I truly belive in these lines said by Harvey Meckey 😁

The situations may not seem to be going correct all the time, but how we manage those situations, matters a lot.

Whether it is friendship or relationship, all bonds are built on trust, without it you have nothing. And when u love someone, and knows the person is a nice one, then u need to trust them without any doubts. Whatever u see or listen, isn't correct everytime.

So trust the person u love, because to be trusted is a better compliment that being loved.

So my dear readers, u might now have an idea what my story is all about.......... about positivity, trust and love 😊😁

For further details, peep into the story 😁😉


A man was seen walking on a lonely road. His eyes were showing a lot of pain. It seemed like he was very sad. Actually sad was not the word to decribe him. He was rather looking broken. His eyes were all red due to the the tears.

His face is revealed as Sanskar. (I am not good at keeping the suspense, so revealing it now only 😅😝)

"Why God? Why u always play with my feelings? Don't I deserve any happiness? Don't I deserve someone in my life? Am I that bad?" Sanskar said fallimg on his knees on the ground and looked upwards towards the sky with hurt and questioning eyes.

"Everytime u make me feel like I am worthless...... worthless to even live in this world. So worthless that I don't have anyone in my life." said out the heartbroken Sanskar bending his head down with eyes fully moist.

Just then he felt a strong light on him. His eyes shortened at the sudden constriction of pupil. He placed his hand over his eyes and tried looking at the car with his squeezed eyes.

The next he could hear was a large honking sound of the the car horn. He was irritated by the voice. He stood up and was about to move towards the car, but just then the headlights got off and the car's door opened.

Sanskar stopped at his place and looked towards the car. He saw a foot out of the car. He could quickly guess it out to be a girl, by watching her heels. He then got the glimpse of a hand on the car door.

Sanskar was looking keenly towards the car and waiting for the person to get out of it. It was like his heart beat was getting faster with every passing second, and the reason was unknown. Just then he saw someone getting out of the car.

A girl came out of the car and looked at Sanskar angrily, with full attitude. Sanskar at first gulped seeing her. The girl is revealed to be Ragini.

"No sanky.... u can't be afraid by just her attitude. Come'on be brave idiot." Sanskar muttered to himself under his breath.

Sanskar took a deep breath. He was about to speak something but Ragini interrupted him.

"Are u mad or what? Why are u sitting in the middle of the road like a devdas? Didn't u get any other place to sit? Does this road looks like a coffee shop to u?" said Ragini and threw both her hands in air and rolled her eyes being irritated.

"And then even i should ask ARE U MAD honking the horns again and again, not even giving time to the person infront to stand up and move aside?" replied Sanky being irritated by her questions.

"Ohhh please! It was you who was at fault Mr. Devdas sitting here on the road and blocking my way. Alright!" screamed Ragini, pointing her index finger towards him, which made Sanskar jerk a bit seeing her in so much anger.

Sanskar just managed himself from stumbling back. He did not reply anything.

Ragini gritted her teeth in anger. "Ok now say something Mr.... (after a pause)...Mr. Devdas..... i don't have much time. I have lots of work to do, unlike u sitting here and wasting time over petty issues." she said in a high-pitched voice.

"Sanskar...... my name is Sanskar. Sanskar Maheshwari" He said uninterested just to unform her, so that she does not keeps on calling him Mr. Devdas.

"Wow..... Sanskar?? Huh! Ur name itself is a misnomer" said Ragini smirking a bit and turned her head towards the other side.

Sanskar was fully irritated now. He was already not in a state to talk to someone, but now she was getting on his nerves. He suddenly just kept his hand on her mouth to prevent her from speaking further.

A current passed through Ragini's spine, sensing his touch and his being so closer.

She stood there looking straight into his eyes, which were already looking deeply into hers. They had an eyelock, which was broken by Sanskar.

"Can't u speak a little slowly? My ears are paining due to your continuous screaming. I wish your voice to be as beautiful as you........" He said and then paused for a while realizing what he just said. He closed his eyes and cursed himself under his breath. Ragini too looked at him with widened eyes.

Sanskar felt a little embarrased. "I- I meant ki yo-your face is the worst, but then your voice is the worse." He spoke out being embarrased, trying hard to cover-up.

Ragini widened her eyes initially, but then narrowed it and looked at him angrily, but did not speak anything.

"Arre ab say something na. That time u were being so arrogant, when I didn't respond to u. What happened to u now? Haan?" Sanskar spoke a little sarcastically.

"Umm....umm.." Ragini replied trying to signal something with her eyes.

"What umm...umm? Pehle to badi kainchi ki tarah zubaan chal rahi thi... Ab kya hua?" (Earlier u were screeching like a scissor. Now what happened?)" Sanskar spoke out galring her, with a sarcastic smirk on his face.

Ragini rolled her eyes and gave him a stern look. She kept her hand on his. Sanskar looked at her hand, which she placed on his'.

But then, the feeling he was experiencing did not even stay for a time in which he himself could understand anything....... because Ragini jerked his hand away in just a second, and he looked at her shocked and embarassed.

Shocked, because she jerked her hand so angrily, and embarassed, because he himself was keeping hand over her mouth and then was again and again asking her to speak something.

He rubbed his nape being embarassed.

Ragini looked at him in disbelief. "Didn't anyone tell u to look out for a Psychologist? Coz u are an INSANE. U are mentally unstable. Huh..." she spoke gritting her teeths not being able to tolerate him anymore.

Sanskar looked at her in annoyance and held her shoulders, brought her closer to him and looked straight into her eyes.

Ragini jerked a bit. She nervously looked at Sanskar. Now she was a bit scared too, seeing a lot of anger in his eyes. She could feel his hot breath over her soft skin. It was making her weak, weak due to the closeness.

Sanskar looked at her face, which looked so angelic. His anger started reducing and a smile appeared on his face.

Ragini looked at him confused. Sanskar noticed Ragini's nervousness and realized her being so close to him.

He loosened the grip over her shoulders and pushed her a little making her away from him and hinself turned towards the other side facing his back towards her.

He brushed his hair in frustration. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and realised it was afterall solely his mistake. He closed his eyes and kept both his hands oved his eyes and calmed himself down. But soon his eyes got moist.

"I-I am sorry..... I'm sorry I misbehaved with u. I know it was-it was my fault. I was not in my senses. I am sorry" he said with tear drops forming in his eyes, without facing her.

Ragini sensed it. She felt a little bad seeing him like that.
She gave him a confused look.

"Are-are u alright?" She said placing her hand over his shoulder.

He nodded his head giving her a positive response, again without turning towards her. But Ragini knew that he was not fine. Something was worrying him and she wanted to know. And herself did not know the reason as to why she was worried for him.... for a person who just met her a few minutes back........

Ragini smiled and stood infront of him.

"U know what! Sometimes it is good to just share your problems with somebody. Trust me u'll feel good." She looked at him with convincing eyes and a calm voice.

Sanskar looked at her with cocked brows.
'This girl is so confusing. Till now, she was fighting with me. And now, now she is genuinely worried for me. Earlier she was looking like an over-proudy girl..... but now.... now she seems like such an understanding girl.' Sanskar thought in his mind, looking straight into her eyes.

"What are u thinking Mr. Devdas?" She spoke out, but then bit her tongue realizing, and looked at him innocently.

"Sanskar. I told u" said Sanskar smiling a bit seeing her cute innocent face.

Ragini smiled. "Ragini Gadodia" and extends her hand forwards.

Sanskar looked at her hand and then towards her. He smiled and shaked his hand with hers. He felt an unknown feeling. And same was with Ragini too. They were looking at their hands. Suddenly they came out of their fantasy world, and Ragini took her hand back, being a little embarassed.

She took a deep breath and cleared her throat gaining his attention.
"Now say Mr. Sanskar." She smiled and asked him.

"Huh..... u won't let me go without that... right?" Sanskar spoke with a wide smile on his face, to whuch Ragini raised her imaginary collars, making Sanskar chuckle a bit.

"And u can call me only Sanskar.... rather than joining Mister too with it. It looks so formal" said Sanskar smiling at her, to which she too smiled and again asked him to continue through her eyes.

Sanskar was still in a dilemma whether to share about his personal life with her or not. She was just a person whom he met just now, and that too through a FIGHT........ but somewhere, somewhere his heart felt like to tell her everything. His heart forced him to trust on her...........

He smiled and continued. "Firstly, i don't know why i am sharing this with u..... but then, I-I don't have anyone with whom I can share this all." said Sanskar.

Ragini smiled and asked him to continue through her eyes.

Sanskar sighed deeply. "I-I was in a realtionship with a girl. But-but she (he sighed not being able to speak, Ragini patted his shoulder a little to console him) She cheated me..... She was double dating me. She was with me.... just-just for my money."

Ragini looked towards the other side. She felt bad...... but the reason was unknown. Maybe because she could not see him in pain...... but why? That even she did not know herself.

"I- I saw her talking with her boyfriend at a coffee shop. And I-I could not even confront her. I did not have the guts to go and ask her about her deeds. I don't- I don't know why I did so.... but.." He said in a depressed tone.

Ragini took her hand back from his shoulder and looked at him with a 'WHAT?' look.
"U didn't even confront her? Why? I mean that was such a foolish act by you." she said giving her an unbelievable look.

"But..... but i could not get what to do at that time. I felt so betrayed" he said looking towards the ground the ground in a montonous tone.

Ragini shrank her eyebrows. "Seriously? U are such a dumbo that u could not even confront the girl? According to me na, u should have SLAPPED THAT GIRL (pressurising the words). Han.... but what can I expect from a man like u? (She rolled her eyes in disbelief) U can't even stand for yourself? " Ragini said in an irritated, and more than that, in an angry tone.

"Oh hello! It isn't that easy. It isn't like I cannot do that. But it is just that ki...." he was speaking but was interrupted.

"Exaclty..... it isn't like u can't do it.... but u don't want to do it. Right?" spoke Ragini twitching her jaws in anger.

"Oh please! I am happy that u are concerned about me.....that u wants to help me. I am happy about that. But everything doesn't happens in a positive way as u said. Saying like that is easy." he turned towards Ragini and threw his hands at the level of his shoulders.

Ragini gritted her teeth in irritation. She was a person who loved to be in a sphere of optimism, but Sanskar was all filled of negativity. Negativity, in the sense, that he can not even take a stand for himself, which was a big negativity in itself. (I too am rolling my eyes now 😏😅)

"U know what! It is worthless talking to u." said Ragini.

"Yes..... yes I am worthless. That is why she left me. I-I do not deserve anyone in my life. I deserve NO-ONE. " he lets out a humorless chuckle, disdaining himself.

"I would rather be ANNOYINGLY positive and optimistic, than being DESTRUCTIVELY negative and hateful" she said in an anger filled tone, and turned towards her car without waiting for Sanskar's reply.

Sanskar just looked at her blankly. He liked her nature of being positive, but then again his own pessimistic nature did mot allow him to agree to her.

His trans was broken by Ragini's car horn. Sanskar looked at her. She gave him an angry look and left from there after Sanskar gets a little side.

"She is so weird. It's hard to understand her. Huh.... she might not have faced much problems till now, that is why she was behaving like that" he said while looking at the direction she went.

Sanskar started walking towards his home. All the time, he was just thinking about Ragini. How she fought with him, how she was not ready to lose, how she turned a little nervous seeing him so close, how she was full of concern for an unknown person......... and at last how she was full of optimism in her life.
'It isn't like u can't do it..... it is that u don't want to do it. Right?' Ragini's words were ringing in his ears.

Though he did not know her for a long time, but to him, she seemed correct, everything she said seemed reasonable.

Sanskar's heart was battling to say that she was right.... whatever she said was all correct. But his mind, his ego and most importantly his negative nature did not allow him to believe her sayings.

Just as he was walkimg, he saw a car stopping besides him, with a honk. Ho igored it initially and did not care to look at it, but then turned towards it, when he again heard the honking. He looked in a confused manner seeing the person driving the car.

"U..?" said Sanskar nearing a little towards the car.

"Yes me. " the person driving the car takes out its head from the car window.

"But I guess.... Ragini ji to abhi abhi yahan se gussa hokar gyi thi." He leaned towards her car door smirking looking at her.

"Yes...... but then I thought it isn't safe to leave a person like u alone at this time. God knows, what all u can do to yourself" Ragini said with a fake wide smile, and then gave him again an angry look back.

Sanskar for once was lost in her...... the way she cared for him.... for an unknown person. It somewhere touched him.

"Where are u lost now? Sit fast.... I don't have the whole night here to wait for u to sit." ragini spoke out looking at the front.

"Uh.... no! It's fine. I'll go by myself." said Sanksar and stood straight to go ahead.

Ragini's mouth wide opened.
'Ek toh I am giving him lift..... upar se he is..... Aahh whatever' ( she takes her face out from the window and shouted) " Sanskar Ji...... just come and sit. I said na, I'll drop u."

Sanskar sighed "This girl is so stubborn." thinking so, Sanskar walks towards the car and sat on the passenger seat.

It was a total silence in the car for few minutes, which was then broken by Ragini when she asked the way to his house, to which he just fornally directed her towards the place.

Ragini's car halted at a place. She tried starting the car again, but in vain. Nothing happened. "Damn it!" She hits the steering in irritation.

"Khataara ki khataara gaadi" said Sanskar looking outside, behaving as if he didn't say anything.

"Don't be oversmart. Alright!" she replied back looking at him in anger. Then again started trying to start the car.

"Let me check" Saying so, he opened the door of the car, but stopped in the middle as he witnessed something.

"Can u do it a little fa-..." Ragini was about to speak further but stopped seeing him lost. She looked at him and then outside where he was looking, and then again back to Sanskar, getting no idea of what happened to him.

She saw Sanskar gripping the car door more and more tightly in anger. She could sense his blood boiling, by his expressions.

She placed her hand on his shoulder and called out his name.

Sanskar jerked and came back to his senses, and turned towards Ragini. Ragini noticed his eyes all red due to the tears and a lot of anger. She was shocked at once.

"Wh-what happened Sanskar? What is....." she could not complete her sentence due to Sanskar stopping her by showing his palm.

"Try to start the car. Otherwise I'll go by myself." He said with a stern face not looking towards Ragini.

Ragini sensed that something is defintely wrong. She felt bad for him. It was hurting her to see him in that state.

She did not say anything, but just looked outside again to get an idea about what was bothering him. But again, she did not find anything like that outside. She just saw a car standing at the side of the road. That's it. Nothing except that.

But then she clearly looked at the whole situation and saw two people sitting in the car, a girl and a boy. The boy's face was not much visible, but she could clearly see the girl. When she looked at them, that time they were hugging each other. The boy then kissed on her cheek and both were laughing over something.

She shrugged her shoulders, not getting how everything is realted to Sanskar.

"Sanskar! Can u tell me what is happening?" Ragini finally spoke out.

Sanskar looked at her angrily. He leaned towards her. Ragini jerked a bit, seeing him getting closer to her. They had an eyelock. Ragini was just lost in his eyes. She could see the hurt and despair in his eyes. They were finally just inches apart. His hot breath on her face gave her a little tickling sensation. She felt butterflies dancing in her stomach.

But just then, she heard the voice of the car engine getting started. She noticed that Sanksar had started it and that is why he came towards her.

Sanskar was still lost in her eyes which were as deep as an ocean. Those beautiful eyes were mesmerizing her. But just as Ragini jerked with the voice of car starting, he came back to his senses and seated back properly. Ragini composed herself, but still had a blush on her face.

"Huh! U can't even start up the car properly?" He said trying to avoid the situation.

"No. I tried it. It's just a coincidence that it started when u tried" Ragini reasoned out glaring him.

But again she remembered that he was distressed about sometging just a few minutes ago. All the events played in her mind. She widened her eyes when something struck her mind and she looked towards the car where the pair was romancing. She brushed her hand through her hairs in realization.

"Sanskar....... is she the same girl who cheated you?" Ragini said with questioning eyes.

Sanskar's heart just sank. He could not answer her. It was difficult for him to control his emotions.

He just lowered his head, not giving any response to Ragini. And Ragini understood that her guess was right. She was the same girl who cheated Sanskar. That is why Sanskar was behaving like that, seeing them.

Ragini thought of something and chuckled a bit. "Aah! This car is so weird na... it knows where to stop.... right?" She looked at Sanskar and gave her a sarcastic look.

Sanskar just looked at her with a blank face, while Ragini continued.

"Aah I mean the car too wants that people must take a stand for themselves, rather than running away from their problems." Said Ragini to which Sanskar looked at the other side towards that car.

Ragini placed a hand on his shoulder, to which Sanskar looked back at her. "See, the destiny does not gives much chances Sanskar..... it has already given u two chances, the one u had missed....but please do not lose this second chance Sanskar....... fight back. Confront her. It is the high time.... otherwise people will keep on hurting u, knowing that u will never raise a voice against them." said Ragini looking straight into his eyes with a convincing tone.

He could not deny that Ragini was correct. Everything she said was quite reasonable.

Sanskar took a deep breath and then looked towards the other car. He balled his hand into a tight fist. Ragini smiled a bit, seeing the change in Sanskar. She knew that now he has understood her point, definitely.

Sanskar opened the car door. He looked back at Ragini, before getting down. Ragini gave her the most assuring smile and nodded a little, asking him to go. He too smiled back and nodded positively.

Ragini looked at Sanskar, who was walking towards her cheater girlfriend with full anger in his eyes. She quickly removed the seat belt, and opened the car door, and gets down.

She stood leaning to her car's front and decided to stay there only, as it was Sanskar's fight...... and he should fight it alone. She crossed arms infront of her chest and looked at the scenario with a satisfied smile on her face.

Sanskar knocked on the car's window. The boy and girl, who came back to the present world with his knock, looked at him shocked. They looked at his face with horror.

{U can imagine the girl as Swarda Thigale (Sanchi from SDCH....... because I don't like her much 😜) and the boy as Vikram Sahelkar (kabir from SDCH)}

Both of them gets out of the car and stood scared infront of him. His red shot eyes could make anyone shiver with fear. But the one who was shocked the most was Ragini. She looked at them with a shocked face and an open mouth.

"Sa-sans.... sanskar..... u here? Actually I......" the girl spoke but was interrupted by Sanskar as he showed his palm to herm, stopping her from speaking further.

"I don't want to listen any of ur nonsense, nor do I need any false explanations. Because I ALREADY KNOW THE TRUTH Sanchi" he said pressurising on the last sentence.

Sanchi and the man were shocked to their wits. All their plans are on the verge of ruining. Everything was going unplanned.

"See Mister......." the man was about to proceed but was interrupted by a voice.

"Kabir...... so u are here to exploit someone else's life too" the voice said.

The man, Kabir bends a little towards his left and tried to look at the owner of the voice which was coming from behind Sanskar. Sanskar too turned back on hearing the voice, which sounded a little familiar.

As soon as Kabir looked at the owner of the voice, his eyes widened with shock. He tried avoiding the eye contact with the person.

"Ragini ? " Sanskar called out her name in a low voice with a confused face. He was confused as to how Ragini knows him. "Ragini..... u know him?" Sanskar asked with confusion clear in his eyes.

And the person behind Sanskar is revealed to be Ragini who was looking just at Kabir with her hands crossed around her chest.

Ragini lets out a laughless chuckle. "How can I forget him?" Ragini replied still looking at Kabir with a stiff face with her hands crossed.

"Ragini...... u just stay away alright! It is not ur matter" spoke out Kabir looking straight into her eyes, but could no more keep the contact as Ragini's anger-filled eyes was making it difficult.

"It is my matter Mr. Kabir Raichand. The way u spoiled my life, I cannot let u destroy someone else's..... so, it is my matter. As soon as my friend is involved in it... it is my matter" spoke out Ragini looking at Sanskar when she mentioned the word friend.

Sanskar too looked at Ragini and smiled a bit. But soon the confusion he was having in his mind, replaced the smile and a serious expression appeared on his face.

"Spoiled ur life...?? What is going on Ragini?" asked a bewildered Sanskar.

Saanchi and Kabir just looked at each other with defeated faces.... as they knew their game was over. Everything was ruined now.

"That i can explain u afterwards too. It isn't the time for this. First do, for what u are here. U need to teach these cheap people a good lesson." Ragini spoke out with a stern face.

Kabir became furious and raised his hand to slap Ragini, but Sanskar held it with his one hand before he could touch Ragini. Sanchi was smirking when she noticed Kabir about to slap Ragini, but the smirk betrayed her soon when Sanskar held Kabir's hand.

Ragini was shocked for a second, but did not react anything, as soon as she saw Sanskar tightening the fist of his ither hand. 'It is your fight Sanskar. U need to fight it alone' thought Ragini and smiled a bit.

Sanskar looked at Kabir with red-shot eyes and hits him back on his face and without any pause punched him on his stomach. Sanchi was shocked and screamed out Kabir's name in shock. Kabir leaned to the car and looked at Sanskar with furious eyes.

He was about to attack Sanskar, but Sanskar grabbed his neck and squeezed it tightly. Kabir was finding it difficult to breath. He tried to push Sanskar away, but nothing seemed to happen. Sanchi was bewildered. She held Sanskar's arm and tried to force him away from Kabir, but in vain. Sanchi again touched Sanskar's arm. This time Sanskar noticed it, which he failed to notice earlier due to his anger at its extreme level.

He loosened the grip on Kabir's neck and jerked Sanchi's hand away within a second. Kabir felt a little relief and started breathing heavily. Sanchi looked at Sanskar with widened eyes.

Ragini was just looking at the whole scenario with a little smile on her face by seeing Sanskar finally fighting for himself. The Sanskar she met at the first time, was totally different from this Sanskar whom she was witnessing right now.

Though she had known him from just a little time back, her observant nature made her foresee the nature of Sanskar. In the first meeting itself, she knew that Sanskar was the person filled with negativity. Not even a single time who could feel anything good about himself and his life. He was the one who always needed a push from someone to do something. But now.... now she could see the Sanskar who was totally different. A totally new Sanskar.

"Don't think I am that weak Sanskar now, who will not even raise a single word against anyone. Don't even dare to think so..... because the consequences might be dangerous. Don't u dare to play with MY LIFE." Sanskar said pointing his index finger towards Sanchi and glaring her furiously.

Sanchi stumbled a bit due to his loud and dangerous tone. She could not even imagine that Sanskar could behave like that. She had known the Sanskar who could not even raise his voice, who could not fight for himself or for anybody else, the one who was filled with negativity about his life.

"U know what! I already knew the truth when I heard u both plotting against me in that coffee shop today ( Kabir and Sanchi looked at hik being shocked) But I-I was a fool to not confront u then. I was a fool to cry over my fate." Sanskar said looking at both Kabir and Sanchi.

He took a deep breath. "U are no one to me now. Of late i realized that even I never loved u. It was just your behaviour I liked, but then now when I know that it was all fake..... I don't even like anything about u." Spoke out Sanskar looking at Sanchi.

It was not like he was Ragini's known friend or something. But the girl, who herself was so confident, so positive, who knew how to fight the world, was feeling proud on him.

"Sanskar...... u-u were not...." Sanchi could not get proper words to explain the situation. She just looked at him helpless. He was the one, whom she and Kabir thought would be easy to trap..... and now the same person was making them weak. They did not even had the guts to meet his ferocious dark brown orbs.

Sanskar chuckled out a sarcastic laugh. He galred Kabir and Sanchi, and then turned towards Ragini. Ragini gave him a 'Wah kya baat hai' look, to which he blew the hairs coming a little on his forehead. Ragini smiled making Sanskar too smile back.

Sanskar held Ragini's hand and was about to leave from there leaving the defeated chocked Kabir and shocked Sanchi back. Ragini looked at her hand in Sanskar's hand getting some new feelings, unknown to her.

As he was about to move, Sanskar stopped his steps. Ragini too stopped and looked at him in confusion. He looked at Ragini and smiled, while Ragini was still looking him blankly.

Sanskar turned back and a loud sound 'THAD!!' could be heard in the quiet night atmosphere. Ragini looked back and saw Sanchi bending a bit downwards holding her left cheek and looking at Sanskar with widened eyes filled with tears due to the burning sensation on her cheek. Shocked was an understatement for her right now.

Ragini realised that Sanskar had slapped Sanchi. She placed her both hands on her mouth in shock. Kabir who was till now feeling chocked due to pressure with which Sanskar grabbed his neck, forgot about his condition and stood straight due to sound of slap echoing in the environment. He looked at Sanskar and gulped in fear.

"Someone had told me that she should have slapped such a girl, if she was had been at my place" said Sanskar looking at Ragini to which she smiled widely, remembering how she reprimanded him when he told her about a girl cheating him, and she had asked him to slap him.

Sanchi was still holding her cheek. Sanskar glared her once and then looked at Kabir who was looking at him in fear. Sanskar raised his hand towards him, to the reflex of which, Kabir immediately placed hand on his cheek, fearing that he might slap him too. Sanskar paused for a minute and placed his hand on his hair, brushing them.

"Tum to mere haath uthane se hi darr gaye" Sanskar said smirking and chuckling a bit and giving him back a proudy smile.

Sanskar glared both of them for the last time and turned back holding Ragini's hand again. Sanskar moved towards Ragini's car, while Ragini kept on walking coordinating him, looking continuously at him.

Sanskar made her sit on the driver seat and himself sat on the passenger seat. Ragini was still lost looking at Sanskar.

Sanskar shaked her a bit and she came out of her trance. Sanskar asked her 'what?' with his hands, to which Ragini just smiled widely and nodded into a no. They wore the seat belts and Ragini drove back to Sanskar's destination.

They reached outside Sanskar's house. Ragini stopped the car and waited for Sanskar to get down. Sanskar muttered a thanks and gets down the car and leaned back to the car door and knocked on the car window. Ragini lowered down the glass of Sanskar's side and looked at him in cofusion.

"U still didn't tell me about how that idiot man spoiled ur life?" asked Sanskar.

Ragini's smile faded a bit, but then she looked at him determined and smiled at him again. She opened her seat belt and moved out of the car.

She came and stood near Sanskar.

She briefly explained Sanskar how Kabir and Ragini were in a relationship, in which Kabir had cheated her. He was just having the lust feelings towards her. How Ragini used to be a timid girl, but when he forced Ragini to make a physical contact, she understood what his intentions were. She slapped him and broke her relation with him. But Ragini understood how important it was for her to be confident. After that incident, she turned from a simple, sweet girl to a modern, confident girl.

(PS- I just explained Ragini's past in brief, because I don't have much time to extend it 😁 Hope u all do not mind it.

It is just that Ragini was a positive-minded person and did not want to cry over this issue for all her life. She knew whatever happened was good.

So here comes the difference, Sanskar and Ragini had faced almost the same kind of problem. But their way of handling the situation was different. Ragini fought with the situation and turned into a bold girl, rather than being filled with pessimism and crying over her life.....

Whereas Sanskar had difderent means. He was so filled with negativity that he could not foresee what is wrong and what right. He just accepted the fate as it was. Had it not been Ragini supporting him, he would have been the same Sanskar and would not have even dared to fight for himself. He needed the push, which Ragini provided him......

And this only is the main theme of my this story 😁)

Sanskar made a fist of his hand out of anger, while listening to Ragini's story.

'Why was this girl affecting him? Why was he feeling so angry, like to go back and again and break Kabir's bones? Why was he feeling bad for her? Maybe he'll feel the same hearing such about any girl....... but to this extent? Maybe No. He would never have been much concerned then. But why for her then?' were the thoughts covering his mind.

Sanskar was amazed as well. Whenever he starts to think that Ragini was like this or that, she comes up with a new thing, just in the next second.... and that too in just some hours of their meet.

"How could u be so courageous? Often people end up feeling heart broken after all the betrayals..... But- but u seem not at all affected." said Sanskar out of amazement with a smile on his face.

"It isn't that i was unaffected. It did affect me a lot...... but then i feel ki u need to be strong.... i mean if i fall weak everytime, then I won't be able to face this world. And just for a person who cheated me, I cannot waste my whole life. Simple!" Ragini replued with smile, to which Sanskar too just smiled and nodded and did not say anything.

"Aah! Now i must go.... it is late already. It was nice meeting u" saying so Rahini extended her hand forward for a handshake.

Sanskar looked at her hand for a second, and shaked his hand with hers. They looked deep into each other's eyes. The connection they felt with each other, the happiness they were feeling in each other's presence, was not explainable. They had a long eyelock, which none of them wanted to break.

Finally Ragini breaks the eyelock and looked at their hands. Sanskar was tightly holding her hand.

"My hand!" she exclaimed to make Sanskar aware to leave her hand now.

"Haan?" he replied with a confusing tone.

"My hand" she said and signed with her eyes towards their hands which they were still shaking.

"Tumhara hi hai.... main konsa leke ja raha hu" saying so he left her hand and smiled in embarassement, while Ragini chuckled a bit at his reply.

After bidding each other bye, Ragini sat inside her car, fastened the seat belt, andgnited the engine of her car and turned the car towards her destination. She looked back through the mirror at Sanskar's reflection and smiled. 'Hmmm interesting' thought Ragini whike driving.

Sanskar too was looking at Ragini's car till he could get its view and he too muttered out 'Interesting'.

After standing there for a while and smiling like a mad, thinking about Ragini, he stepped back into his house.

That night, Sanskar was all the time thinking about Ragini and her words.

"That girl amazed me. She was different. A confident, optimistic and an independent girl." Sanskar spoke to himself looking at ceiling smilingly, while himself resting on his bed.

Sanskar smiled thinking about her. He remembered how during their first meeting, Ragini seemed like an over proudy and a stubborn girl..... how nervousness was being expressed on her face, when she held her close...... how she immediately calmed down seeing his state...... how she consoled him...... how again she was angry not being abke to withstand a pessimistic person like him........ how she was worried for him and again gets back to him to give him the she asked her to confront Sanchi......... how she fearlessly and ferociously stood infront of Kabir, that too when he once cheated her, and any person would be expected to get problem facing that person again..... but Ragini was different.

All the moments were just revolving in his mind. His mind was all occupied with Ragini, Ragini and only Ragini............

"Ragini" he spoke out to himself with a smile.

Ragini, who was standing in her balcony, jerked slightly, just as Sanskar took her name. She placed her hand on her fast beating heart.

"Why am I feeling like someone is calling me?" Ragini muttered to herself, but then soon brushed off her thoughts, and gets back to her thinking........ her mind again struck up with Sanskar's thoughts 😉.

She smiled thinking about all what happened this night. She was getting flashes of how they fought at their first meeting....... moments of their closeness........ all the RAGSAN moments were running in her mind.

She was smiling thinking about everything, and feeling the cool breeze.

There Sanskar was still in her thoughts, when something struck his mind, and he got up with a jerk.
"I didn't even ask her phone number!!" spoke out Sanskar while hitting his forehead with his palm.

"I toh don't even know anything about her." Sanskar said with a sad tone regretting why he forgot about such a thing.

"But why am I so worried about her number or whereabouts? She isn't any of my close friend?....... Aarrgghh!! Come on Sanky, why are u so restless thinking about her? She was just a person whom u met by chance, and would never meet her again!!" Sanskar reasoned out, but his heart sank when he himself said that he is never gonna meet her again.

Sanskar again laid down on the bed. His mind was totally fully occupied by Ragini......He looked at his hand and gets flashes of their hand shakes. He kept on thinking about her and slept with a smile on his face.


arviabhigya The story was meant to be posted on ur birthday Mihu 😅 but I won't be getting much time during those days. This whole May is gonna be hectic 😁

But still HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN (bohot zyada) ADVANCE 😁😘😜 And sorry too if u didn't like the story😁 love u 😘

TevarAnisha saromythi dekha! I posted it finally 😋😂 thanku for being so supportive 😘😘 love love 😘


I had thought of posting an OS.....but had to post it this much only, as I am not getting much time 🙁
This update is just half of the actual story 😅 Infact the actual story has not even started 😜 This meeting was meant more to emphasis on RagSan's characters. The main story is yet to come 😁

It is just their first meeting and much more is yet to come. But I am not sure when I'll update the next part 😁

Frankly speaking, I myself liked the concept. But have to mention, that the story could have been much better if I could explain the scenes and the characters more effectively. I am not at all good at that 😂

So please apne aap se samajh lena story 😅😅😅

Sorry for the typos errors or the grammatical mistakes 🙏 because i did not check the update again before posting it.


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