You Want Answers? I Got'em

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What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

Ummmmm, I'd have to say strawberry or vanilla. I'm a simple man, what can I say?

Favorite demigod of the 7?


Favorite book?

The Blood of Olympus. Favorite character there was old man Jason lmao.

Which country's food do you like the most?

Philippines. REPRESENT!

Favorite food?

So hard to answer, but I think I'd go chicken wings. They're like steroids for me.

Favorite Greek god BESIDES Hermes?

Ummmmm, Apollo. Ever since he came back from TOA, I expect him to be nice to humans. That dude is like Olympus's Iron Man.

Favorite Rick Riordan book?

The Last Olympian. Hestia doesn't get that much respect and that canoe lake kissing part warms my frostbitten heart.

Favorite sport?

Basketball. It's an aspiring dream of mine.

Strange food combinations?

Ummm I mix ketchup and mayonnaise together and dip my French fries in it. Not exactly weird to me, but your opinion.

Coke or Pepsi?


Favorite color?


Any other fandoms besides PJO?

I like Harry Potter and Kane Chronicles as well as Magnus Chase. It's a stretch.

If I could live anywhere, where would that be?

Definitely the Phillipines. I grew up there as a child, so I would definitely go back there and uncover some more of my "lost" roots.

Favorite type of weather?

Cold and foggy. Means I get to stay inside and game.

Random fact I know?

Hyacinthus got his head chopped of by Zephros and Apollo was being a nitwit about him dying so he made flowers in honor of him.

Math or Science?

Math. Science has too many formulas.

I will accept any others, but that's just it so far. Tell me what you think!

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