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"Urgh… My head…" a young boy groaned out as he slowly got up from the ground. 

He sat on his knees and simply held his head, trying to soothe the aching he woke up with. Opening his eyes after a few moments, he looked around and found himself in a weird, thick forest. 

He blinked a few times, the information registering in his head before he finally came up with a response. "AAAAAHHH!" And that response was to scream. "W-Where the hell am I!?" He asked. Suddenly, he grabbed his own throat. "What happened to my voice!?" He asked, noticing that his voice was far more high pitched. 

He looked at his arms and found out that they were smaller than they used to, and looked rather young. He began touching around himself, finding out that his entire body had shrunk. 

"What… what happened to me?!" The boy yelled, his voice echoing in the forest.

The last thing he remembers was that he was on his way home from college after a very tiring week of midterms. But, for some reason, he could not remember what happened halfway through. 

It was not that his memory became a blur. It was more like everything goes black in an instant, and the next thing he knows is that he's here. Just like that.

The boy pinched his cheek and winced in pain. "Okay… so much for hoping this is a dream," he sighed sadly.

Suddenly, a piece of paper slowly fell in front of him. The boy looked up and around, trying to see where the paper came from, but he didn't see anything. He picked it up and looked at the content, hoping to find a clue on where he is.

"You're probably wondering where you are. Well, I'll be blunt. You're in Fiore."

"Fiore…?" The boy ran that name in his head, trying to remember where he heard it before.

Suddenly, it clicked. Fiore, Fairy Tail, Earthland, and Guilds. His eyes widened in shock, and it took him a few minutes of breathing to calm down enough to read the rest of the paper.

"Shocking isn't it? If you're wondering, then no, you didn't die or get hit by a truck. I'm just a random ROB bored out of their mind and decided to have some fun. To make things fair and interesting, I took your knowledge of the Canon, but not the general knowledge on how this universe works."

Thinking about it, the boy found out that the letter was right. 

He knew about Earthland, Fiore, Guilds, how they work, magic, the types of magic, and certain individuals. But, he knew this place was from an anime he loved, but he didn't remember the main cast, or any of the events that happened in the anime.

After making sure of that, the boy looked back at the letter.

"Now, don't think I'm cruel. I might have did this to you out of nowhere, but I'm not gonna leave you with no chance to survive."

With that, the letter ended, which left the boy confused. However, an object suddenly fell on his head. "Ow!" The boy yelled as he held his head while the object landed in front of him.

While rubbing his head, the boy looked at whatever just hit him, and his jaw immediately fell to the ground as he saw and recognised the item.

It was a fruit. A gourd-like fruit that was blue in color with swirl patterns across it. It was impossible for him to not recognise the fruit.

It was a Devil Fruit. Not just any Devil Fruit, but arguably the most powerful one. The Gura Gura No Mi/Tremor-Tremor Fruit. 

Another paper slowly floated down in front of him, and this time he immediately grabbed it and began reading.

"See? I'm not a bad person. You're a few years before the Canon, which is why you're younger now. I pulled a few strings so that, once you eat that fruit, you'll also inherit HIS will, and I don't need to explain what that means since you recognise the fruit. After you do that, head straight. There's something you NEED to see. Then, you're on your own."

"Okay… this is… not so bad…" the boy mumbled, still trying to process everything that is happening to him.

Truthfully, he didn't know what to be more thankful for. The fruit itself, or the fact he'll inherit Whitebeard's will. The boy wasn't egotistical. He knew that he didn't have the bravery and will-power to face this land of magic on his own, so inheriting the will of the 'strongest man in the world' was something he was grateful for.

(Okay… all I need to do… is eat a fruit… that literally taste like shit.) The boy gulped in fear as he grabbed the Gura Gura No Mi. He knew of the infamous taste of Devil Fruits, and he also heard that, despite all you need is one bite to gain the strength in it, it was still horrendous. 

Mustering up his courage, the boy slowly took a bite… and it took everything he had to not immediately spit it out. The rumours and characters of One Piece had obviously not done that awful taste justice. 

Wanting to just get things over with, he started chewing to get the pieces small enough to swallow, and did immediately as soon as they were.

When he did, he dropped the rest of the fruit and immediately began spitting. He actually felt the urge to lick the ground of the forest just to get the taste out. It was just that awful. 

After he was done trying - and failing - to get the awful taste out of his mouth, he looked down at his arms. He didn't particularly feel any different, and while he would have absolutely loved to make a crack in the air, he didn't want to see how destructive it is before finding what ROB said he needed to find.

So, after a few moments of putting up with the awful taste, the boy began walking straight ahead. He didn't see anything but trees, trees, and more trees. There was the occasional bird, but that was it.

It seemed like he was going on for hours. He began thinking that there was nothing in that direction, or that whatever he needed to see is days away. He didn't know which one was worse.


The boy stopped and covered his ears as the loudest scream he ever heard ripped through the air and caused the birds all to fly away in fear.

After a moment, the ringing in his ears began to go away, but the crying remained. Now that he listens carefully, it sounded like a person crying.

Walking to where he believed the sound came from, which wasn't very hard as he simply went to where the birds flew away in the opposite direction from.

Reach the source of the sound, the boy hid behind a tree and peaked over. His eyes widened as he saw a little girl all alone in the middle of the jungle.

She looked younger than him. The little girl had neon red hair, borderline pink, that reached her shoulders. She had tiny horns on the sides of her head. She was also wearing a simple black dress.

The girl was on her knees, tears running down her cheeks, her hands were trying and failing to wipe the overflow of tears. She had obviously been crying for a while.

The girl took a shaky breath and-


That same sound from before erupted from her as cried. Her voice was creating actual shock-waves that had the boy hide back behind the tree for protection. 

After the shock-waves passed, the boy walked out from behind the tree and slowly walked to the little girl. "H-Hey, are you okay?" He asked gently, trying to not seem threatening. 

That did not have much affect, as the girl jumped upon hearing his voice, and began to crawl back a little fearfully, looking like she would scream again.

The boy immediately held up his arms to she he was harmless. "W-Wait, I'm not here to hurt you. I just want to help if I could," he explained. 

The girl simply looked at him as she took shaky breaths, tears still running down her cheeks. The boy took a step forward, and he was grateful that she didn't try to move away. 

When he was close enough, he offered her his hand to help her up, but she surprised him as she jumped at him and hugged him hard, obviously looking for a form of comfort. 

The boy decided to hug her back and asked, "What's wrong? Are you lost?"

The girl just sniffed and shook her head. Slowly, she raised her head and looked at him with sapphire blue eyes. "C-... Carmilla l-left me…," she said before burying her face in his shirt as she began lightly sobbing. "I-... I can’t f-find her…"

(Carmilla?) The boy thought, trying to think on who that is, only to remember that his knowledge of the cast and Canon was taken. "Do you have an idea where Carmilla is?"

The girl shook her head again while sobbing. "We… we went to s-sleep together… b-but when I w-woke up… s-she… s-she was g-gone…" she mumbled.

The boy just hugged the girl and let her cry. He knew he couldn't offer any other kind of comfort in the current situation. After what the boy believed to be a whole hour, the girl finally stopped crying and settled for a few sobs and hiccups. 

"Hey, it's okay," the boy said, pulling the girl slightly to look at her with his best reassuring smile. "I'm pretty lost, too. We can find where we are together, and I'm sure we'll find Carmilla too."

The girl sniffed and looked down, obviously unsure. "B-But…What are you going to d-do?" She asked as she clenched his shirt. "I… I can't smell or hear her anymore…"

"Well…" The boy struggled with a response. He didn't know where to even begin looking for this 'Carmilla', and he even had less knowledge on how to find civilization of any kind.

Suddenly, a new paper fell between him and the girl. The boy immediately caught it and looked at the content while the girl looked at him and the paper in confusion, wondering where it came from.

"You found her? Good. The closest town to you is in the direction that the sun is setting. It's a small town with farms and merchants, you should have everything you need now. Oh, and try to think of a new name for yourself, I kind of took yours."

The boy's eyes widen as he immediately tried to recall his own name, but came with nothing. He wanted to curse the ROB for suddenly taking his name like that, but he knew that was a small price over giving him the Gura Gura No Mi.

The boy then remembered he that he doesn't know what the girl in front of him is named. "Uhmm… What's your name?" He asked with an awkward smile.

The girl broke out of her confusion and answered. "My name is Elizabeth Bathory… What's yours?" She asked. 

The boy froze and his smile wavered. "M-My name…?" He regretted his own question.

His mind began going to overdrive to think of a name. Something to call himself. The thought of calling himself 'Edward Newgate' because of the Gura Gura No Mi and inheriting Whitebeard's will. However, he rolled out that idea. He respected Whitebeard too much to steal his name.

Then, an idea struck him. 

"... Ace… Yeah, that's my name. Ace Newgate," the boy replied with smile and the girl nodded.

Portags D. Ace was Edward Newgate's son in everything but blood. Same with the entirety of the Whitebeard pirates. He couldn't take Whitebeard's name, but he believed that naming himself after one of his sons while using his last name wasn't a problem and was a way to honour them both.

POV: Ace.

"What's with that paper, Ace?" Elizabeth asked me while looking at the paper in my hand.

"It's a… map. It tells me where the next town is. We can look for Carmilla there," I explained to her.

Elizabeth looked surprised, and then looked happy, most likely hopeful that we'll find whoever 'Carmilla' is in that town. She held my hand as we began walking towards where the sun was setting. 

This entire situation is so… unreal. I still haven't rolled out the possibility that I've gone mad. I'm in Fairy Tail. I just ate the Gura Gura No Mi. I inherited the will of one of the most badass anime characters to ever exist. And, now, I was guiding a girl with the weirdest hair color I've ever seen to a village in a land filled with magic.

Honestly, the only reason I'm not screaming in panic right now is because of Elizabeth being here. The last thing I want is for a lost child who was relying on me to see me go to a panic attack. 

Also, I think Whitebeard's will is helping me deal with this. He's the kind of person who would never panic. Knowing that absolute monster of a man, he'd laugh in this situation and just look for the nearest source of Sake.

"Are we there yet?" Elizabeth broke me out of my thoughts by asking the most cliché question from children everywhere. 

"No, and honestly I don't know when we'll get there, but I know we will," I replied, looking at her with the most reassuring smile I can muster. 

She frowned, probably because the answer isn't what she wanted. I don't blame her. I just hope we don't take too long. I have no idea how we'll find food or water. Also, I haven't had any chance to use the Gura Gura No Mi, so I don't know how useful I'll be if we run into anything.

We kept walking like this for a while until sundown. I don't think it's a good idea to travel through the forest in the darkness of the night. "Okay, Elizabeth, we should probably stop before it gets dark. It could be dangerous."

She, surprisingly, took what I said well and nodded. Either because she's tired or because whoever this 'Carmilla' is already told her to not go out at night. It works for me either way.

We stopped near a big tree and I started gathering branches to make a small fire. Hopefully, my days of my dad forcing knowledge of hunting and joining the scouts pay off even in a world of magic.

Putting two branches along with dry leaves between them, I began rubbing them as fast as I can. Soon enough, smoke began rising from the dry leaves, and I began blowing into it.

Soon enough, a small fire began forming, and I started adding dry leaves one at a time so that they don't extinguish it by accident. After that, I added small branches, and soon enough we had a campfire. 

"Wow! How did you do that?" For a second, I actually forgot Elizabeth was even here. She was looking at me with what I assum is wonder and curiosity. "Was that fire magic?" 

"Uh, no. It's just an old trick I know," I replied with an awkward smile. 

Suddenly, I heard a small growl and Elizabeth held her stomach. "I'm hungry…" she said.

Honestly, I was, too. Looking around, I tried to look for something edible. I found something when I looked up the tree we were sitting under. Up in the tree, there was some apple-shaped fruit, but it was orange.

Looking at the tree, I took a deep breath. Okay, let's do this. I grabbed hold of the tree and began climbing. My days at the scouts and dad's persistence at me learning how to hunt really are paying off.

After I reached the top, I did my best to grab the fruits and drop them while holding on to the tree so I don't fall. After dropping four fruits, I started going down and found Elizabeth holding one of them.

She bit into it but her face twisted. "It's sour," she said after swallowing. 

"Please put up with it," I pleaded to her while grabbing one of the fruits. "We don't have anything else. So, for now, they'll have to do," with that I took a bite of the fruit I was holding. 

Elizabeth was right. They were sour. But, after the awful taste of a Devil Fruit, a sour fruit tastes like a five-star cuisine. 

After finishing the fruits, we just sat in awkward silence. I honestly didn't know what to say in this situation. I tried my best to think of something to say.

"So… Elizabeth, why were you looking for Carmilla in the jungle?" I asked in an attempt to make a conversation. 

"That's where we live," was her quick reply.

Wow, she seriously doesn't see anything wrong with that? "And why are you living in the jungle?"

"Because Carmilla said people are scared of dragons," again, a quick reply.

My eyes widen at what she said. "Uhmm… Was Carmilla a dragon, by any chance?"

Elizabeth nodded without a care in the world, "uh-huh."

I felt something sink in my stomach after she said that. I might not remember the Canon, but my general knowledge let's me know that dragons suddenly vanished one day all at the same time. Finding Carmilla would be incredibly hard.

"Would that make you a Dragon Slayer?" I asked.

"Uh-huh," Elizabeth seemed excited about this particular subject. "I'm a Sound Dragon Slayer," huh, that explains why she said she couldn't 'hear' Carmilla anymore. Maybe she has enhanced hearing. and those sound waves now make more sense.

Was she one of the main cast? I don't know. But, I do know that ROB wanted me to find her. I don't really care why though. I'm actually glad she didn't end up on her own in this jungle.

"What about you, Ace?" She asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts. "What were you doing on your own?"

"Uhmm… I guess you can say I was lost. I just woke up without knowing how I got here in the first place," technically not a lie. I am in fact lost with only ROB's advice letting me know in which direction to go, and I have no idea how I got here.

Elizabeth nodded, accepting the answer. She looked at the fire and hogged her knees. "Ace… do you really think we'll find Carmilla?"

I was confused on why she asked that, but then I realised it was just fear. Elizabeth was a kid, even younger than my current state. It's natural for her to be scared and skeptical. 

I sighed before answering. "I… don't know. But, I do know that we'll definitely find her if we keep looking," I answer her truthfully. 

I was being honest. I might not know what happened to the dragons, but I know they're real. They're out there, we just have to keep looking. 

"You'll… You'll help me, right?" She asked.

"I'm helping you right now, aren't I?" That managed to get a small smile from her. "Don't worry, Elizabeth. I promise that I'll help you find Carmilla," I assured her.

She looked at me from the fire. "What about you?" She asked me while tilting her head. "What are you gonna do after we find Carmilla?"

Honestly, I didn't know how to answer that.

But… I have this… feeling deep inside to go out there and explore the world. Maybe it's Whitebeard's will, or maybe my own desire to see a world filled with fantasy, or maybe even both.

Smiling, I let out a laugh. "Gyarara. I'm gonna go out there and see the world," I replied, raising my first to the air.

Elizabeth chuckled for some reason. "You laugh funny," she said.

I blinked at her. "I do?"

"Uh-huh," Elizabeth nodded. "You laugh like this, 'gyarara', and it's really funny. Hehe," she finished with a chuckle.

Huh… guess the old man left more than his will. Meh, I always thought that laugh was cool.

(A/N: Well, that's the prologue. 

This is purely a story made for the fun of it. How people react to it will determine if it gets updated.)

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