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Rah / Chief
The leader of all the rabbits in a warren. He makes the decisions and regulate the entire warren.
The Rah is chosen based on birth-right, and is the son of the previous Rah.

Rani / Chieftess
The mate of the Rah. She gives advice to the Rah and is required to provide him with kits to keep the line going. The Rani can only be female.

Amir / Prince
The first born or strongest son of the Rah and Rani. They are next in line to become the Rah.

The Crest
The other kits of the Rah. They are only apart of The Crest until their father passes, and then become part of The Owsla or The Prola.

Aurist / Healer
The Aurist is known as the healer in the warren. They treat anything from minor wounds to sickness and infection, or broken bones. They also help kit-mothers have their kits.
The Aurist is allowed to have one young rabbit that trains to become the next Aurist after themselves.

The Owsla
A group of higher up rabbits in the warren. They tend to look down on lower members. The Owsla are the closest rabbits to the Rah, and they usually act as guards for the Rah. It is considered a great honor to be apart of the Owsla.

The Skua
The Skua are ranked just below the Owsla. They are the rabbits that dig burrows and scout the land. They are often fast runners and have lithe builds. The Skua gain respect from their peers.

The Prola
The Prola are known as the common folk of the warren. They are the lower ranked members and provide for the warren in any way that is seen fit.

The Marli
The Marli are known as the kit-mothers, the female rabbits that are expecting or currently have kits. Some female rabbits become permanent members of The Marli, and help raise the kits and help kit-mothers give birth. Kits stay by their mother's side until they are old enough to take care of themselves and join The Prola.

The Hilda
The Hilda are young kits that are too young to yet join The Prola. Kits learn everything from their mothers and stick close to them until they are nine moons old. After that, they promptly join The Prola.

The Starets
The Starets are known as the elders of the warren. They are treated with respect and are charged with being the storytellers of the warren, sharing their abundant knowledge with the warrens and teaching the kits about Frith.

The Rote
The Rote are rabbits that are not members of any warrens. They are outsiders, that either travel alone or in small groups of no more than four rabbits. Often times they happen to be littermates.

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